Chapter 3063

The perfect and flawless vitality circulates in the limbs!
Showing the vision of dominating the world!

Lu Feng stood still on the spot.

After beheading the Golden Sword God and Wu Lingkong, the vitality consumed by the One Qi Transformation Sanqing quickly recovered, and there were signs of further progress.

"If you want to break through to the third realm, it doesn't matter how much vitality you replenish, and you still need some final insights."

Lu Feng said silently.

His gaze swept away, and he saw that the strong man in the coffin buried in the sky was trembling.

One of the strong men whose strength has reached the early stage of the third realm came quickly, and said fearfully: "Lord of Eternity, we are willing to surrender to you!"

Even the golden sword god is dead, they are really scared.

Lu Feng didn't say much to them, and took them away with a wave of his hand, then looked at the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, and said, "Let's go, there are still many mysteries in this tomb, I hope you can Let me find an opportunity to break through the third realm."

In this huge and boundless burial tomb, there are countless layers of space.

A terrifying air of fate spurted out from the core of the buried sky coffin, bringing about a boundless storm of chaos, rotten rays of light continuously flashed past in the void, and countless lore breaths began to fill the world. The entire burial tomb.

"Huh? There has been a change in the tomb. Is this the so-called chaos?"

It has been a month since Lu Feng came to the burial tomb. He stepped on the back of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, watching with indifferent eyes. The ubiquitous storm of fate was harvesting life essence .

At this moment, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast has completely convinced Lu Feng.

Originally, it still had its own little thoughts, but after seeing Lu Feng beheading the Golden Sword God and Wu Lingkong, there was nothing left, so it willingly became a mount, carrying him to wander in the space inside the tomb.

"Lord of Eternity, I don't know much about Burial Chaos, but I have only heard that it will be born every once in a while, and countless creatures will be harvested every time."

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast shook its head.

While one person and one beast were talking, a burst of burial breath suddenly came out from the storm of fate, and immediately a group of spirit buryers carrying ancient coffins stared at them with cold eyes, making people feel that life was being shattered. freeze.

The strength of this group of spirit burial people is also extremely extraordinary, the strength of the leader actually possesses the original power of the second realm!

These soul burialers uttered their voices in unison, the predestined notes were strange and cold, and at the same time, they waved the ancient coffin and came to bury Lu Feng and the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast at the same time!

There was no need for Lu Feng to make a move, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast roared, and these spirit buryers were shattered into a mass of fragments.

But things were obviously not as simple as imagined. Those soul buryers were wriggling, and then revived again, and a breath of blessing from somewhere made the group of soul buryers even more vicious than before.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast continued to roar, and every time those spirit buryers were broken into fragments and completed again, their strength was stronger than before.

At the end, the strength of the head buryer was comparable to that of the third realm.

"These spirit buryers can't be killed, they can't be killed or destroyed!" The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast's face changed, "And every time they kill them, their strength will become stronger!"

"It doesn't matter! These soul buryers are not real souls at all. They dedicate everything to the burial, but the breath in the burial tomb is transformed into power to bless them. Every burial is a harvest of souls That's all, the creatures in the entire burial tomb are harvested regularly like the livestock it raises!"

Lu Feng sneered again and again, seeing through the nature of the tomb, "It seems that the tomb has suffered some kind of trauma, and it is licking the wound, just like the will of fate, this cycle of reincarnation may have to be fully revived."

He struck out with one palm, and the fierce eternal breath suppressed the heads of the group of spirit buryers, and it instantly turned into a cloud of black energy and completely dissipated, unable to reunite again.

"Let's go! The burial has also undergone drastic changes, and this burial is extraordinary."

With a wave of his sleeves, Lu Feng continued to go deep into the tomb, looking for opportunities to break through the third realm.

The burial chaos this time was indeed terrifying. Lu Feng walked all the way, and the spirit burial people he met became more and more powerful, and even had an existence comparable to the fourth realm.

After walking for about two days, Lu Feng saw a group of ghost burialers in front of him, surrounded by black burial coffins, which could bury even supreme beings, as if they were besieging a person.

"Damn it, why is this burial chaos so terrifying? It is dozens of times more powerful than before, and I can't even kill me. And if this continues, the strength of these spirit buryers will skyrocket to be comparable to the fourth level sooner or later. Degree!"

The person who was besieged was dressed in white, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, and his strength had reached the early stage of the third realm.

Although the spirit burial man who besieged him had reached the strength of the early stage of the third realm, but the coffin that buried the sky shrouded him, and with the blessing of the power of the entire tomb, he couldn't break through at all.

However, under the changing situation, his fate is destined to be buried in the society, and his cultivation is in vain, and he becomes someone else's wedding dress in vain.

His face was also extremely anxious.

"These soul burial people are all transformed by the profound meaning of the funeral. The more I kill the spiritual buried people, the more I can understand the profound meaning of the funeral. This is good for me to break through the third realm and even improve the eternal civilization. "

During the burial chaos, Lu Feng suddenly discovered that after killing the spirit buryers, the ancient coffin condensed with their aura seemed to represent the end of life, and he could better pry into the bury's secrets.

He swept across with one punch, and countless spirit buryers were killed by him. The eternal characteristics of the cast made it impossible for these spirit buryers to reunite, obediently turning into a brand like an ancient coffin.

The palm moved, and what appeared in Lu Feng's palm was a bright coffin of eternity.

"My God, who is this? Those almost immortal soul burialers were easily killed by him!"

The middle-aged man was almost shocked when he saw Lu Feng's display of supernatural power. He was almost buried in the buried sky coffin, and almost broke out in a cold sweat.


Like the gods of heaven and the gods of all living beings, Lu Feng struck again, sweeping away all the spirit burial people here, and the ancient coffin that represented the burial condensed in his hands became more and more solid.

"Not only can he kill the spirit burial person, but he can also extract the burial's meaning. Is this still a human being?"

It was the first time for the middle-aged man to see such a miraculous person like Lu Feng in the tomb. He was stunned for a long time before he hurriedly stepped forward, "Who is your Excellency? Gu Liushui, the ancestor of the Gu family in the heavens, I don't know how you are." call?"

"Gu family patriarch? He is a hidden family in the heavens."

Lu Feng flicked his fingers, calculated, and knew the origin of Gu Liushui.

The heavens are incomparably huge. Apart from some fifth-level forces that have influenced the heavens, there are also some hidden families, hidden sects.
This Gu Liushui obviously belongs to this category.

"This is the founder of the eternal civilization, the Lord of Eternity, Lu Feng!"

Blue eyes and golden eyes shot out golden flames, and he looked like a handsome man, and he sternly shouted: "Today is the Lord of Eternity who saved you, hurry up and thank him, otherwise your end will be to be buried in the eternal burial!"

(End of this chapter)

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