Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2589 Burial!

Chapter 2589 Burial!
Who could have imagined that this Dao Senhan brand actually issued a voice that really lingered in the ear, and it has gone through the vicissitudes of life through the ages.

And just a voice made Zhou Tao and Xie Yuan's legs tremble, let alone resist, even if the big black hand came to grab them, it would not Make even the slightest resistance.

Their hearts have been broken.

The power of this brand is so weird that even the rules of fate of all people are excluded, with a sense of burial.

"Hmph, you are a product outside the cage of fate, not among the heavens. You are indeed amazing, but if you want to bury me, it depends on whether you are qualified, eternal, and immortal!"

Facing the capture of the big black hand, Lu Feng's mind was calm. His eternal way of heaven is the most great way of heaven that can be equal to the rules of the fate of all lives. Suddenly, a big hand of radiant zhenqi fought back at the same time, and the two touched each other fiercely. bump.

Wei'an's power exploded, and two completely different mana fluctuations spread wildly, causing boundless fluctuations.

"I am buried, and I must bury everything!"

However, this is just the beginning, and the imprint is not so easy to let Lu Feng go.

The eerie power of the evil sect surged up into the sky, not the fluctuations of the Dao that the geniuses have. This imprint came in big strides, and with every step, phantoms of coffins buried in the sky appeared under their feet.

This space is gone, because wherever the branding goes, it will be buried in the coffin buried in the sky.

Even Lu Feng's Eternal True Qi collapsed when it encountered this force, as if the brand's power was irresistible.


Lu Feng silently activated the power of eternity. His mind was immovable like an eternal rock. He emitted crystal mist and turned it into an eternal substance. When he struck it with one hand, it was the eternal Taoism expounding.

He almost pushed to the limit, and finally managed to resist the brand's forward movement. A wall of light was formed between the two, and they began to saw.

"This is the real strength of Destiny's Child. Even if I dare not even move the terrifying existence in the buried coffin, he can resist!"

"We must kill this existence, otherwise we will all die!"

The hearts of the two fluctuated violently.

"This is a powerful force that can fight against fate. Let me kill you and fill it into my eternal heaven. Even if you are buried, you are not qualified to bury my eternity, because eternity is immortal." Yes, eternal existence is more terrifying than immortality and eternal life!"

Faced with this brand of burial that is enough to scare everyone, instead of being afraid, Lu Feng had a crazy idea. He wanted to do the opposite and devour burial.

The brand of burial seemed to understand Lu Feng's words, and his breath fluctuated slightly, and then a more evil and corrupt idea came out: "No ancient existence can get rid of burial. I have buried countless beings. Every time I bury one , my strength will be a little stronger, and the end of your journey is to enter the embrace of the funeral."


The stalemate was broken in an instant, the power of the burial brand was too strong, the ancient aura enveloped Lu Feng, and a feeling of eternal sinking and not turning over flooded into his heart.

And this kind of breath is like countless dusty ants attached to the body, devouring them bite by bite, the pain is abnormal, that is, Lu Feng's eternal matter is actually turning into light spots and gradually disappearing.

"Eternity and eternity, among the heavens, who is better than me!"

Lu Feng was fearless in the face of danger, he knew that the brand of burial represented some kind of ancient secret, and a larger aura was shocked out, which was the true manifestation of the eternal heaven, and immediately pushed away the aura of burial attached to his body.

And he also noticed that the breath of burial is the most negative force.

Not from the heavens!
"Destroy me!"

It seems that the protagonist of the creation has changed a brand-new world, Lu Feng slammed it away with his palm, and all the eternal martial arts he had comprehended suddenly turned into a circle of light, which was unusually bright and bright, and the void that was originally dark was shining brightly.

Although this burial brand was terrifying, it was obviously difficult to withstand Lu Feng's eternal power, and flames began to appear on his body, like a ghost being irradiated by the hottest sun.

But Lu Feng knew that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the brand of burial opened his eyes, and an ancient world evolved, as if he had evolved the process of burying countless existences.

The opened coffin of burying the sky turned into the source of his mana, tearing apart everything with both hands, let alone a master in the ancestral holy realm, even a half-step supreme power cannot be the opponent of the brand of burial.

Because this power has surpassed the pure way of heaven.

Some ways of heaven will collapse instantly when they encounter the brand of burial, unless they have withstood the bombardment of the long river of fate, they can be proud and immortal.

This is no longer an ordinary fight, but a pure fight against the power of the heavens.

"Bury it, bury it. It is your ultimate destiny to bury everything. The ultimate destiny on the road of cultivation is to be buried. No one can break this cycle of reincarnation, and no one can resist the power of burial."

The voice was as fierce as the wind, and anyone who heard it would collapse.

Immediately, he grasped the huge buried coffin in his hands, swung it forward as a weird weapon, and the diffused air condensed into an ancient burial character.

This burial character is the essence of the brand of burial!

"Eternal portal, heaven and earth are eternal, detached from the cage, other people are free!"

Lu Feng knew that he had reached the most critical moment in his battle with the Brand of Burial. The eternal Heavenly Dao attribute was not weaker than Burial, and a portal made of eternal crystals came from the sky to suppress it, penetrated a space, and evolved into a system. .

hum!On the gate of eternity, there is a rule that all life rules must retreat. In this eternity, almost nothing can be destroyed, making this world into the only eternity, an eternal kingdom for all living beings.

This burial brand is terrifying, but it is not the real body.

To be precise, this should be a secondary coffin that fell here.

But when you think about how powerful an auxiliary coffin is, it is easy to kill half-step Supreme, and if it is the real main coffin, how terrible it would be. I am afraid that even some real Supremes will not be opponents. he buried.

Of course, this was the opportunity Lu Feng found.

His power is indeed not as good as the real coffin buried in the sky, but his eternal way of heaven is stronger, and it is cast by the deity, one point of power can exert two points of power.

Immediately, it turned into an eternal portal that shocked the heavens, and in the lasing of some eternal textures, it ruthlessly killed the brand of the burial.

Although the mouth of the brand of burial uttered ancient voices again and again, it could not shake Lu Feng's mind at all. After waves of obliteration, a core word of burial finally disappeared.

The moment the breath dissipated, the brand of burial disappeared, and the huge buried coffin fell heavily again.

"Huh, I finally killed this brand of burial. It's such a terrifying and strange existence. If it wasn't for the breakthrough in my spiritual power, I really couldn't surrender. I could only run away after hearing the news, but this coffin buried in the sky is easy If it belongs to me, give it to me!"

The moment Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes became sharper, and he grabbed the open coffin with a big hand, aiming to shatter the long river of origin.

(End of this chapter)

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