Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 263 Horror [Part 5]

Chapter 263 Horror [Fifth Update]

As time passed, the area became more and more lively.

The golden hand bone radiates a golden light, which seems to contain a magic power, which makes many people's hearts turmoil.

Fiery gazes focused on the golden hand bones, and some people were almost unable to hold back.

Lu Feng looked calm and extremely patient.

The Venerable's hand bones have been kept here for countless years, and the ghost knows what will happen.

Even if such a strong man falls, he should not be underestimated.

The increasing number of people has already made some people feel uneasy. The golden hand bones look extremely extraordinary. If they are hesitant, they may be taken by others.

"It's done, wealth and wealth are in danger!"

Some figures struggled, then gritted their teeth violently, and rushed away suddenly.

A dozen or so figures were seen at extremely fast speeds, rushing forward with majestic profound energy, scattering the golden light.

And as the dozen or so people rushed out, some people's eyes shrank suddenly, wanting to rush out.

However, at this moment, the golden wind roared all over the sky, and countless golden wind blades swept away.

With that kind of momentum, even a true martial artist would be terrified.

These dozen or so people quickly circulated the profound liquid in their bodies to resist the wind blades, tearing apart the storm, and continued to rush forward.

The golden hand bones trembled slightly suddenly, and a mysterious will slowly dissipated.

Following the trembling of the golden hand bones, a more violent wind blade struck, sharply cutting into the body covered in profound liquid.

The continuous screams were heart-piercing, and some people's bodies were cut in half, and the remaining vitality was still struggling on the ground, spraying blood all over the sky.

"Go back!"

There are also some powerful ones who resisted the wind blade, looked at the horrifying scene in front of them with tears in their eyes, and retreated violently, wanting to escape from this death zone.


The golden hand bones were about to tremble, with a surge of anger, and suddenly an indescribable fluctuation emanated, making this space almost freeze.

A golden phantom diffused from the bones of the hand, it was a tall and straight figure.

He stretched out a big golden hand indifferently, and a golden palm print seemed to span the distance of space, directly pinching the remaining few people.

The few remaining people were terrified, their bodies fluctuated with force, but it was difficult to break free from the big golden hand.

For a moment, the pinched pupils stared fiercely like fish bubbles.

Then they could only watch helplessly as the golden wind blade cut them into pieces.

This tragic scene made everyone gasp, it was too terrifying.

Those who made the move, not to mention top-notch in strength, but each of them was the best disciple in the Xuanfu realm of the three sects, now they died there for no apparent reason.

The tragic death of these dozens of people is like a pot of cold water extinguishing the fire of greed in everyone's eyes.

"Fortunately, I didn't rush to make a move, otherwise I would be pinched to death by a terrifying phantom." Liuqin patted her plump breasts, and the trembling white light made people dazzled for a while.

Lu Feng's eyes flickered with thought, and he pondered; "That's the obsession left by the venerable, and it belongs to the soul attack."

The wind blade is not strong, and most of the top Xuanfu realm can resist it.

And the most terrifying thing is the unwilling obsession of the Venerable in the hand bone.

Even if he falls, the bones of the venerable will still contain immense coercion.

"Could it be that junior brother, you are going to fight for the hand bone?"

Seeing the evil smile on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth, Liu Qin's heart trembled.

"I took a fancy to that page of copper, and I didn't care about that hand bone."

Lu Feng took a deep breath, and the light flashed in his eyes.

Although a hand bone can be refined into a noble weapon, it is not necessary for Lu Feng, but the copper plate brought him an irresistible temptation.

"You are crazy!"

Liuqin's complexion changed instantly, and she looked Lu Feng up and down.

This handsome junior brother would have such a crazy idea, and the previous dozen or so people had died tragically in the fight.

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Even if I can't take it, I'm sure enough to leave."

While Lu Feng and Liu Qin were whispering, those strong men were unwilling to be lonely, and they all thought of ways to win the treasure.

Obviously, the biggest problem in front of him was not the wind blade, but the will contained in the hand bone.

Right now, everyone is still watching, expecting more people to test the strength of that hand bone.

Xiaohu raised his eyelids, looked at the eyes that were gradually becoming sharper, and the white light shining from his body, curled his lips.

This kid always has some crazy, elusive ideas.

Lu Feng stared at the copper sheet with deep eyes, and immediately, the figure moved and rushed up.

"Another person can't help it!"

"What, it's just a Xuanfu realm warrior, does he want to court death?"

Many exclamations resounded, they were not optimistic about Lu Feng, but the women headed by Liuqin looked worried.

"It's that stupid kid. I really hope he dies here, so we don't have to do anything."

And among the crowd, there were a few figures with sharp auras, the power exuding was impressively true martial arts, and they were all martial artists of the two sessions.

Xiaojinchi's chance also allowed the three of them to break through to the Real Martial Realm.

They looked at Lu Feng who rushed out, and sneered on their faces in unison.

call out!
And in the blink of an eye, Lu Feng had rushed into the wind blade, and the golden light surged like sea water, and the sharp wind blades in the rolling golden light violently attacked Lu Feng.


The white around the body swept out, and the huge force that burst out directly tore the wind blade open.

This scene made everyone extremely astonished, they were able to resist the attack of the golden light only by the sweeping profound energy.

But next, it was the golden figure contained in the hand bones.

The figure's face was blurred, and his lips seemed to be slightly parted.

A golden palm print came down with a burst of coercion from the Venerable to dominate the world.

"God Slashing Technique!"

Lu Feng raised his head, as expected.

A wave of surging souls filled the air, and within this wave of soul power was a small silver sword that was ten feet wide, exuding a monstrous force.

The palm print was transformed by the Venerable's obsession, and it was a soul attack.

In addition to countering with mental power, general physical attacks are difficult to achieve greater effects.

From a distance, those strong men were all terrified, but no one stopped them, they all wanted to see how he resisted the palm print.

dong dong!

The silver-white long sword cut into the palm print with a domineering attitude, tearing a crack.

The terrifying howl of the soul immediately resounded and diffused, causing some people to frown tightly.

The golden phantom was expressionless, and the palm prints were turned out again, and terrifying palm prints fell again.

As a mighty power above the Seven Transformations of Zunwu, there is also a supreme majesty behind his death.

Lu Feng let out a low cry, and used his mental strength to control the silver-white long sword, cutting off the obstructing palm prints.

After all, this respected martial artist has been lost for too long, and there is not much spiritual power remaining in the bones of his hand.

Faced with Lu Feng whose mental strength was as high as 43, he seemed very powerless.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that the coercion had decreased a lot.

Everyone stared blankly, only to see that figure was only a short distance away from the golden hand bone.

"Quickly grab the treasure!"

Finally, these people could bear it no longer.

How could this treasure be taken away by a Profound Palace Realm.

 The fifth update, although a bit late, was still completed.

  Shamao will try to break out again tomorrow, I hope everyone can subscribe and support.

(End of this chapter)

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