Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 279 The Earth Fire Sect's Trick

Chapter 279 The Earth Fire Sect's Trick
Countless fire and thunder rose from under their feet, turning into meteors all over the sky and bombarding the three of Senior Sister Su Li and the others.

In front of them, there is a crumbling golden mask.

It's just that they didn't notice that strands of imperceptible gray-black air flowed silently into the light shield, and then were absorbed into the body by the three of them.

These three people were Senior Sister Su Li and others who had been missing for a few days, and their current condition was not very good, and it was difficult to escape when they were trapped in a large formation.

"Senior Sister Su Li."

Seeing the three familiar figures, Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Feixuan next to her impatiently wanted to rush over, but was held back by Lu Feng and shook her head.

"Don't go there, that big formation is enough to trap martial artists of the sixth level of true martial arts."

"Junior brother is right, you two don't come here." Su Li said with a pale face.

Xiao Long also shook his head with a wry smile on his face. This big formation is terrifying, and they cannot be completely destroyed with their current strength.

But once they cannot be completely destroyed, they cannot escape from the formation.

Helpless, they can only switch from offense to defense.

"Haha, some of you will die."

Somewhere, several wild laughter resounded.


In just an instant, the wave formation sounded, and hundreds of flame arms quickly pierced through.


Su Li gave a loud shout.

They underestimated the flame arm that day, and finally fell into the big formation.

"Play array with me?"

Lu Feng sneered, and when the formation was formed, dozens of light spots radiated from Lu Feng's fingers and sank into the clouds.

In an instant, those flame arms dissipated at an extremely fast speed.

"Are you able to see through the array?"

The voices said in amazement.

At this moment, the clouds and mist became denser, and streaks of black air gradually rose from under their feet, and those people obviously had no plans to come out.

"What kind of skill is it to hide your head and show your tail?"

Lu Feng took out the Sunset Bow, roared away with one arrow, and shot toward one side.

"Good boy, you can actually see through our whereabouts."

Among the clouds and mist, more than a dozen figures rushed out and slowly appeared in Lu Feng's sight.

The three figures in front exuded powerful real martial arts fluctuations, one of them reached the fifth level of real martial arts, while the other two were also at the first and third level of real martial arts.

This group of people stared at Lu Feng and Yan Feixuan with playful eyes.

"There are only two people who dare to come here to be presumptuous." The leader, a thin man, sneered.

"Who are you? Didn't you evacuate here because of the evil god?"

Lu Feng's expression turned serious.

"Haha, aren't we the members of the Earth Fire Sect?"

This group of people laughed loudly.

Surrounded by the formation, Su Li and the others also changed their expressions drastically, and clenched their fists tightly. Could it be that the Relic of the Evil God is just a plot by the Evil God this time?

"Is this a conspiracy you set up?"

The solemnity between Lu Feng's eyebrows became more and more intense.

"You're not stupid, but I can't tell you more about it."

The thin man waved his hand, the light in his eyes had already regarded Lu Feng as a dead person.

"If the suzerain hadn't said that he would try to capture the masters alive, otherwise he would have killed you long ago, so why stay until now."

The lean man said again.

Hearing this, Lu Feng frowned tightly.

"No, although the cover here is very good, I still smell a bit of that disgusting breath."

Xiaohu appeared from the array with a disgusted expression.

"Perhaps the Earth Fire Sect Master was bewitched by the evil god long ago, and arrested masters to restore his strength."

Lu Feng secretly transmitted the sound.

Of course, it is also possible that it was a scam designed by the Earth Fire Sect Master.

However, Lu Feng was more inclined to be bewitched by the evil god, after all, Xiaohu smelled the breath of the evil god.

But now, the most important thing is obviously to rescue all the senior sisters Su Li, and then to investigate the secrets of the Earth Fire Sect.

"I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, I will arrest these two and send them to the suzerain."

The thin man's figure suddenly flitted out, a spear flashed from his sleeve, and then a huge spear about one foot long slashed towards Lu Feng and Yan Feixuan.

A long sword suddenly blocked the spear, the sparks that blew out blindingly, and the sputtered true essence exploded in this area.

"What a hot girl, but she is quite powerful."

The lean man looked at Yan Feixuan enthusiastically.

"Leave this to me to deal with."

Yan Feixuan looked slightly sideways.

"Then I'll go rescue Senior Sister Su Li." Lu Feng nodded lightly, knowing that with Yan Feixuan's strength, she was capable of stopping the thin man.

"Do it, grab them!"

The thin man rushed away with a spear in his hand. With each swing of the spear, shadows of spears were gathered, tearing apart the sky.

As the sect's arrogance, Yan Feixuan also has the strength to leapfrog the ranks.

The sword light that flew out was extremely fierce, piercing through the shadows of spears and shooting away.

"There is also a kid in the Profound Mansion Realm here, haha."

