Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3006 Civilization Creator

Chapter 3006 Civilization Creator

Lu Feng's current thoughts, in a single sweep, penetrated countless worlds, enveloped this enchantment, penetrated into the details, and searched carefully, but he didn't notice the body of Panshen before expressing his opinion.

"This is impossible!"

The Lord of Chenyuan was a little unbelievable, and said: "Unless it is the overlord of the fifth realm, who can take away the body of Panshen? But if there is a fifth realm overlord, I will also be aware of it immediately, maybe Panshen The body exists in a certain hidden space."

He suspects that the Panshen's body is a certain alien space, and the image he saw from a distance last time is some kind of space refraction technique.

So, he began to search slowly along the edge of the barrier.

Lu Feng didn't say much, but got down cross-legged and waited quietly.

About three days later, the Lord of Chenyuan came back with a gloomy face, and said to Lu Feng: "Sure enough, as you said, the body of Panshen can't be found. What's going on? After going to a more mysterious place to practice, who can make the body of Panshen leave."

He looked at Lu Feng.

"Lord of Chenyuan, maybe the Panshen's body was not taken away by someone, but he left by himself."

Lu Feng was not in a hurry.

In fact, he has been speculating about this for the past few days.

"This is even more impossible. Pan Shen was suppressed and killed by the will of fate in the first reincarnation. There is nothing wrong with that. His breath of life was shattered!"

The Lord of Chenyuan didn't believe it even more.

"This reincarnation is very strange. Wasn't my impossible eternal existence born at the same time? It is also possible that Panshen did not die and was resurrected in this reincarnation. Now that he has left the Panshen Heaven, he is reborn from Nirvana. To restore him great power."

While Lu Feng was speaking, he waved his hand and showed the image of Panshen dealing with Fang Yun that day.

"I'm beginning to believe that Panshen may really not be dead!"

The Lord of Chen Yuan shook slightly, and then said unwillingly: "I have prepared for such a long time, I thought that this time I would benefit from entering the early stage of the fourth realm, but I didn't expect that it would be a waste of time to go. No benefit was gained."

"It's not a waste of time, at least we know that Pan God may not be dead, and will appear in the heavens soon."

Lu Feng was silent for a while, and then said: "This reincarnation will undergo earth-shattering changes, and no one knows what the future will be. Whether all living beings will perish and only fate reigns supreme, or whether the eternal civilization will run through the era, or The Tao of a certain overlord rules the heavens, and no one can predict all of this."

"The heavens, Fan Cage, may usher in a real baptism. Although I am a fourth-level powerhouse, I am equally confused about this future."

The Lord of Chen Yuan fell silent.

The stronger the cultivation base, the more powerful the will of fate can be felt. He even suspected that the will of fate is not as simple as he imagined, it will be stronger and more terrifying.

He looked at Lu Feng, even this impossible eternal existence was born, what will happen in the future, I am afraid that even he, a fourth-level powerhouse, is just a drop in the bucket in that rolling tide, not worth mentioning.

"Lord of Eternity, what do you think?" The Lord of Chen Yuan then asked Lu Feng.

"My view is also very simple. No matter what happens in the future, I will spread my eternal way and promote the development of an era, but all of this must be based on strength, so those who follow me can get eternity, And those who rebel against me can only be wiped out in ashes, there is absolutely no third way!"

Lu Feng got up slowly, like an invincible holy emperor, a promoter of the trend of the times, but his faint words were full of arrogance that slammed Fang Qiu.

"Eternal Era." The Lord of Chenyuan murmured.

"Lord of Chenyuan, have you thought about it, whether to become a member of eternity and witness the birth of a great era, or to become my enemy, the choice is only in one thought."

Lu Feng invited the Lord of Chenyuan.

If this fourth-level powerhouse can join him, Lu Feng's power will be greatly improved.

"The palm of Chen Yuan!"

But I didn't expect that after the Lord of Chenyuan was silent for a while, he suddenly shot at him, and the magic power of the fourth level swept out. Feng shrouded fiercely away.

"All lives are eternal!"

However, Lu Feng did not change his face, and directly displayed the power of eternity and the trend of the times.

This move is more powerful than before!

One is that Lu Feng's strength has increased, and the other is that after killing the Lord of Cold Bites, the Lord of Rivers and others have completely lost their dissatisfaction and fully joined in promoting the development of eternal civilization.

In an instant, the power of civilization converged into the ocean, with earth-shaking thunder flickering, and respected gods were condensed.


The power of the two collided fiercely, and the air flow was scattered for thousands of light years, and the entire Panshentian was collapsing.

"This is the power of the age of civilization that can only be wielded by the overlords of the fifth realm, Lord of Eternity, I never thought that you are only in the second realm, and you already have ambitions to spread the eternal civilization. Good, good, my Lord of Chenyuan is convinced! "

After the Lord of Chenyuan defeated Lu Feng's eternity, he stood still, but a strange color shot out from his eyes.

He is also in the fourth realm, only one realm away from the fifth realm, but he understands that this realm is difficult to cross, and it is hundreds of times more difficult than his cultivation from a mortal to the fourth realm.

During the confrontation just now, he also faintly realized some of the strengths of Lu Feng's eternal civilization, which is a kind of hope, the rising sun, and everyone has the possibility to aspire to the eternal civilization.

"Lord of Chenyuan, do you still have something you don't understand about my eternal civilization?"

Lu Feng had no expression on his face, knowing that the Lord of Chen Yuan was testing his way just now.

"I have no problem, Lord of Eternity, you are worthy of being the most evil person in this cycle. Your Dao is very strong, but you don't want to suppress people's despair like fate. Instead, you want to create hope, which is simply against the common sense of the world."

The Lord of Chenyuan pondered carefully: "I can join your eternal civilization."

All cooperation is based on strength.

If a second-level statue said the word solicitation to the Lord of Chenyuan, he would not even bother.

And the impact between those moves has made the Lord of Chenyuan completely understand that Lu Feng has become the overlord, his civilization has been established, and now it is the accumulation of primitives.

If it accumulates to a certain level, it becomes the overlord of the fifth realm.

Of course, the Lord of Chenyuan understands that it is very difficult to think of that state.

Lu Feng's civilization is too heaven-defying, and he will encounter many catastrophes, but in this kind of accumulation, he has joined in and is also a promoter, and he will definitely get incomparable benefits.

It's like in the ordinary world, an emperor started from nothing to open up an empire.

Lu Feng already has the appearance of an emperor, and now he lacks people and territory around him. If he helps Lu Feng successfully found the country, he will be the founder of the country, which is completely different from those who joined later.

The creation of civilization is similar to the creation of an empire by ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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