Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 299 Tianfu Prefecture

Chapter 299 Tianfu Prefecture

Inside the room.

Ling Fei took a few sips of tea with her red lips, and her beautiful eyes looked at Lu Feng curiously.

What made her feel interesting was that her mother often muttered the word Lu Feng inexplicably, but it just so happened that the nasty boy opposite was also named Lu Feng.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of fate.

"What do you need to come to the Universal Business Alliance?" Ling Fei asked.

"Here are some treasures that I need, please help me get them together as soon as possible, Ling Fei."

Lu Feng smiled, and handed out a piece of paper that he had prepared a long time ago.

Ling Fei swept her beautiful eyes, opened her mouth slightly, and said in surprise: "You need so many treasures to attack Zhenwu?"

Her eyes seemed to be looking at a freak.

With so many treasures, it is enough for dozens of Xuanfu realm warriors to attack real martial arts.

"My cultivation technique is a little special, and it also has a magic body, and those ores are what I need for a greedy spiritual pet."

Lu Feng spread his hands.

While Taixuan Nine Transformations became powerful, it also brought him a huge burden.

It's okay to say now, if the realm is higher in the future, the treasures consumed will be astronomical.

"Although there are many treasures, they are only used in the True Martial Realm. I will ask the Grand Master to collect them for you immediately."

Soon, Ling Fei called the chairman of the conference and handed him the paper.

The leader of the assembly did not dare to slack off Ling Fei's order, and immediately proceeded to carry out it.

"I have a jug of good wine here, give it to Sister Ling Fei."

Lu Feng was grateful to Ling Fei in his heart, and immediately took out the altar of spirit star wine.

The crystal wine light is like the stars in the sky.

"This is Lingxing wine." Ling Fei's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she immediately recognized Lingxing wine.

Immediately after she took the Lingxing wine, a familiar taste made her face change slightly, and she drank it all.

"It's so strong, it's comparable to what my father brews." Ling Fei narrowed her eyes and said.

"Your father?"

Lu Feng took a sip and his blood boiled all over his body.

"My father is a master winemaker, and it is difficult for ordinary people to drink the wine he brewed."

Ling Fei said proudly.

"I do think of someone."

Lu Feng's eyes gradually blurred, and a middle-aged man with a rough appearance appeared, who often drank with his wine jar in his arms.

And Master Qingxu is also a wine lover, so he often takes him to steal the fine wine brewed by this middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man was a young sage of the Tianxing Dynasty, known as the wine sage.

Although Lingxing wine is strong, it has a magical power that makes people want to stop.

After drinking a few cups, the powerful intoxicating power of Lingxing wine seemed to make Ling Fei a little drunk.

"I will leave Tianzhi City the day after tomorrow, and if you want you, Ling Fei, you can go to the Universal Business Alliance in Tianfu Prefecture."

Ling Fei was slightly drunk.

"Tianfu Prefecture."

Lu Feng muttered silently.

The Zongzong of Zhitianmen is in Tianfu Prefecture, this small Cangzhou cannot keep him, and he is likely to go to the Zongzong in the future.

Moreover, there were eight Ming halls and many hidden halls in the Tianxing Dynasty.

There is a hidden hall in Tianfu Prefecture.

If the hidden hall is not destroyed, and he can control it, it will definitely be a hole card.

"This is a gold-level VIP card with my brand on it, and you can find me by holding it."

With a flick of Ling Feiyu's hand, a golden VIP card was handed over to Lu Feng.

A gold-level VIP card, a symbol of nobility, even some Tianwu realms have never been owned.

Lu Feng played with it a few times, then accepted it.

For the next two days, Lu Feng temporarily stayed in the Universal Business Alliance.

On the sidelines, Lu Feng learned a lot of news about Emperor Mu Xing from Ling Fei.

During the past hundred years, the Mu Xing Dynasty frequently launched aggressive wars, and its territory expanded more than ten times than it was a thousand years ago, and masters in the Dynasty have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

When talking about the Mu Xing Dynasty, there are only two words.


In particular, Mu Yan is known as the number one martial arts genius in the past 300 years. He fought fiercely with a powerful saint [-] years ago, and it was Mu Yan who won.

It's just that in the past 300 years, there has been no news about Mu Yan.