The remaining two true martial arts realms had disdainful smiles on their lips, and they didn't even have the slightest desire to do anything.

"Leave it to me."

A short and thin man from the ninth level of Xuanfu sneered.

Immediately, he rushed towards Lu Feng violently, and a red light swept across.


Lu Feng's eyes were cold and white light overflowed, and he saw that the short and thin man was killed with a punch, and flew away like a dead dog.


The faces of these two Zhenwus changed dramatically. This seemingly peaceful boy actually possessed such terrifying strength.

"A Profound Mansion Realm dares to jump in front of me, he doesn't know how to live or die."

The murderous intent floated on Lu Feng's face.

"court death!"

Those two true martial arts, one in front and one behind, flanked Lu Feng.

The scorching wind of fists passed by Lu Feng's ears, and every fist that the man of the first level of true martial arts threw was a majestic wave of fire.

Fiery white light rose up, extinguished the fire wave, and collided fiercely with the man.

With one punch to another, the man's figure suddenly retreated, his fist was bloody and bloody.

"It's a little tricky."

The person of the third rank of Zhenwu is extremely tall, as strong as a black bear.

The earth was rolling, and the earthy yellow light group carried gravity, tearing Lu Feng.

The two collided with each other and punched each other, and they all retreated a hundred steps.

"How could he have such a terrifying power."

The tall man looked shocked.

He was born with supernatural power, and when his strength was at the third level of Zhenwu, he had the power of a heavenly dragon.

It was really hard to imagine such a terrifying power contained in that not strong body.

"Be sure to catch him! Ask the source of this power."

The tall man suspected that Lu Feng possessed some kind of body training magic, or contained some kind of terrible blood.

Hearing this, the dozen or so people rushed towards Lu Feng fiercely.

As for Su Li and Xiao Long who were trapped by the formation, their faces were worried. Their juniors were only in Xuanfu Realm, and they were in danger of being besieged by two great martial arts.

Only Lan Tong roared in his heart, hoping that Lu Feng would be beheaded by the two of them.

"Let the tiger deal with those miscellaneous fish, and you come to these two true martial arts."

The little tiger's cloud was light and the wind was light, the tiger's claws were torn away, and the throat of a profound palace was cut in an instant.

Lu Feng gave Xiaohu a white look, then swept away his figure, and blasted the man with the first-level true martial arts while gushing profound energy from both palms.

The tall man waved his true energy to create an earthen wall, using it to surround Lu Feng.

However, Lu Feng didn't tangle with him at all, Feng Lei flapped his wings, and directly aimed at the man of the first level of true martial arts.

The most important thing is that although the tall man's strength is terrifying, his speed is far behind, and it is difficult to catch up with Lu Feng's escape speed.


The tall man roared again and again, looking helplessly at Lu Feng who was moving like an afterimage.

Now, he can only expect another person to trap him and wait for him to solve it.

"Red Flame Iron Fist!"

The other person blasted out an iron fist, with a wave of scorching air.

The confrontation between the two was simple and violent, and what made this person aggrieved was that the strength of this martial artist who was only in the Xuanfu realm was so terrifying, and he was under tremendous pressure every time he fought.

Now, he is losing streak.

"call out!"

With a twist of Lu Feng's palm, Kukai turned into a beam of light and approached the person.


The man was shocked in his heart, and quickly resisted this beam of light.

The beam of light was so terrifying that it knocked the person flying in an instant.

"Now, it's time to deal with you."

A figure appeared behind the man like a ghost, and a black sword suddenly appeared amidst his horrified expression.

Accompanied by an extremely fierce sword light, a line of blood surged out.

The man at the first level of true martial arts trembled, clutched his throat tightly, and finally fell to the ground unwillingly.

With Lu Feng's current strength, the first level of Zhenwu is not his opponent at all.

Both in terms of strength and perception, they are far beyond them.

"Damn it, I'm going to swallow you alive!"

The tall man was slightly taken aback, and then a huge roar broke out.

His tall body rushed forward, and his true energy flew away one after another.

However, Lu Feng didn't bother with him at all, relying on his own body speed, he went around in circles like teasing a mouse.

He knows that it is not so easy to solve the third level of Zhenwu, and it will take a lot of precious cards.

He looked at Yan Feixuan, the thin man's strength was indeed terrifying, Yan Feixuan could hardly breathe under the pressure.

"It seems that it should be faster."

Lu Feng secretly said.

The chase lasted for half an hour.

Lu Feng stopped suddenly, and looked at the tall man in front of him with a smile.

"Why don't you run away?"

The tall man gasped.

This kid's speed is too terrifying, even his strength of the third level of Zhenwu can't catch up.

"No, this game should be over."

White light flickered on Lu Feng's fingertips.

 This chapter has a lot of words, please read it slowly, and ask for some recommendation tickets to increase popularity.


(End of this chapter)

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