Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2671 Strengthening my morale

Chapter 2671 Strengthening my morale
The army of hell attacked, aggressive and murderous, and densely packed black spots attacked the defense line of the prison city.

At a glance, the battle line stretched for several light years, and the countless armies let alone resist, even at a glance, they would be desperate, and the continuous army of hell was still rushing out.

This war of reincarnation is different from the past. Although the army of hell used to attack the defense line from time to time, they were not eager to enter the heavens. They were all small-scale operations, more to sharpen the soldiers and horses of both sides, and the significance of the test was even greater.

But in this reincarnation, many hell kings have decided that no matter how much they pay, they must pull out the nail that is nailed to the heart of the prison city.

The heavens will be the center of this troubled world, and countless legendary existences will appear one after another, and they must enter.

Now, although hell's attack is particularly fierce, even if a half-step supreme figure rises, it will be bombarded into powder in an instant, but the majestic gate of the town of prison has stood tall for many reincarnations, and it has been prepared for a long time. Mang shot out.

These fine light beams are particularly fierce, each covering thousands of miles, and once swept, they can turn the entire army of hell into fly ash and clear a large area.

With a movement of Lu Feng's eyes, he found that the Tianmai of the entire prison city was activated, and countless Tianmai were transformed into energy shocks at every moment. Among them, a large number of holy Tianmai were burning and consuming regardless of the cost.

You come and go, the war immediately stalemate.

However, the faces of the leaders of the prison city did not relax at all, but became more dignified. Although they saw the beam of light killing a large number of hell troops, they were actually cannon fodder, and their essence power was not affected at all. loss.

In hell, there is no shortage of cannon fodder.

"Haha, people of the heavens, do you just hide in this tortoise shell and be a shrinking tortoise? Don't you dare to fight with the warriors in hell? It turns out that you are all a group of cowards, a group of people who have no courage. coward!"

The sound of wild laughter came from the depths of the hell army.

Lu Feng swept his gaze, and saw a mighty tall man wearing black ferocious armor, with many black thorns growing all over his body, his face was as ferocious as a ghost, with countless armor plates, and a body like a centipede on his lower limbs.

Wherever he stood, a ferocious mood radiated out, just like a ferocious big ghost king.

"This is actually a half-step supreme life pole, and it is not an ordinary life pole."

Lu Feng stood firmly on the city wall, his eyes radiated to the entire battlefield, and he was secretly shocked to see such a war.

"That's right, this is the hell lord from the sixth level of hell, the black thorn lord, whose strength and status are equivalent to our great commander. In the hell war three years ago, he slaughtered countless gods and prisons, and even one of them Great pole is half a step above."

Facing the provocation of Lord Blackthorn, Yue Fuying stood still, ignored him, and followed his call.

"Hmph, this black thorn lord is cruel and ferocious. He was the one who challenged me last time to kill all the creatures in the heavens. The Supreme Commander ordered that whoever can kill him will be rewarded with a god of the heavens. I hate this black thorn lord. The strength is too strong, so far let him go at ease."

At the moment, some commanders who have experienced the great war three years ago are very unhappy.

On my own territory, being pointed at the nose by the black thorn lord and called me a turtle, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

However, with Lord Blackthorn's strength, it is almost impossible to kill him, and this hell creature is extremely slippery, if something goes wrong, he will immediately flee back to the depths of the army.

"Is this the so-called strength of the Shenting Prison Army? Didn't you claim that as long as there is this Xiongguan Fortress, we can prevent our hell warriors from advancing. It seems that it is not too much. Let me remember, the woman who was captured last time the taste of it."

Lord Blackthorn continued to call out provocations, his centipede-like body kept wandering, and his arrogant words made many people itch with hatred.

But many people know that he did it on purpose, in order to let the army of gods and prisons give up their advantages and come to the void to fight with the army of hell.

"Whoever can kill the black thorn lord, I will give you the qualification to enter the original place once, and a reward from the gods of the heavens."

A voice of iron and blood domineering, billowing thunder, came from the dark. It sounded like the voice of the iron and blood lord. Obviously, the arrogance of the black thorn lord also made the supreme beings angry.

"I'll kill him!"

All of a sudden, a sky-reaching sword intent rushed out of the prison city, and countless white sword lights appeared in the void. The person who came was a man in white, holding a bright long sword. .

"Jian Tongtian, that's fine, let me, Black Thorn, come and teach you your sword skills!"

Lord Black Thorn squinted his eyes slightly, knowing that Jian Tongtian was powerful, but he was also a powerful Lord in Hell, and he was also famous in Hell. After countless bloody battles, he was still alive and well.

"The hideous hand!"

Immediately, the black thorn lord took the lead.

When the two fought, both the gods and the prison army and the hell army stopped tacitly, leaving a huge open area for the two to fight king against king.

A ferocious pitch-black giant hand stretched out, causing people to feel a sense of fear at a glance.

"One sword breaks the Tianhe."

"Two swords cut the common people."

"Three swords cover the sky."

"Four swords can't be destroyed!"

Jian Tongtian had no expression on his face, and cut four swords in succession. Each sword explained the true meaning of the way of the sword. Opening the door of the way of the sword, the bright sword light shrouded it, extremely fierce, and the flat sword lights seemed to have the power to cut through chaos.

The terrifying power of these four swords came together, causing Lord Blackthorn's face to change drastically: "No, the strength of this sword is so much stronger than it was three years ago. I am not his opponent. For the time being, retreat to the army of hell deep!"

Although he shouted arrogantly, Jian Tongtian's terrifying sword intent made him feel the threat of his life, and in hell, face is worthless, and life is the most important thing.

But the moment he wanted to flash back to the army of hell, Jian Tongtian's sword light swept down, outlining a world of swords.

Suddenly, Lord Blackthorn felt his body lighten, and a head flew out.

"help me!"

Lord Blackthorn was terrified.

Suddenly, although there was supreme mana surging in the depths of the hell army, it fell silent after only a moment.

At this moment, Jian Tongtian stepped forward indifferently, killing the holy soul of Lord Black Thorn with one sword, grabbed his head, and looked around: "The Lord Black Thorn has been executed, and his head is in my hands!"

"What a powerful Jian Tongtian, I didn't expect him to be so strong without showing his mountains and dews. If I hadn't watched the miniature of the river of fate and realized a great supernatural power, even I would not be his supernatural power. This black thorn lord It’s like sending it up for Jian Tongtian to practice his sword.”

Yue Fuying was secretly startled, their attacks were the fiercest among the sword masters, especially the sword that reaches the sky.

"Boost my morale!"

And following the execution of the black thorn lord, bursts of cheers erupted from the army of the Shenting prison.

All of them vented their grievances, and under the blowing of the war horn, they burst out with boiling fighting intent, wishing that they could all go out like swords reaching the sky, and establish great military exploits in the supreme observation.

"Pass my order, the army of Shenting suppressing prisons will attack and suppress hell!"

A supreme voice came and resounded throughout the entire battlefield. They finally opened the restriction of the town prison city and began to take the initiative to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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