Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2789 Investing

Chapter 2789 Investing
Unexpectedly, when the King of Thunder and Lightning was in control of the audience and was about to seize the source of lightning, another voice came out.

There was an obvious sense of targeting in this voice, obviously he didn't want the King of Thunder and Lightning to get the source of thunder.

The King of Thunder and Lightning's eyes turned cold, piercing the infinite void, staring at an ethereal figure, and said coldly: "Lord of the sky, this king has never had any contact with you, let alone enmity, do you want to intervene today? Prevent me from getting the source of thunder?"

"The Lord of the Clouds is here!" Lu Feng was also taken aback.

The Lord of the Clouds has always been indifferent and ethereal, like a high-ranking banished fairy, and rarely participates in battles, but today he will intervene in the supreme affairs, which makes people have to speculate.

"King of Thunder and Lightning, I am not trying to prevent you from obtaining the source of Thunder and Lightning, but there is one thing you have forgotten? This place is still within the scope of the Haogu God Court, and the Majesty's majesty radiates to the heavens. Some battles above and below, you have to fight with no one Don't you think it's a little bit out of bounds to intervene with the identity of the superior?"

Sure enough, the Lord of Cloud Firmament came, his mana was a level higher than that of the Thunder King, and his spiritual thoughts immediately suppressed the Thunder King.

The King of Thunder and Lightning's face is very ugly: "You, Yunxiao, also know the effect of the source of thunder and the long river on this king. If you intervene, you will be my enemy. The things here have nothing to do with you, and even the people from Haogu Shenting did not show up. , what reason do you have to intervene!"

He knew that the Lord of Cloud Firmament already had the strength of Gu Tianzun many reincarnations before, and he had not entered this realm yet.

If we really want to fight, he can't be the opponent.

"Who said it has nothing to do with me?" The Lord of Yunxiao smiled: "Tianheng is the son of destiny of my Yunxiao Temple, and he has won honor for my Yunxiao Temple, and Xiao Li, who is also practicing in my Yunxiao Temple, is also my seat. disciple."

"Hmph, Lord of the Clouds, are you determined to be right with me?"

When the King of Thunder and Lightning heard these words, he knew the will of the Lord of Cloud Firmament, and insisted on preventing him from capturing the source of thunder.

"That's right, if it's a battle between the supreme and the inferior, I won't take action, and I won't take care of it. You can fight and calculate, but if the supreme takes action, you have already broken the rules. If everyone is like you, then There are still rules in Haogu Divine Court? Is there still prestige?"

Although the Lord of Cloud Firmament has said so much, there is only one meaning in it, that is, he is in charge of today's affairs.


The King of Thunder and Lightning clenched his hands, gritted his teeth, his face showed anger, and his thunder and lightning hair danced wildly.

"Go back, today I am here, you still can't do anything." The Lord of the Clouds said lightly.

"Hmph, Lord of the Clouds, you have already reached the realm of creating creatures, but I am not far away from this realm, and Suwen has not shot you for many reincarnations. Today I will try your magic power and see if there is any effect." No one can stop me!"

Although the Lord of Cloud Firmament is powerful, the source of thunder is related to the strength of the King of Thunder and Lightning to create creatures and the level of ancient Tianzun.

This crucial step, he must not retreat.

The thunder and lightning king was filled with electric fluctuations that spread for countless light years. He knew that the Lord of the Clouds was very strong, so his first move was the strongest move. The moment the source of electricity appeared, a portal of electricity also appeared in the sky.

His aura dominates the heavens, he is the ancestor of electricity, and he immediately bombarded the Lord of the Clouds with one move.

The Lord of the Cloud Firmament saw the King of Thunder and Lightning strike, his expression remained calm, one hand blocked the aftermath of the shock, while the other hand filled countless clouds, turning them into nine heavens and earth, and immediately fought against the King of Thunder and Lightning.

The two supreme magical powers were shocking, but under the exquisite control of the Lord of the Clouds, there was no trace of aftermath leaking out.

During the confrontation, the King of Thunder and Lightning's face became more and more ugly, and finally with a bang, his figure retreated fiercely, the source of electricity and the portal of electricity both shattered, and his two palms covered with lightning trembled .

A few drops of blood dripped from his fingers, and he fell into an absolute disadvantage.

"Yun Xiao, you have already crossed the realm of creating creatures and stepped into another realm!"

The King of Thunder and Lightning shouted sharply, very surprised that the Lord of Cloud Firmament had stepped into that realm.

"That's right, I've entered that state in the last reincarnation."

With a wave of the sleeve of the Lord of the Clouds, there is a real space in the Nine Heavens and Nine Heavens, where countless creatures are disillusioned, countless epic-like historical ups and downs, and the means to achieve the creator.

"Good good!"

The King of Thunder and Lightning uttered three good words in a row: "Lord of the sky, you are hiding deep enough. I am afraid that everyone will think that you have not taken this step. You are being cruel today, but remember, don't let me catch you!" Opportunity, otherwise I will still make a move!"

"Father, did you just give up like this?" Lei Shengtian said unwillingly.

"Hmph, the Lord of the Clouds is guarding them today, so I can't help it."

After King Thunder and Lightning finished speaking, he was immediately surrounded by lightning and left the place quickly.

If the Lord of Cloud Firmament hadn't reached this level, he would still have fought, but this step made him completely lose confidence.

"There is no way to keep a low profile in this reincarnation, but there is no need to keep a low profile, there is no need."

The Lord of Cloud Firmament said lightly: "I also have to be prepared. This change in reincarnation will be the biggest and most thorough among the countless cosmic reincarnations in the heavens."

"Thank you, Senior Yunxiao, for your action!"

At this time Xiao Shen hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully.

This Lord of the Clouds is a strong man of the same era as the Lord of Thunder and Punishment.

"Today I'm not going to help you, but Tianheng."

The Lord of the Clouds said: "Tian Heng, I am shocked by your growth. When you returned to Shenting to suppress the prison army, your strength was not so tyrannical. When I saw you today, even I didn't know what words to use to praise you."

"Thank you, Lord of the Clouds, for your praise. As the child of destiny, I have had some adventures. Otherwise, how would I fight for hegemony in the heavens?"

Lu Feng said without arrogance or rashness.

"Is it really that simple?"

The Lord of Cloud Firmament looked at Lu Feng with a smile, but his eyes were thought-provoking.

Lu Feng doesn't care anymore, now that he has broken through to the third heaven of the ancestral saints, the next step is to become supreme, even if his identity is exposed, it doesn't matter, anyway, it is very difficult for Haogu Shenting to help him now.

Of course, he knew the Lord of the Clouds better, and he didn't care too much whether he was Lu Feng or the Child of Destiny, which seemed a little tacit.

The Lord of Cloud Firmament values ​​his own future.

"If the Lord of Cloud Firmament really wants to find out all the secrets of this junior, then I can only speak out." Lu Feng decided to retreat.

"You are very smart, I will not probe your secrets, it is meaningless to me, I help you today, it is a kind of investment, the future world will change a lot, no one can control it, maybe you can."

The Lord of the Clouds said: "Perhaps my insignificant move today, changing the changes in history, will bring me unimaginable benefits in the future."

"I will not disappoint the Lord of the Clouds, your investment will be very useful." Lu Feng said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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