Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2932 Holy Lord of the Other Shore

Chapter 2932 Holy Lord of the Other Shore
Following the rolling crowd, Lu Feng came to a vast and boundless world in an instant.

The sun is dazzling!

A round of never-falling sun of faith hangs high above the head, filling the whole world with bright light, and a large amount of power of faith turns into ancient angelic creatures, passing scriptures to everyone.

As soon as Lu Feng came here, he felt a strong will to change his beliefs, making him want to serve the Holy Lord of the other side as the Lord, and never betray him!
"What a powerful mana! It can actually affect my thinking. Yiren, Qinglian, don't use the power at will. I will use the eternal power to disguise the two of you. The Holy Lord of the other shore is extremely powerful, and he is only one step away from being the supreme and strongest overlord." !"

Lu Feng's mind was solemn, and with a short breath, the power of faith poured into his body.

But he did not dare to refine these powers of faith at will. If he is a believer of the Lord of the Other Shore, the power of faith is the purest vitality.

But he wasn't, and he was also worried here that the Lord of the Other Shore would find even the slightest abnormality.

Those strong men, even if the three of them join forces, they will be suppressed in an instant!

It didn't take long for them to come to a huge square, and there were countless temples floating in the sky, high above.

The light of faith gathers together and spreads the civilization of the Holy Lord on the other side.

And this square is also infinitely huge, and those who can come to the temple must at least have the cultivation base of the Ancestral Saint Realm.

Looking around, there are almost a billion trillion, endless, but they are gathered in the square, but they don't feel crowded at all.

This is the powerful mana of the Lord of the Other Shore, and everyone seems to have a small space around them.

"What a depressing atmosphere."

Yi Ren dared not breathe the power of faith.

"Perhaps this is the means by which Saint Bi'an mainly steps into the strongest overlord."

Lu Feng thought about it, but his face still pretended to be crazy devout towards the Holy Lord of the other side.

After a few hours, more and more people gathered from the other side, and a majestic and admirable supreme lord appeared like a god among gods.

Looking down at the crowd with his godlike infinite eyes, he said coldly: "All believers, today is a day of face-to-face once in an era. The Holy Lord of the other side will appear and tell you the scriptures, and the Holy Lord also has a decree to be delivered to everyone." Declare!"

"The Holy Lord on the other side will be waiting for all believers on the ten thousand-foot ladder." The supreme lord waved his hand when he spoke, and said: "The more loyal you are to the Holy Lord, the higher you will be able to climb on this ten thousand-zhang ladder, You can personally appreciate the majesty of the Holy Lord."

A tall temple appeared, radiating bright rays of light, condensing the majesty of the Holy Lord from the other side, radiating an ancient will.

And under this temple, there is a ten-thousand-foot staircase made of white jade. Every foot is a floor, which is ten thousand floors, showing a myriad of artistic conceptions.

"Believers, please go up the ladder!"

When the voice of the supreme lord fell, everyone almost went crazy.

There are fanatical emotions on their faces, who doesn't want to experience the power of the Holy Lord of the other side up close, and who doesn't want to get his gift.

You must know that the Holy Lord of the other shore is the god of the other shore.

His words are golden words, changing the laws of heaven and earth!
Immediately, a strong light of faith emerged from countless people, and they stepped up the ten thousand zhang ladder step by step solemnly and piously.

And this ten thousand zhang ladder is not so easy to climb, half of the people can only climb one level, and the higher they climb, it shows their loyalty to the Holy Lord on the other side.

Climbing the ten thousand zhang ladder does not depend on cultivation, but on belief in the Holy Lord on the other side.

Some false believers can only take one step forward.

Lu Feng saw some martial artists in the Ancestral Sacred Realm climb thousands of feet in a whizzing whiz, but some of the strength reached the extreme, suspected to be ascetics, they all walked out of their own way, climbed a few Layers are exhausting.

"Let's go up this ladder too."

Naturally, Lu Feng would not believe in the Lord of the Other Side.

But his eternal breath can disguise faith.

The speed of the three of them was neither fast nor slow, and their steps were steady, hidden in the crowd, appearing very mediocre.

"It's amazing. The closer I go to the Holy Lord of the other shore, the closer I am to the Holy Lord of the other shore. I can feel the fanatical belief in the Holy Lord of the other shore. This person is not simple. He is stronger than Emperor Xuantian in the other shore. The level of the overlord."

Lu Feng felt a heavy pressure, and the movement of eternal power was also suppressed.

Yi Ren and Qinglian Sword Ancestor also frowned, and said, "Lu Feng, even if there is a chance in the temple, it will be very difficult to get it."

"Don't worry, things are not that simple. Among the billions of believers, there are already strong men in the heavens, and they are all hiding themselves."

Lu Feng glanced casually, but he didn't dare to distinguish carefully, the thoughts of the Holy Lord on the other side were shrouded, and he would be noticed if there was a slight disturbance.

When he reached the [-]-foot position of the Wanzhang Ladder, Lu Feng stopped, "It's almost here. If we continue to go up, I'm afraid it will arouse the awareness of the Holy Lord on the other side. We don't believe in him, so here is enough."

He looked up and saw that there were still many people climbing.

And he pretended to be struggling.

In fact, if he really wanted to climb, the Wanzhang Ladder would be easy, but that was not necessary, and it would arouse the awareness of the Holy Master on the other side.

According to Lu Feng's calculations, 100 hours have passed since the climb. On the highest step, [-] people finally climbed to the top, looking down at the believers below with confidence.

"Very good, a hundred of you have conquered the ten thousand zhang ladder with your faith in the Holy Lord, and the Holy Lord will give you a chance. From now on, each of you will be an elder in the temple."

The supreme lord looked at these 100 people with satisfaction, and bestowed on them the status of elders. Suddenly, the light of faith flooded in, making the hundred people like gods, so powerful that even the supreme lord could hardly kill them.

You know, the holy city on the other shore has been in operation for an unknown number of years, and ninety-nine percent of the faith has gathered here.

And in the holy land, even the strongest overlord would have difficulty killing him, who has infinite faith, and would have to pay a huge price.

This is the strength of the power of faith. Blessing one's own strength makes the Holy Master of the Other Shore invincible, but the disadvantage is also great, that is, it is very troublesome to collect, and it is a waste of time, and once it is consumed, it will take endless years to gather.

Countless people below looked at these hundred people enviously, this is a step up to the sky.

The elders of the temple are not the elders of the branch halls, they all enjoy infinite power, and only those who are most loyal to the Holy Lord on the other side are eligible to be crowned.

At this moment, an incomparable ray of light swept out of the temple, as if the sun was in the sky, and the majesty was terrified. A figure stepped out, and the majestic voice came out: "My believers, you have proved with your faith that You have given yourself up, now you should accept the gift of the great Holy Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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