However, Lu Feng will not be afraid of the power of Emperor Mu Xing Dynasty because of this.

On the contrary, his blood boiled even more.

Only this kind of motivation can support him to move forward on the road of martial arts.

Two days later, Ling Fei left Tianzhi City, and the president of the assembly also handed over the materials to Lu Feng.

Under Ling Fei's order, these treasures were only charged for the cost.

"Whatever you need next time, you can go to the Universal Business Alliance to find it."

Knowing that Lu Feng has a close relationship with the supervisor, the president of the assembly was very enthusiastic.

Lu Feng nodded slightly, and after saying goodbye, he immediately returned to the Inscription Pattern Guild.

Qiu Xue said that it would take about five days for the spirit puppet to be completely refined, so Lu Feng had to wait for a few days.

Lu Feng was not in a hurry, and entered the room prepared for him.

Time passed slowly, and there was the sound of a tiger roaring in the room where Lu Feng lived.

"Haha, Lord Tiger has returned to the real martial arts realm."

Xiaohu's body got a little bigger, the light of the king character in the center of his eyebrows became brighter and brighter, and the dark golden light flashed all over his body, and he had already begun to assume the monstrous coercion of the swallowing tiger.

It blinked its tiger eyes proudly and stared at Lu Feng.

"With your strength, how strong an opponent can you deal with?" Lu Feng beamed with joy.

Xiaohu proudly said: "Once I recover to the real martial arts realm, I will awaken some supernatural powers, Master Hu is sure to kill him under the sixth level of true martial arts."

After all, it is the swallowing tiger, a mythical monster race.

Once Xiaohu regains his strength, it will be extremely terrifying.

"There is still more than a year before the opening of the ancient continent, and there will be more treasures for you to recover by then."

Lu Feng clenched his hands tightly, full of confidence.

Today's Xiaohu breaks through the real martial arts, which will be of great help to him in the future.

Xiaohu excitedly said: "Master Hu's animal blood is already boiling, I can't wait."

But at this time, five days had passed, and according to the agreement, Lu Feng went to look for Master Luo.

Immediately, he moved and left the room.

In the spacious courtyard, a pitch-black spirit puppet exudes a metallic texture under the sunlight.

Even standing there quietly, people still feel the horror of this puppet.

"Lu Feng, you are here." Master Luo walked out of the room, looking a little tired.

"Master, what level has this puppet reached?"

Lu Feng asked.

"I added some divine iron to this puppet, and it's hard for the ninth-level real martial arts to break through the defense of this puppet, but the attack power is a little weaker."

Master Luo is quite satisfied with this work.

He manipulated the soul to punch out a punch, and the terrifying trembling sound made the air condense into a vortex, and the power of three heavenly dragons roared up.

The spirit puppet's attack is relatively weak, only relatively speaking.

This punch still has the strength of the ninth level of real martial arts.

However, the flaws are also obvious, the speed is obviously not as good as the real Zhenwu ninth rank.

Looking at this puppet, Lu Feng was full of joy.

"There is a fatal flaw. This puppet can only be activated by a top-grade black stone, and a top-grade black stone can only make the puppet blast ten punches with all its strength."

For this point, Master Luo was quite helpless.

"This puppet seems to be unable to be used by ordinary people."

Lu Feng clicked his tongue.

A top-grade profound stone is worth 1000 yuan high-grade profound stone, and almost 100 yuan of high-grade profound stone is used for each punch.

However, Lu Feng did not expect to use the puppet in every battle, and would only use this puppet in a crisis.

Otherwise, even he can't afford it.

"In the future, any damage to this puppet can be brought here for the old man to repair."

Master Luo said enthusiastically.

"The junior thanked Master Luo earlier."

Lu Feng said gratefully.

"Where is it, my little friend's contribution to my inscription pattern guild is not just as simple as a spiritual puppet."

Master Luo waved his hand.

Afterwards, he asked Qiu Xue to brew two pots of valuable spiritual tea.

Drinking spirit tea, the two chatted in the small courtyard about their views on the inscription pattern.

This exchange gave Master Luo a sudden insight, and the bottleneck that had been fettered for many years was faintly loosened.

One more step forward, and he can attack the fifth-rank grandmaster.

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(End of this chapter)

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