Chapter 271

Kukaiyin rippling majestic profound power completely defeated the Blood God Lotus in the roar.

No matter how frantically Xie Pu injected his profound energy, he still couldn't recover from the defeat.

Blood was pouring down his body like rain, and the side effects of the Blood God Pill had already begun.

Kong Haiyin suddenly came to Xie Pu.

Looking at the Kukai seal that was about to fall, Xie Pu let out a desperate roar.


Xie Pu was seriously injured, his chest was constricted, his flesh was bloody, and there was only a faint breath between his nose and breath.

If it weren't for Lu Feng's subordinates showing some mercy, the current Xie Pu would have been a dead body long ago.

Seeing that Xie Pu was defeated, Xie Yan's fingers hooked into sharp claws, his expression was ferocious.

Still defeated, it will be difficult for the iron cavalry to raise its head today.

"It seems that you have lost."

Yan Feixuan's hungering heart finally fell, and she taunted Xie Yan.

Xie Yan remained silent.

On the mountain in the distance, Li Qianlong nodded solemnly: "The strength is very good. This time the iron cavalry will lose all face. Unfortunately, I am too young. I am afraid it will be difficult to participate in this grand meeting."

After the words fell, it turned into a ray of light and left here.

"Clean up, I'll take over the towering peak in ten days."

Lu Feng said calmly, but there was an irrefutable domineering will in that calm words.

"You..." Xie Yan's face flushed red, he was very angry.

"If this kind of thing happens again in the future, it will not only be as simple as visiting the door."

Lu Feng glanced at Xie Yan indifferently: "If you still want to play any tricks, I, Lu Feng, will accompany you to the end."

After the domineering voice fell, Lu Feng looked at Yan Feixuan and the others, turned around and left.

Under the towering peak, only a group of disciples who were shocked and unable to calm down were left behind.

This Lu Feng is too domineering, and this Shentianfeng will take it if he says it.

It can be predicted that as long as Lu Feng does not become the core for a day, the cavalry will not be able to take back the Towering Peak for a day.

Today can be said to have slapped the cavalry club hard, and it was extremely loud.

For a moment, everyone looked at the Cavalry Club with sympathetic eyes. This time they feared that they had stumbled.

Lu Feng, who returned to Ziyang Peak, told the disciples about the situation of the battle, which immediately caused a burst of excitement.

Amidst the excitement of these disciples, a banquet was held in the entire Ziyang Peak.

And Lu Feng also accompanied these disciples to drink.

At this time, he suddenly thought of Mo Ling who went out to practice with Elder Zitong.

This girl's physique still worries him.

But with Elder Zitong around, it shouldn't be a big problem.

After the banquet, Lu Feng's life returned to peace.

Those Iron Cavalry Club disciples quickly evacuated from Cantian Peak, while Lu Feng transferred the position of Peak Master to the group of women in Lingyan Pavilion.

And the entire inner sect has regarded Lu Feng as the No. 1 inner sect.

half a month later.

Several figures descended on Ziyang Peak, breaking Lu Feng's retreat.

"Senior Sister Yan."

Lu Feng was quite surprised, what is the purpose of Yan Feixuan bringing a few core disciples to Ziyang Peak.

"It's a good thing for you to come to Ziyang Peak this time."

Yan Feixuan stroked her hair between her ears and temples, and said with a smile.

"What good thing?" Lu Feng asked suspiciously.

Yan Feixuan said solemnly: "About the mission of the evil gods."

"The evil gods."

Lu Feng's expression froze, he had a deep understanding of the horror brought by the evil gods.

An evil god whose strength has recovered to the Profound Mansion Realm can cause a terrifying massacre in Huangyun Town. If a real evil god descends, then the Eastern Profound Realm will be bloody.

"Yes, you should know that you have completed the mission of Huangyun Town." Yan Feixuan glanced at Lu Feng, and said: "Recently, there have been more than ten traces of evil gods in the Chaos Land, and we are going to the Chaos Land. Complete a mission."

