Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 256 Crisis

Chapter 256 Crisis
Thick and sticky golden mist shrouded the foot of the mountain.

And at the foot of the mountain, there is a two-foot-deep shallow pit, a thumb-deep pool of golden water that seems to have evolved into a phantom of a golden dragon.

This is who Jin Chi is, enough to make any strong man who converts real yuan go crazy.

Lu Feng approached Xiaojinchi, and carefully felt the power of the Dharma in it, only to feel the illusion of boiling blood all over his body.

"It is worthy of being the legacy left by those who transformed into a powerful person with the Seven Transformations of Zunwu."

Lu Feng's face showed joy, and under the influence of the power of the Dharma Aspect, there was a throbbing feeling in the Xuanfu in his body.

"This should be a small part of the dharma, which will be accumulated over time and transformed into a small golden pond."

Xiaohu opened his mouth and inhaled, a trickle of water was sucked into his body, revealing a happy expression.

It seems that Xiaojinchi is very appetizing to Xiaohu.

Lu Feng questioned: "Could it be that this place is left behind by a statue that was completely blown up?"

Xiaohu glanced at Lu Feng lazily, and said: "You are not stupid, that person is likely to be close to the transformation of Zunwu's Eight Changes, and the Dharma Body was broken into countless pieces and spread across this vast land. There are some dharmakaya fragments that have turned into small gold ponds."

The eighth transformation of Zunwu is only a few steps away from the saint.

They manipulate the rules, evolve celestial phenomena, and can interfere with a space.

For example, it can transform a place into a field of fire.

In short, this kind of power is almost omnipotent with a wave of hands.

Lu Feng clicked his tongue. This kind of powerhouse was very rare even in Tianxing, which was extremely prosperous back then.

A dharma body was violently beaten, and the person who killed this mighty man was probably a strong man in the law, heaven and earth.

But now, it has fallen in Cangzhou.

"Little Golden Pond is very precious, we need to seize the time to absorb it into the body as soon as possible."

Lu Feng's eyes were burning hot.

From the mouth of Liuqin, he learned that the little golden pool could not be taken out of this area, and could only be absorbed on the spot.

Looking at the small golden pool that could drive any strong man crazy, Lu Feng looked calm, and did not absorb it hastily, but moved his fingers, outlining silk lines of inscription patterns.

In the absence of companions to guard, if you don't take some precautions, you will die miserably.

Ten minutes later, the rich golden light in the sky was reduced by 10%, almost the same as in ordinary places.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Feng spent another half an hour setting the formation.

Afterwards, Lu Feng seized the time and sat in the small golden pool.


Lu Feng's body was immediately covered by a thick golden mist, and the black stone on his chest refined and absorbed the golden pond water, and then it turned into a trickle that was easily absorbed and entered Lu Feng's body.

The third chapter of Taixuan Nine Revolutions, the Chapter of the Supreme Xuanfu, guides the golden pond water into the Xuanfu over and over again in the body.

At this moment, the sixfold Xuanfu, which was surging with white light, was given a touch of golden light out of thin air, making it even more sacred and majestic.

As the power of the law left by the strong after the Seven Transformations of Zunwu, this power is extremely pure.

With the absorption, the golden light of this golden pond becomes more and more dazzling.

In just a short moment, Lu Feng only felt that Xuanfu was much more stable and stronger.

Xiaohu was digging the golden ore in the ground that was contaminated with the power of Dharma.

At the same time, three figures walked aimlessly.

"Damn it, it's just a few golden weeds."

Gritting his teeth, Liu Tian pulled up a few golden grasses and threw them down.

"This Lu Feng is so slippery, he actually runs so fast."

Situ Hai, who had a gloomy face, looked displeased at the moment.

A few hours ago, a group of them failed to catch up to a martial artist in the sixth level of Xuanfu, and even lost him, it was a great shame.

Seeing that they could not catch up with Lu Feng, they divided into small teams to search for Xiao Jinchi.

Xie Jin, Liu Tian, ​​and Situ Hai were assigned together.

"Hurry up and look for Xiaojinchi. As long as I find one, I can immediately break through to the true martial arts realm."

Thinking of this, Liu Tian showed excitement.

Theoretically speaking, as long as one reaches the ninth level of the Xuanfu Realm, one can reach the True Martial Realm.

And this kind of breakthrough is too dangerous, so some people would rather spend some time to slowly convert the true essence, and be safer.

Between the mountains, a figure closed its eyes tightly, and its body was surrounded by golden light patterns.

The sixth level of Xuanfu in the body has reached its peak, and it can attack the seventh level of Xuanfu at any time.

"There is still a mass of holy power in the dantian, plus these golden pools of water should be able to break through the seventh level of Xuanfu in a short time."

Lu Feng murmured.

He is a decisive person, and he immediately mobilized the profound energy in the world to attack the seventh level profound palace.

This kind of opportunity can be met but not sought after, if you miss it, you will waste more time breaking through to the seventh level of Xuanfu.

And shortly after the impact, three figures suddenly entered this place.

The scene in front of them immediately attracted the attention of the three of them.

"There is a small golden pool there!"

Xie Jin shouted.

Hearing this, Liu Tian and Situ Hai's eyes also turned away immediately, and they frowned and said, "However, it seems that they have been taken over by someone."

"No, that person looks familiar."

Xie Jin thought about it.

When the eyes gradually shifted to Lu Feng, the three of them trembled, and then showed great joy.

"It's that kid, I didn't expect to meet him here." Liu Tian's face was grim.

From Ziyang Peak on that day, Liu Tian wanted to kill this person.

"Then what are you waiting for, go and kill this son, and completely eliminate the hidden danger."

Xie Jin said impatiently.

However, at this moment Situ Haisen stared at Lu Feng with cold eyes, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, that kid is breaking through the seventh level of Xuanfu, we will do it at the most critical moment."

"Compared to Xiao Jinchi, I am more willing to kill this son."

Liu Tiansen said coldly.

In fact, they were afraid of Lu Feng's speed.

If this person wants to run, even they don't have the confidence to stop him.

As long as he waited until the most critical period, a sudden attack would be his end.

Afterwards, they hid quietly by the side of a big mountain and looked at Lu Feng indifferently.

"There are a few people watching you over there."

Xiaohu patted Lu Feng on the shoulder.

"I can feel it."

Lu Feng opened his eyes and his face sank.

The spiritual power of level 43 radiates out, how vast it is.

Even Liu Tian and the others didn't know that they had been discovered by Lu Feng long ago, but their mental strength could not detect them.

"However, it is a critical period for me to attack the seventh level of Xuanfu, so I can't be distracted."

Lu Feng nodded slightly.

This group of people has bad intentions, and I am afraid that they have the intention to kill.

Lu Feng wasn't afraid of them, but he didn't want to fail in his attack on the seventh level of Xuanfu because of these people.

But at this time, Lu Feng accelerated the impact speed, trying to impact the seventh layer of Xuanfu as soon as possible.

But even with the assistance of Holy Qi and Jin Chi, breaking through the seventh level is not something that can be achieved in a short while.

Closing his eyes slightly, Lu Feng ignored the three of them.

An hour later, the power on Lu Feng's body became more and more vast, and the white light almost covered the golden light.

"It's now, kill this son."

The three people who were hiding behind the mountain couldn't bear it anymore, and three violent figures rushed out in an instant.

"Haha, go to hell!"

Three violent attacks in the palms of the three rushed towards Lu Feng who broke through.

Their faces were already ferocious, and there seemed to be a scene of Lu Feng being blasted into pieces before their eyes.

 The second update today, and

(End of this chapter)

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