Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3590 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 3590 Chasing and Killing
"Hell is coming!"


The will of hell endured dormancy, and only at this moment did he finally burst out his selfless strength. A huge black air enveloped Samsara and Ming, and the terrifying whining sound wanted to plunge all living beings into hell .

However, Samsara's face was still very calm, and he moved his fingers a few times: "Little hell, do you think I don't know what you think, but I just cultivated you to become my disciple. You can’t grow without hell.”

puff puff!

After he tapped his fingers a few times, the will of hell was like a deflated ball, and it blew out. Its momentum quickly languished, and the expression on his face was horrified: "Samsara, you, you, you. You are also the strength of selflessness, I I didn’t feel it, but it’s impossible, even if it’s No Self Realm, it won’t be my opponent in general!”

He never expected that the strength of reincarnation was so strong that it broke his spell in an instant.

"Aren't you in the realm of selflessness?" The will of hell guessed in horror.

"This seat has stepped out of the realm of selflessness and came to the beginning, just to avoid the enemy. This beginning should also end. After entering the door of the beginning, this seat will leave directly."

Samsara said lightly, controlling the reincarnation, he blocked the will of hell, and the huge disc of reincarnation was even on the body of hell.

"No, it's impossible!"

The will of hell is impossible to imagine anyway, and said in horror: "If you can step out of this realm, no one in the entire beginning will be your opponent, eternity, fate, the beginning and everyone will be defeated by you!" hands."

"In the beginning, this seat can't exert its due strength and can't kill them, but it's enough to deal with you." Samsara said with emotion.

"No, don't kill me. I have finally cultivated to the current state. I don't want to die!"

The will of hell begged for mercy, "I can be your slave, and you will bring me out of the beginning!"

"Eternal reincarnation!"


Reincarnation ignored the howling of the will of hell, he covered it with a palm, and countless chains appeared on the body of the will of hell.

Each chain is condensed with a unique law of reincarnation. The reincarnation on it is extremely mysterious and contains another rule system. Originally, the will of hell is extremely difficult to kill, but under the action of reincarnation, flames burst out of the chain.

Those flames completely imprisoned the will of hell, and at the end, there was only a mass of vitality left.

"My apprentice, you should also be promoted to Wuyou."

In an instant, this group of vitality penetrated into Ming's body, but it was only a momentary change, and Ming actually reached the state of selflessness, and respectfully said: "Thank you, Master!"

"Disciple, let me leave. This initial battle has nothing to do with you and me, master and apprentice. Let us see who the final winner is, whether it is eternity, destiny, or the beginning, or some inconspicuous person." figure!"

Immediately, Samsara and Ming disappeared in the initial gate.

At this moment, Lu Feng has already appeared in the initial gate. In his eyes, this place is a mass of confusion, as if within the chaos, it is empty, there is nothing, and even space and time have lost their meaning.

"This is the door of the beginning, and the changes that are happening now are completely different from what my mother said."

Feeling the inside of the Initial Gate, Lu Feng said lightly: "In the past, every time the initial year changed, countless origins and countless gods would appear in the depths of the Initial Gate, scattered everywhere, but this time, nothing appeared. But I know that all the origins are imprisoned in the deepest part, a forbidden place that no one has ever been to!"

He knew that this forbidden area was the core of the original gate, and it was the source of the entire original creation.

The original reincarnation is also to retrieve this group of origin, and if this group of origin is obtained, it can be predicted that the forbidden area will be opened, and there will also be the final battlefield.

"All the rules have been broken with the change of the initial year. There are many masters who have entered the gate of the initial this time. Although fate and the initial are my biggest opponents, the masters of gods, martial arts, and the great master are also not allowed. Xiao Wang, I have to work hard and not slack off."

Lu Feng is sober in his heart. Although his strength is already extremely powerful, as long as he does not step out of selflessness, it is impossible to be truly invincible in the world.

Of course, no one is invincible yet, everyone has a chance.

He was standing in an empty initial door at this time. It is true that there is a vacuum here. There is nothing, and he can't even see the most basic markers. It is a joke to find the direction.
Because here is a blank space, even space and time are still, where there is no direction.

"A complete standstill, even if mortals come here, they will gain immortality."

Lu Feng was very calm.

He knows that he is still on the edge of the gate of the beginning, this is the most vacuum place, and this place looks huge and boundless, without boundaries, but it is because the beginning is blank, you think he is so big, he is indeed so big boundless.

The forbidden area will inevitably be opened by the primordial, and that is the time to enter. He is not in a hurry now, and the most important thing at this moment is to figure out some conditions of the primordial gate.

Although his mother and Huang have both entered the Primordial Gate many times, it was all in the last Primordial Year, and many changes have taken place in such a long time.

He also has a clear plan in his mind.

If you can unite, you must join forces, and for those who are stubborn, you must not be lenient in the slightest. You must kill them and seize their origin.

This is the last initial year, and there is no room for a moment of mercy, nor can it be slowly influenced. Naturally, Lu Feng is not the kind of indecisive person.

"Huh? The beast is still in the beginning, mixed with Ling Tianzun, this Ling Tianzun is also a weird thing, it seems that this beast wants to use Ling Tianzun, but this person has repeatedly opposed me and survived, the beast exists Such a thought would probably lead to an extremely miserable death."

Lu Feng knew that Ling Tianzun was not a good thing, so he calculated in his heart: "But that day, the king of angels has already arrived at the gate of the beginning!"

This king of angels is also his enemy, and it is impossible to win him over, so he can only be killed. Before, he was allowed to leave under his nose because of the relationship with the gate of the beginning, but this time Lu Feng will not let him go. To go after him.

"Great eternity, track down the king of angels!"

At this moment, Lu Feng cast the great eternity technique, and the initial law immediately resisted and blocked his calculation, but Lu Feng just sneered, not afraid of the initial influence, in his calculation, there was a wave of karma and eternity The power runs through violently.

"The King of Angels has been found!"

In front of his eyes, the optical brain system projected a clear picture, an angel with eighteen wings violently projected into the world of light!

(End of this chapter)

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