"In a place of chaos?" Lu Feng asked.

"It's very possible, as long as they can destroy the evil god's relic, everyone can get 200 million ultimate points."

Yan Feixuan smiled coquettishly.

So many celestial points are also a huge fortune for her.

Hearing this, Lu Feng was also moved.

His solstice points have long been left with only a few thousand points, and he is worried that he cannot obtain a large amount.

You must know that the zenith point can be exchanged for many precious cultivation treasures within the sect.

"Feixuan, is this the helper you are looking for?"

Suddenly a voice sounded, and a man in blue with a cold face stared at Lu Feng with unkind eyes.

"Are you questioning my vision?"

Yan Feixuan said in disgust.

"That's not true, it's just that the mission of the evil god is too dangerous, we don't need a burden."

The man in blue showed displeasure.

"Lan Tong, don't underestimate him, this brother's strength cannot be measured by realm."

Beside Lan Tong, there was a tall man with lush hair, like an orangutan.

"It's amazing, but it's just an inner disciple."

Lan Tong sneered.

Lu Feng frowned, he found that Lan Tong was full of hostility towards him.

When he saw Lan Tong looking at Yan Feixuan with a strange look, he instantly understood.

It seems that Lan Tong also likes Yan Feixuan.

It's just that Yan Feixuan is not interested in him.

"Then why don't you try my strength." Lu Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Then I'll try to see how many catties you have."

Lan Tong snorted coldly and wanted to wave his hands to test.

"Don't mess around, Lu Feng was the first person to discover the evil god, and he also beheaded the evil god, so he has the right to go with us."

Yan Feixuan scolded.

Hearing this, Lan Tong closed his mouth, but there was still a coldness in that brow.

Lu Feng was too lazy to look at the Lantong, and turned his gaze to other people

Beside the tall man was a woman with a good figure, with a cold look on her pretty face, and long black hair that reached her shoulders.

"This is my companion for this trip, Xiao Long and Senior Sister Su Li."

At this time, Yan Feixuan introduced to Lu Feng with a smile.

But there was no introduction to Lan Tong, which made the other party full of anger.

"Haha, you are Lu Feng's junior brother. It was really domineering to let those smashed and deflated beings of the iron cavalry meet."

Xiao Long roared loudly and slapped Lu Feng on the shoulder hard.

Even with Lu Feng's physique, that force felt a little painful.

"Hehe, I met Senior Brother Xiao Long."

This hearty Xiao Long immediately gave Lu Feng a lot of goodwill.

And that Su Li just smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his cold palm, and shook lightly with Lu Feng.

It was so cold, Su Li's palm didn't seem to have any warmth, it was as cold as an iceberg.

"Senior Sister Su Li is like this, don't worry about it."

Xiao Long leaned closer to Lu Feng and said with a smile.

Lu Feng didn't care too much, compared to the gloomy Lan Tong, this Su Li was just by nature.

"Junior Brother Lu, since you have killed the evil god, what are the characteristics of the evil god?"

At this moment, Su Li asked.

Lu Feng pondered slightly, and said: "The evil gods are extremely strange, the most powerful is evil energy, which can corrode the profound energy of warriors, and their spiritual power is extremely powerful, and the weakest ones are above forty levels."

"Senior brother Wang Zheng killed the evil god a few months ago, so it's almost the same as what the younger brother said."

Su Li nodded slightly.

This Senior Brother Wang Zheng is the core No. 1, and his strength is unfathomable.

"Everyone, it's best to prepare some soul treasures, in case of accidents, and bring more protective objects."

Lu Feng reminded.

"Thank you for reminding me, brother."

Su Litan opened his mouth slightly.

They still don't know much about evil gods, so they don't have much preparation for this soul treasure.

"In this case, set off for the land of chaos in three days."

Yan Feixuan said.

As for the evil gods, Lu Feng didn't dare to be careless, so he had to take advantage of these three days to make some preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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