Chapter 3608
"It's nonsense. I will be beheaded by others and become a wedding dress. I am the strongest in the beginning, the supreme chaos. Even if the reincarnation, destiny, and eternity appear in the beginning, I am the strongest!"

"You want to influence my heart, do you think I will be fooled by you?"

Chaos smiled lightly, and didn't get troubled by Lu Feng's words. He said, "You won't kill me? Is it the initial reincarnation? He still can't kill me. I have absorbed his power in the restricted area a long time ago. At that time, I was helpless to me, let alone now, I have seen everything about him and truly realized the original source, just like the sharpest knife piercing his heart fiercely, just waiting for the opportunity to give He has a fatal blow!"

His figure slowly blurred, and his mana returned to the original restricted area, leaving a last voice, "Eternity, you want to build an era that belongs to eternity, and I want to build a real era of chaos. My great chaos is here with the initial first. The identity of the strong is declared, I will wait for you in the restricted area!"

This chaos obviously consumed a lot of mana not only to save Wu, but also had a greater purpose, he wanted to recruit those giants of all ages.

As far as Chaos is concerned, he has existed for a full 49 initial years. All the initial substances were born because of him, and he is the cradle of all the powerful. He wants to bring these giants back into Chaos again.

Chaos disappeared, leaving behind a gloomy witch.

This time it can be said that he was defeated in a complete mess. Not only did he lose his supreme source, he almost lost his life. Although his current state of cultivation is still there, his combat power has been greatly reduced, only half of his peak.

"Haha, Chaos has also appeared, he wants to recruit us!"

It was the beast who broke the silence first, and laughed loudly: "Wu, what do you think? Now that you have lost many supreme sources, it can be said that you have suffered a heavy loss. Who will you turn to in the future? Initial and destiny are too domineering, and eternity is your enemy again." , it seems that you have no choice."

"Do you think I will turn to Chaos?"

The witch squinted at the beast, his face was cold, and he said dully: "Even if I lose my supreme source, my cultivation realm is higher than yours. I can take that step anytime, anywhere, and restore my former glory. If you don’t take refuge, you will still deal with that chaos?”

"That's right, the two of us can unite." The beast nodded: "Everyone understands the thoughts of Chaos. Although he was once the strongest, the times have changed. There are countless heresies and accidents. It is possible for anyone to be guaranteed to be the final winner."

"Oh? Beast, you want to cooperate with me, so who is the leader?"

While Wu was speaking, a powerful aura suddenly burst out, Wu Lintian, the supreme source is only his foreign object, and the state of mind cultivation is his most proud confidence.

"Of course, they are all dominant, regardless of each other. After all, we have interests now. There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests."

The beast smiled. Facing the persecution of the witch's aura, he also showed enough mana, and suddenly condensed a huge ancient beast, which actually resisted the witch. A lot of strength.

"You actually took this step!"

Wu was taken aback.

If he hadn't lost his supreme source, then the beast is indeed not as good as him, but now the strength of the two of them is very subtle, and he said immediately: "Yes, you are right, you are indeed qualified to cooperate with this witch and plot together event."

"Haha, the two seniors are stronger when united. Eternity is too fierce. The two seniors unite to strengthen each other, and we will have more confidence!"

Suddenly, at this time, Ling Tianzun flew out, laughing loudly.

"Who is this person?" Wudao asked.

"Witch, this seat has just adopted a godson. How about it? His strength is still in your eyes. When he was weak, he fought with Eternity many times when he was weak, although he fell into the disadvantage every time. , failed repeatedly, but even if he did not die, he has cultivated to a very deep level now."

The beast introduced Ling Tianzun to the witch.

"That's right, you godson has a good luck."

The witch said: "However, this person's head is naturally rebellious, but the spirit of the sky is very full. According to my witch's words, you are a restless godson. You eat too many masters. Be careful of being rebellious, and you will suffer from it."

"This Ling Tianzun is a rebellious boy!"

The Ma Wu also jumped out and yelled: "He used to follow Ling, but he led Jidao Tianjun to deal with Ling. If he hadn't been saved by eternity, Ling would have been bitten back. Jidao Tianjun accepted him, and Jidao Tian Jun is also dead, if you dare to accept this rebellious boy, I believe you will end up in the same miserable end in the future!"

He has a monstrous hatred for this Ling Tianzun, and his daughter and son-in-law have fallen into his hands.

"This person is not worth staying, and he should be constantly disturbed by it." Wu Ye said lightly.

"Beast, Ma Wu, I advise you to behead this Ling Tianzun, and treat it as a gift for cooperating with Wu, so that we can cooperate without scruples!"

Although Ling Tianzun in front of him is obedient like a dog, he is harmless to humans and animals, and anyone can bully him.

But in Ma Wu's heart, there is a feeling of being targeted by wild beasts, and this person will turn against him at any time and explode to kill people.

"Seniors, Ma Wu, you have really misunderstood me. Jidao Tianjun died in the hands of Eternity, and I also have a monstrous hatred for him!"

Ling Tianzun said embarrassingly: "Ma Wu, I know you have hatred for me, but your precious daughter and son-in-law are living very well with me, and I keep them in order to cultivate them and sharpen their minds. Since The two seniors are here, and I will reunite your family."


The empress was released at this time, and Lihua was in tears. After seeing the Ma Wu, she wept with joy. During these days, she was living a life that was worse than death, and immediately pointed angrily: "Father, kill him, he humiliated me!" Daughter and Gu, I want his life!"

Compared to the hysterical roar of the empress, Nagu was numb like a wooden man at this time, and the tortured one had no thoughts of his own.

"Okay, the misunderstanding is resolved."

Beast smiled lightly: "Don't talk about it, Wu, my godson has a huge amount of luck. As for the rebellion on his head, I, Beast, don't believe it. I have the ability to make him obedient. He doesn't have the guts to betray me."

"Thank you senior for understanding!"

Ling Tianzun immediately bowed his knees and said.

"Since that's the case, this is your family matter, so I won't say much more. You decide for yourself, but the beast, I can agree to cooperate with you."


"The two of us can immediately sign the oath of cultivating our hearts, and swear with our own hearts that we will never do anything to each other, so that we can be defenseless."

the beast suggested.

"I have no objection."

(End of this chapter)

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