Chapter 3003

The sky is bright and crystal clear!

This force is very weird and powerful. It is not the power of heaven, but it seems to be a general trend, a rolling trend, the wheel of history, unstoppable!

All lives are eternal!

Eternal civilization!

At this moment, Lu Feng actually exhibited the power of the civilization of the age, the strongest overlord of the fifth realm. He saw the infinite rays of light gathered in his hands, as if they were immortal and sacred, and there seemed to be a sound of breaking apart. .

"This is!"

The Lord of the Kun Realm lived the longest and had the widest knowledge. He exclaimed: "My God, this is the power of the civilization age that can only be used by the overlord of the fifth realm. The Lord of Eternity actually used it in advance. This is the foundation of the overlord. !"

"Everyone, run the eternal Taoism. We are all preachers, members of the eternal civilization. Promoting the development of this era is of infinite benefit to us!"

The Lord of the River roared, and he first sat down cross-legged, muttering silently, integrating himself into the eternal civilization, as a member of this era.

The four Lords of the Kun Realm also followed suit.


Five Waves of Civilization!

Immediately, the impetus from the origin of the five second realms made the five tyrannical driving forces fall into Lu Feng's hands, and various strange scenes appeared.

"You can use the power that can only be used in the fifth level in the second level!"

The Lord of Cold Bites looked at Lu Feng in disbelief. He had seen the overlord of the fifth realm before, and he understood the strength of that power, and fear arose in his heart.

"That's right, when I stepped into Supreme, the eternal civilization was already spreading, the difference is just strong and weak, and as my strength grows, it will be like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger until the eternal civilization Totally exist!"

Lu Feng's face was solemn.


But at this time, the Lord of Cold Bites let out a roar, and a strong murderous intent was brewing, and trillions of trillions of cold poisons were slashed out with the Sword of Cold Bites.

Lu Feng didn't even look at it. The power of the times converged into a trend. All life is eternal, which means that everyone has hope for eternity. To open up a bright and hopeful world is to slay the Lord of Cold Bites fiercely.

The times are unstoppable, and the Lord of Cold Bites is only in the early stage of the third realm, and he couldn't bear it at all, and his whole body rolled out.

He actually fell into the disadvantaged, this is a fact that no one would believe.

"All life is eternal, open up the world, and control the giant axe!"

At this time, Lu Feng stepped in front of Panshen's Axe.

His breath swept out, and he slowly stretched out his palm. Time seemed to stop for a moment, and he held it.

Panshen's Ax trembled violently, sending out instinctive resistance, smashing waves wave after wave.

But Lu Feng controlled it with the power of the civilization of the times, which was stronger than the way of Panshen's overlord. When he changed his mind, he obliterated that will to resist, and gradually turned this uncanny ax of Panshen Take control.

A huge force ran through his whole body, and Lu Feng's mind was aroused.

The Panshen's Ax, which was originally huge, gradually shrunk at this time, and Lu Feng held the big ax, and gently locked it on the Lord of Cold Bites.

The body of the Lord of Cold Bites trembled involuntarily. Lu Feng's original strength was terrifying enough to be able to contend with him, and with this incomparably powerful fetish, he fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and might even be beheaded to death .

His face changed violently, and he said: "Lord of eternity, today is your cruelty. I admit that with the Ax of Panshen, I will not be your opponent. I have remembered what happened today, and we will meet again in the future !"

His body straightened, turned into a cold poison and was about to leave.

"Go? Where else can you go?"

Lu Feng smiled coldly, and the Panshen's ax swayed past lightly, countless time and space were shattered, and it fell on the Lord of Cold Bites through the air, hitting him directly.

"Lord of eternity, don't deceive others too much, I am also a third-level existence!"

The Panshen's Ax and Lu Feng's own strength had already surpassed him, which made his roar somewhat lacking in energy.

"It's you who deceived me. There is still power in Panshen's Axe that has not been completely erased. I will use your blood to erase this will."

Lu Feng came directly in front of the Lord of Cold Bites, ruthless, slashing across with a big axe, that majesty, really like an ancient giant god who opened up the world.

The Lord of Cold Bites roared again and again, and as soon as his power was released, he was severely torn apart. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would almost have been cut in half.

He was also very aggrieved. Not only did he not get any benefits this time, even the handle of the ax was taken away, and he also put himself in a dangerous situation.

"Kill! I don't believe you can kill me!"

The light of creation swept out. Although the Lord of Cold Bites at the beginning of the third stage has not yet created a complete creature, he already has the qualifications. The moment the lights and shadows flicker, his aura grows infinitely. with.

He condensed all his strength into a cold glow, creating his own chance to escape.

"Open the sky!"

At this time, Lu Feng poured eternal power into the Panshen's Axe, and a great force was shot out, and a beam of ax directly slashed at the Lord of Cold Bites.


The terrifying sound of piercing the flesh came out, and the ax could not be dodged. A bloodstain appeared on the waist of the Lord of Cold Bites, and the blood spurted out. Every drop of blood could suppress the stars and collapse the star field.

"I will not die here!"

The Lord of Cold Bites guarded him tightly, and the huge power of the Panshen's Ax prevented him from repairing his injuries in a short time.

And he felt that his origin was being lost every moment.

He was completely terrified, he had gone through many reincarnations, never imagined that he could die here today.

But Lu Feng would not give him a chance to escape.

Then the second ax fell, it was an ax that opened up the ground, as if a new era had been cut, rumbling, the incomparably majestic vigor was the volley bombardment on the body of the Lord of Cold Bites, causing his body to almost collapse For a group of spirits.

"No, I can rely on you and help you spread the eternal civilization. I am alone, and I am several times more terrifying than the five people of the Lord of the River. The creation of the third realm is the most powerful force to spread and strengthen civilization!"

At this time, the Lord of Cold Bites was completely scared, and he was no longer as rampant as before, so he begged for mercy.

"Create the world, gods and demons with one axe!"

Lu Feng remained unmoved, and directly instilled all his power into the Panshen's Axe. Immediately, the infinite light condensed and became an ax beam, which traversed the universe and time and space, and slashed down with the heavy blow of the axe. .

His cultivation base at the early stage of the second realm, various means, and combat power are equivalent to stronger than those at the early stage of the third realm.

With the Panshen's Axe, even the strong in the late stage of the third realm will find it difficult to resist.

"I hate it, I wish I hadn't understood, otherwise I wouldn't have died."

Finally, the Lord of Cold Bites let out a scream, his body completely disintegrated, and the billowing energy was absorbed into Lu Feng's body along with the blood mist, forming a perfect circulatory cycle.

(End of this chapter)

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