Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3011 Brain fetish

Chapter 3011 Brain fetish
When Lu Feng opened his mouth, he wanted to collect Pan Shentian.

This Panshentian is Panshen's universe, which is equivalent to the eternal universe created by Lu Feng. Even though it has decayed for countless reincarnations, its value is still huge, especially the aura of opening up the world.

And that thick force can shatter everything.

"You want to take away Pan Shentian!"

The Lord of Chenyuan said in surprise.

As strong as him, it is impossible to take away Pan Shentian, the overlord's universe, only the overlord can do it.

"That's right, although Panshentian is decayed, after being integrated into my eternal universe, it will definitely promote the development of eternal civilization. From now on, I will gradually expand my universe and make it produce a powerful civilization .”

Lu Feng was very ambitious, and his aura enveloped the audience. He looked at Pan Shentian, as if an emperor was conquering the territories of other emperors and wanted to take it under his command.

All of a sudden, he made a move, and the mighty mana swallowed up mountains and rivers, and ruled the world. His eternal universe is above Panshen Tian. Driven by a powerful will, he actually made this world move closer.

In the original Panshen's universe, even the powerhouses at the peak of the fourth realm would not be able to collect them. If they are randomly integrated, they will only be blown up by Panshen's way of opening up the world.

But it was different in front of Lu Feng.

His Eternal Cosmos is even above the Panshen Heaven, an existence at the same level as Destiny.

Now Panshen's body seems to have been revived, leaving the Panshen Heaven, and no longer has the power to guard it.

In the blink of an eye, the Panshentian, which was originally standing still, was uprooted, and the crystal walls of countless worlds were violently shattered, and under the strong call of the eternal power, they flew to the eternal universe.

The eternal universe engulfs mountains and rivers, and sea accepts mountains and rivers!
Under the refinement of Lu Feng's powerful will and mana, the universe of Panshentian turned into a pearl, like a satellite in the stars of the universe, slowly rotating around the only eternal universe of the Supreme.

Complete charge!

Lu Feng's eternal universe grew stronger again.

He felt a great pressure, but his eternal sacred tree supported the entire universe!

"Very good, taking away Pan Shentian put my eternal universe under tremendous pressure and almost collapsed, but at the same time it is also a tempering, and there is Pan God's way of overlord, in short, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages .”

Lu Feng was satisfied.

At this moment, Pan Shentian completely disappeared, and they reappeared in the desolate and dead reincarnation ruins.

"Since this is the case, let the alchemy realm of the ancestors attach to the eternal universe and radiate the power of alchemy!"

With a wave of his hand, the alchemy ancestor, his alchemy circle seemed to turn into a bright pearl, exuding alchemy, revolving around Lu Feng's eternal universe.

Now, Lu Feng wants to use his own eternal universe as the center, spread his own eternal civilization in an arc, and let countless forces attach to him around him.

And this time he collected Pan Shentian, he also planted a seed of omnipotence in the hearts of these supreme masters.

And after this seed germinates, these supreme masters will truly be a member of the eternal civilization.

"Let's go, leave the ruins of reincarnation!"

Lu Feng's eyes flashed. Although there are still many cultural relics in the reincarnation ruins, he is not interested in exploring them at this time.

"Yes, Lord of Eternity!"

These supreme masters also learned from the ancestors of the Alchemy God, and attached their own universe to the eternal universe surrounding Lu Feng, sitting in it.

Universal Business Alliance.

"Haha, the Lord of Eternity is here again. What big business is this time? My Universal Business Alliance is waiting for you."

When Fu Zun saw Lu Feng coming, he personally greeted him with the Lord of Floating Light.

"Naturally, Fu Zun, I do have a big business here this time, but I don't know if your Universal Business Alliance can take it."

Lu Feng smiled slightly. After leaving Panshentian, he came directly to the Universal Business Alliance, and continued: "These are the things I need. Take a look, Fu Zun. I need to collect them as soon as possible."

"There is no business that my Universal Business Alliance can't handle."

Fu Zun took the list, and when he saw the treasures on it, his brows became serious: "Lord of eternity, these things are very precious for you to get. Although my Universal Business Alliance can get them out, it has to go through many veterans. resolution."

"I know, but what if I use this item to trade?"

Lu Feng smiled, flicked his fingers, and a cloud of gray air shot out.

"This is?" Fu Zun observed for a moment, and then his face was startled: "Lord of Eternity, wait a moment, I will immediately call a resolution among the elders, and I will definitely give an answer in the shortest possible time!"

Everything was as Lu Feng expected.

The aura he took out was the primordial power of chaos in Panshen's Heaven, and it contained Panshen's power to open up the world.

Naturally, Lu Feng can also absorb the initial power of chaos from the original source of chaos, but the value of the aura with the power of Panshen will be hundreds of times higher, so he is not afraid that the Universal Business Alliance will not be tempted and will not take the gods he needs. sell him.

The power of the overlord of the fifth realm cannot be obtained casually.

After several hours, it seemed that after a heated discussion, Fu Zun came back.

As soon as he saw Lu Feng, he immediately said: "Lord of Eternity, we have already discussed that the fetish can be sold, but you must produce a large amount of this kind of breath, and it cannot be mixed with ordinary power of chaos."

"Of course there's no problem with that."

Lu Feng waved his sleeves, and a mighty aura flew out from his sleeves, like a mad dragon, almost crushing the entire Four Seas, causing a violent explosion.

Fu Zun's eyes straightened immediately, and he said in horror: "Lord of eternity, what have you done? As far as I know, this kind of air flow is only found in the Panshen Heaven. Could it be that you have emptied the Panshen Heaven!"

"I collected the entire Panshentian."

Lu Feng said mysteriously.

"Pan Shentian really disappeared!"

At this moment, Fu Zun's eyes pierced into the ruins of reincarnation, and sure enough, he saw that Pan Shentian exuding the overlord's aura had completely disappeared. He believed Lu Feng's statement again, and realized his depth. unpredictable.

"And I can also tell Fu Zun a piece of news. The body of the pan god has disappeared, and it seems to be resurrected."

Lu Feng told Fu Zun some news.

He is his ally, and some things must be told to him.

And he also spoke about the development of his eternal civilization, which caused Fu Zun, the fourth realm, to fall into extreme shock.

The stronger you are, the more fetishes you can get from the Universal Business Alliance.

While the two were discussing, the artifacts of the Universal Business Alliance were all ready.

"Okay, Fu Zun, I will return to Dongxuan first. These are some of the true meanings of my eternal civilization. You can go and study them carefully."

While Lu Feng was speaking, the Lord of Moment, who was about to leave the Universal Business Alliance, suddenly pierced his eyes fiercely.

He saw an extremely mysterious area of ​​the Cosmos Business Alliance, guarded by countless strong men. There was a veiled aura, but when he saw it with his eyes, part of the fog was dispelled, and he saw a huge fetish that looked like a brain.

There are countless stripe-like lines on this brain-like fetish, and every minute and every second, billions of trillions of tyrannical calculations are being performed.

Come to think of it, this is the strongest supreme fetish of the Universal Business Alliance, and it is also the foundation of their foothold. The collection of infinite power of chaos is also for this fetish.

(End of this chapter)

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