Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3611 Infinite people, infinite energy [2 more]

Chapter 3611 Infinite people, infinite energy [two more]

This ninja is also very powerful, he never fights head-on, and only lurks in the shadows to assassinate.

It is the most normal thing for him to dormant for millions of reincarnations in order to assassinate a giant.

He is the king in the dark world, the strongest assassin. These four words alone can bring fear to the hearts of the giants. His single blow can far explode out of his own strength. Even more powerful.

If you don't kill with one hit, you will leave immediately. This is the supreme assassin.

And the most difficult thing for Shinobu is his escaping speed, it is almost impossible to stop him no matter what kind of net is laid.

His most famous deed is to assassinate a strong man who is about to dominate the first year, replace him himself, and create an era of ninja.

The so-called dominance of an initial year refers to the strong man of that era, and generally speaking, each supreme power can only dominate one initial year, and in the initial year he dominates, he can leave a legacy in the entire initial spread era. Fa, enjoy endless luck.

If there are two no-self realms, the one that has dominated in an initial year and the one that has not dominated are completely different concepts.

An initial year is almost the limit. If you want to continue to dominate, you will be strongly suppressed by the initial gate. Any powerful existence is extremely small in front of the initial gate.

Only God can dominate the two initial years, and there are several initial years between them.

Now that this ninja was discovered by Lu Feng, he was about to run away immediately, but Lu Feng would not give him a chance. With a big hand, the infinite world was included, and in an instant, the ninjutsu of this ninja was broken. .

"No, this eternal strength!"

Shinobu has a very strong calmness, but faced with this situation, he couldn't help but be taken aback. He shouted: "Eternal, just now Benin just spied on the supreme source of human nature, and you actually want to kill me. Isn't it too much for you to do this?" Overbearing!"

And while he was talking, he also let out a cloud of mist, stomping his feet on the ground, the whole person was going to be illusory.

"Supreme ninjutsu, the art of ninjutsu!"

This heart ninja technique is his strongest life-saving trick.

In an instant, his whole person disappeared, not the disappearance of the material world, but the disappearance of the spiritual level.

There is a knife on the head of the word Ninja, and the word Ninja is the most deadly weapon. There is only one point on the knife, which means that only one blow is the strongest, and the bottom is a heart character, pointing directly to the heart.

This heart is the soul, that is to say, in addition to possessing the most powerful killing power, Shinobu also possesses extremely strong spiritual attainments.

"What a forbearance, you didn't actually escape, you just used the power of your mind to influence your five senses and six senses, thinking that you have already left, the real you are still preparing for a killer blow, but when you meet this seat, you are destined to die , You were the one who spied on this seat from outside the initial restricted area before!"

But with a loud shout, Lu Feng immediately broke Ninja's mind-nin technique.

Immediately, I saw that there was a small black dagger in Ninja's hand. It was sharp and dull, and it was full of deadly poison. suffered severe damage.

"The Heart Ninja Secret Art has been broken!"

There was also an unbelievable gleam in his dark eyes.

"Hard to die!"

Lu Feng grabbed it again at this time, and the Gate of Eternity appeared in his palm. Immediately, this ninja couldn't escape at all, screaming, his whole body was suppressed by the immortal power of the Gate of Eternity, and was wiped out into flying ash. Turn into the essence of ninjutsu.

Even a giant like Wu is not Lu Feng's opponent, let alone Ninjutsu. