Chapter 3404
"What kind of speed is this? He actually read all the last books in just one era. This is too amazing and unbelievable!"

"Could it be that this is the magic of the Eternal Lord? You can see the light of knowledge on him, interpreting the essence of 99 eras, it is definitely not simply swallowing jujubes, but truly comprehending the true truth and applying what you have learned."

"It's really powerful. Even the strongest light-brain replication of mechanical technological civilization is not as fast as him."

Seeing that Lu Feng read all the remaining books in one era, the book of swordsmanship exclaimed: "After getting 99 books written by countless strong men in [-] eras, his background will become truly powerful, and it is a book that is alive and powerful." history books."

"Hmph! What is the strongest optical brain? It can only copy and scan, but lacks the most important emotion."

That's right, Lu Feng did finish reading books in one era just now, which can only be read in dozens of eras. It is like the strongest optical brain, but it has more emotions and infinite creativity than it.

This is mainly because Lu Feng has read so many books before, and all kinds of truths are clear in his heart, so he can naturally comprehend other knowledge at a glance.

And so much knowledge has been deposited in his mind, making him act like the oldest sage and Confucian, imparting knowledge and principles.

"Haha, that's great. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Writing the Book of Eternity has always been my dream!"

The Lord of the Book of Heaven looked excited and couldn't wait to get up.

"Yes, now I have gained a lot of knowledge. Although I have not personally experienced the experience of 99 eras, I can learn a lot through some observations. It is constantly replaying in my eyes. At this time, my eternal road has passed. It has widened a lot, and it is time to write out the knowledge for all to see!"

Lu Feng stood up abruptly, his eyes sweeping across the space and time of the universe.

Although some eras are obliterated, just like Lu Feng, he can't calculate it from the long time, but he can see it from the Lord of the Book of Heaven. This is the charm of the book, which can leave knowledge. After it is written, the eternity in the eternal civilization can be seen more intuitively.

Promote the structure of the times.

"Lu Feng, just now I seem to have caught the strange thought of the Lord of the Heavenly Book, which flashed by and was very bad. Is the purpose of letting you read these precious books really just to write the Book of Eternity? Nothing else idea?"

The gate of emptiness exists between reality and illusion.

Lu Feng comprehended knowledge and passed on a lot of experience to him at the same time, at this moment he said suddenly.

"It's okay, everyone will have a greedy heart in the face of eternity. I don't care about it. Writing the Book of Eternity is also what I thought. If this born lord is honest, even if he doesn't join me, I will give it to him." A huge benefit, writing with me, understanding the structure of eternity, this opportunity is not given to everyone."

Lu Feng said in a voice: "And if he dares to be malicious, then I don't blame me for being cruel."

"That's right. Although the Lord of the Heavenly Book is the overlord of the first group, Duobao is not your opponent. If he dares to plot against you, he is seeking his own death."

The Gate of Taixu felt relieved.

"Okay, Lord of the Book of Heaven, let's start writing, don't waste time, the writing of this book will definitely take a long time, and many truths will be engraved, it cannot be done overnight, you and I must work together !"

Lu Feng said: "I will be the main author, and you will be the assistant, and help me with your knowledge!"

"Of course, this is also my dream. The power of eternity is unique, great and vast. It is so strong that it can even tolerate fate. It is a way that can truly transcend people, and it will not start a big catastrophe like fate."

The Lord of Heavenly Books is the incarnation of knowledge. He has been waiting for this day for a long time. With a wave of his hand, a bookstore appeared, and a stone book that was as pure as jade, without any impurities on it, and filled with an initial breath flew out.

This stone book has a total of one hundred pages, 99 eras, and the hundredth page is an eternal era!

"nice one!"

Even Lu Feng, who has seen too many fetishes, was amazed when he saw this stone book.

"This is the initial fetish. Almost from the first era, the old man has been cultivating this fetish, and it has finally come in handy." The Lord of the Book of Heaven said: "Ordinary matter cannot bear the power of eternity, only Only with this initial fetish.”

"The Lord of the Heavenly Book has a heart." Lu Feng nodded.

"Well, write it, and this great book will be written by me!"

The Lord of the Book of Heaven was calm, but at this moment he was also trembling with excitement, boom!He immediately turned into an ancient book of knowledge, and his mind merged into the original fetish.

In an instant, a bright solid substance appeared on the stone book, and transformed into characters one by one. This turned out to be knowledge!
Originally, knowledge was invisible, and it was great enough to emit the light of knowledge, but at this moment, the Lord of the Heavenly Book contained too much knowledge, and it had already turned into a solid.

Lu Feng saw at a glance that his own comprehension was one aspect, and he also nodded his head as he saw the Master of the Heavenly Book materialize the knowledge, and a lot of different insights arose in his mind.

Writing the Lord of Eternity is a huge project. The first step is to write the knowledge of 99 ages, and then the eternal knowledge is manifested on the last page. Only in this way can it be truly completed.

99 ages converge into one eternal age.

In fact, this is similar to the 99 eras created by fate.

But the only difference is that destiny is to forcibly seize the essence of 99 eras, kill all living beings, and open up a new era of destiny.

However, Lu Feng is different. He wants to absorb the knowledge of 99 eras and create a great eternal era. This does not require killing, because the essence of eternity is tolerant and free. Anyone can walk on this road and open up a new era. own eternal way.

And this writing is also slow.

Even the Master of the Book of Heaven has to be careful and write down his opinions. If something is wrong, it will take more effort to correct it.

Fortunately, he has lived too long, and he has made full preparations for today, and there is nothing wrong with this step.

"99 eras, completely condensed!"

There were 99 crackling explosions, the sound of 99 ages, and the 99 pages of the original god stone book were brightly lit, and the power of knowledge was condensed into a bright solid, forming 99 gods of the age.

"Okay! Lord of Eternity, you are now required to write the most important outline of Eternity, the Page of Eternity!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Book couldn't write the hundredth page, looked at Lu Feng, and shouted: "Let this eternal book really materialize!"

(End of this chapter)

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