Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2945 Supreme Realm 【6 more】

Chapter 2945 The Supreme Realm [Six More]

This voice is Lu Feng's voice.

And since he has transmitted the voice, it means that the King of Destiny has been completely defeated, lost in Lu Feng's hands, and achieved his eternal throne!

The supreme realm is what monks from all over the world dream of.

If you are perfect, you will immediately have immortal life, and you can spend time as you like.

But in the previous reincarnation, only one or two people could achieve it and live forever.

Lu Feng's aura broke through the sky, and all the aura dissipated. He held a knife of fate in his hand, with a blank expression on his face. Suddenly, the knife of fate was completely shattered with a huge force. .

Infinite light spots poured into Lu Feng's body.

"The supreme realm, the eternal river of origin!"

Lu Feng's eyes pierced the sky and shattered the sky.

At this moment, he waved his hand, and immediately saw the location of the river of fate in a mysterious alien space, and immediately there was a long bright light.

It is the eternal river of origin!
Originally there were countless rivers of origin, and the river of destiny was the most powerful, always occupying the position of supremacy. The other rivers of origin, even the river of origin of the overlord, were lower than this river of fate.

But now, there is a long river of origin that sits on an equal footing with it, in an equal space, and may even surpass it in the future!
The river of fate churned again and again, roaring angrily, but Lu Feng has become supreme, his life level has undergone earth-shaking changes, and where he will be crushed, he will always exist on an equal footing with the river of fate.

Compared with the long river of destiny, the eternal river of origin is of course still very weak.

But everyone can feel that the eternal source of the long river has an infinite future and infinite possibilities!
"The supreme realm, I am now in the first realm, the heavenly realm, but this is enough."

A smile finally appeared on Lu Feng's face, and he clenched his palms tightly.

The fate of the heavens is rotten, and he cannot be rotten.

Immediately, a wave of information hit his mind, allowing Lu Feng to understand the division of strength in the supreme realm.

Among the Supremes, the first realm is the Dao of Heaven, which is the realm where Lu Feng is in. He has controlled the Dao of Heaven, and the false Dao of Heaven has turned into reality!
The second realm is the origin realm, which completely controls the origin, and its strength is several times stronger than that of the heavenly realm.

But it is completely different when it comes to the third realm, which is the level of the ancient Tianzun, that is, the creation realm.

When you reach that level, you can create spirits, created by your own laws, and the mana is ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the original state, which is not the same.

The fourth realm is the realm of cutting fate, cutting off all connections with fate.

When you reach the Fate-Slaying Realm, you can leave the heavens by relying on your own strength, and the will of fate can't stop you from reaching the mysterious cage.

The great ruler, Emperor Xuantian, the Lord of Doomsday is also the cultivation level of the Severing Fate Realm.

In the eighteen hells of hell, the weakest of the eighteen hell kings is also at the creation level, while those like the Lord of Rakshasa must be at the life-killing level.

However, as powerful as the Great Overlord, he is already at the pinnacle of the Severing Fate Realm, and can take a crucial step at any time, stepping into the fifth realm, that is, the strongest Overlord!
The fifth realm is the supreme and strongest overlord realm!

The supreme overlord, at that level, is not afraid of the power of fate at all. They have evolved their own world, their own way, and can create a universe similar to the heavens and myriad domains at any time, with the operation of independent laws.

Just like the other side.

Of course, compared with the real Heavens and Myriad Domains, there are still many flaws.

As for the will of destiny, it is the strongest. Although the Supreme Overlord can contend against it, it will not be its opponent. Its power has surpassed the fifth realm, even the sixth realm that Lu Feng cannot understand.

However, it is also very difficult for the will of fate to deal with the strongest overlord.

It has a set of rules that operate autonomously, with significant limitations.

Therefore, it cannot really exert its full strength.

Lu Feng is now a great power in the Dao Realm of Heaven. He looked at the river of fate with a gaze that ordinary people could not understand, and said coldly: "The will of fate, it seems that you have encountered an accident, which made me appear in the heavens." , it is eternity, but now I am completely fearless, because I am also a supreme being!"

"However, you seem to be making arrangements. It seems that you want to transform into a human form and have an independent body. At that time, even the strongest overlord will be bombarded and killed by you one by one. You will harvest them all like harvesting wheat!"

But now he has figured out something, but it's still too far away.

"Lu Feng, he has finally become a supreme being, and finally gave birth to eternity. I can feel that the river of fate is no longer the only one, nor the strongest. The unshakable position is finally about to be shaken."

Complicated emotions appeared on Qinglian Sword Ancestor's face. Originally, he wanted to congratulate Lu Feng, but for a while, he didn't know what to say.


Suddenly, several beams of light descended on him and Yi Ren.

This is similar to the way the river of fate blessed Di Shitian and others just now.

In the past, the Supreme Destiny River was the only one, which represented the orthodoxy between heaven and earth, but now there is an extra Lu Feng, who is essentially an existence at the same level as the Will of Destiny.

Just like two emperors, only one emperor is still in the development period, but has already left the level of princes. This cannot but admit that he is not an emperor.

Of course, Lu Feng is only in the first level now, and he can't compare with the will of fate, but as his power becomes stronger, the eternal canonization will become more and more powerful, reaching the level of real golden words.

"I have already felt the benefits of following eternity." Qinglian Sword Ancestor showed a gratified smile: "I am a minister of the dragon, and I have the merits of following the dragon."

"I feel it too." Yi Ren nodded.

However, Lu Feng did not bless Yaoxian'er with the eternal breath.

Behind her is the supreme overlord, the ancestor of all demons, but she has the willingness to form an alliance, unless the entire demon clan turns to Lu Feng in the future, it can be blessed.

"Lu Feng has achieved eternity, now let's continue watching."

Yaoxian'er smiled secretly.

From Lu Feng, she felt an aura that was transcendent from the mundane world.

"He has really achieved the supreme and escaped the shackles of fate. Damn it, how could he take this step? The damn king of fate can't even deal with him. The will of fate, you made a mistake, and let an invincible existence Out of your control!"

Yi's face was also extremely angry, and it was distorted: "I'll see how you end up in the future!"

Lu Feng is supreme, and his strength suppresses the audience. Almost no one will be his opponent, unless the power of the third realm comes, but it is very difficult to kill him.

"He has achieved supreme, will we still be rivals?"

"His breath, his breath, I feel like facing the long river of fate, it makes me feel suffocated!"

"Damn it, damn it! Eternal existence is supreme, that is the real lawlessness, in this world, there is nothing to restrain him!"

Those strong men who besieged Lu Feng also had extremely complicated emotions at this moment.

"The score between us should be settled. Those who fight against me with the King of Destiny today are my enemies and will be bombed and killed by me!"

Lu Feng immediately looked at the group of people with cold and killing eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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