Chapter 2669
The celestial light is dazzling, and within this small soybean-sized seed, there is actually the origin of celestial magic, as if there is a miniature of a small long river in the middle.

"Immortal Seed, this is actually the seed of Immortal, the essence of Immortal Law, which can be cultivated into an Immortal Garden Divine Tree that contains the majestic origin!"

Seeing this fairy seed fly out, Yue Fuying was really shocked. You know, after the end of the fairy civilization and the countless years when the statue of the third ancestor of the fairy stood, two hands who could get a fairy seed They can all be counted.

The reason why she was able to become the Great Elder of Guanghan Palace is actually because she got a fairy seed, which has the possibility of breakthrough.

"Is this the fairy seed?"

Lu Feng opened his eyes, and looked at the fairy seed in his hand. It was covered with fairy textures. At a glance, there were so many that it was impossible to count.

With a thought in his mind, he suddenly flew into the eternal world, shattered into countless immortal essences in an instant, and merged with a ball of eternal light.

Originally, a Primordial Tree was planted in his Eternal Realm, supporting the entire huge world.

However, after his Martial Dao Patriarch, the Primordial Tree was shattered and turned into the current ball of eternal light, containing eternal seeds.

As long as he becomes supreme, the eternal seed will immediately become a towering tree, exuding eternal essence.

Feeling the power of the eternal seed carefully, Lu Feng secretly said: "After being integrated into the immortal seed, now my eternal dao has supernatural powers of immortal art, and the eternal seed can also mobilize the essence of immortality to make my The power is stronger, and the means are more varied.”

"Tianheng, I didn't expect you to have such an achievement in the way of immortality. If it weren't for you, you are already a child of destiny, a member of Yunxiao Shenting, I would immediately report to the Lord of Guanghan and ask her to send you to the immortal ancestors and immortal sects." .”

Yue Fuying was shocked by Lu Feng's talent. For the first time, she could get the approval of the ancestor of Yutian and get a fairy seed.

If this kind of talent is still there, even the ancestor of Yutian will be shocked, and it is not impossible to accept him as a disciple and cultivate him as the supreme.

"Great Elder, I have some insights into immortal techniques, why don't we communicate with them?" Lu Feng smiled slightly.

"Oh? You want to challenge me and experience my immortality." Yue Fuying said: "That's fine, if you can get the original immortal seed, it shows that the immortality has merits. I will seal my realm. Shot with a simple fairy technique."

"Flying Immortals in the Sky!"

In an instant, Yue Fuying was repaired as a seal. With one move, the fairy light flickered and turned into a flying fairy-like shadow. It was unrestrained and unrestrained in the time and space of the three realms. Smart and ethereal.

"Just in time!"

Lu Feng was excited and shouted: "Elder Elder, this is the gate of immortality summoned by my understanding of immortal arts!"

"What, the gate of immortality, the highest realm of immortality!"

Yue Fuying was taken aback, and saw Lu Feng raised his fist, and an ancient and heavy portal rose up, revealing the figures of countless immortals.

Countless fairy palaces, countless immortals, countless magnificence.

The artistic conception is lofty and out of the ordinary.

What is even more astonishing is that there is actually a long river surrounded by a bright floating light inside the gate of the immortal way.

In a breath, the gate of immortality summoned by Lu Feng suppressed the flying immortals from beyond the sky. A slight vibration of the ancient gate shattered Yue Fuying's immortal technique, showing the sublime true meaning of immortality.

"You actually summoned the gate of immortality. There are countless magical powers in one gate. In the era of immortal civilization, few people can do it. Moreover, there is a long river of origin of immortality. This time I am convinced."

Yue Fuying was not angry because she lost to Lu Feng, but a strange light bloomed in her eyes.

"Well, when the Gate of Immortal Dao and the Origin River of Immortal Dao are summoned, I seem to be able to feel the direction of the Heavenly Court of Immortals, but this induction is very weak, as if I have fallen into a mysterious and chaotic time and space."

Lu Feng recalled this feeling carefully, frowning continuously.

"The Heaven of Immortals contains countless magnificent treasures. Whoever gets them will immediately become the strongest master among the heavens." Yue Fuying sighed: "But you don't need to care too much, the Heaven of Immortals It is not yet the time for it to be born, this is what the Lord of Guanghan said."

"Yes, I understand this, the real turmoil has not yet come."

Lu Feng stood up, standing upright, and said indifferently: "Elder Elder, I have comprehended another supernatural power during this period, and I would like to ask Elder Elder to give some pointers."

"I can't ask for it." Yue Fuying was also looking forward to it.

"Please see."

While Lu Feng was speaking, the dark and negative power of hell suddenly swept over. The eerie light here was suppressed. In his hands, a dark light appeared, containing the will of hell.

"Door of hell!"

Lu Feng punched out a magic power of the gate of hell.

"You were able to summon the gate of hell. This is something that only the sons of hell can do. Could it be because you took the will of hell from the sons of hell that day?"

Yue Fuying said in shock.

"Yes, this is indeed the gate of hell, but unfortunately this group of will is too weak, but this is not the real supernatural power I want to show the Great Elder!" Lu Feng said proudly.

"Is there a supernatural power more powerful than the gate of hell?" Yue Fuying asked.

"Of course there is, the gate of ten thousand gates, the river of ten thousand rivers!"

In an instant, Lu Feng slapped the void several times in succession.

The highest gates appeared one after another, such as the gate of Taiyi, the gate of Shenwu, the gate of killing, the gate of thunder and lightning, etc., which he cultivated.

And there are miniatures of the long rivers of origin that are also flying and winding.

"This is the supreme and immeasurable supernatural power that brings together the portals of Taoism and the origin of Taoism between heaven and earth. What are you going to do, Tianheng? Don't you want to be the king of destiny and ride on its head?" Yet?"

Yue Fuying's head was going blank, even though she was a strong person on the supreme candidate list, she couldn't think about this scene.

"That's right, the King of Destiny is just a puppet of the fate of all people. What I want to do is to control fate!"

Lu Feng was full of confidence, he deliberately showed this supernatural power in front of Yue Fuying.

Now on the battlefield of Shenting's suppressing and prisoning army, there is a supremely strong man who really appears, and his eternal supernatural power will naturally not be used, so he needs to use other martial arts.

The Gate of Ten Thousand Gates and the River of Ten Thousand Rivers are the strongest supernatural powers except for the power of eternity. Although they are also terrifying and supreme, but under the guise of his identity as the Son of Destiny, no one will doubt it.

After all, the power of fate is omnipotent and omnipresent.

To reveal to Yue Fuying, one is to let her know his potential, and the other is to gradually show his own strength.

"What a powerful and domineering supernatural power, the king of destiny can't reach the strongest overlord, stepping out of the cage, Tianheng, your heart has surpassed the king of destiny, and you have infinite possibilities!"

When Yue Fuying sighed, his face suddenly changed slightly, and a dull horn sounded, with a dignified expression: "Tianheng, hell has already sounded the horn of war, and has begun to attack."

(End of this chapter)

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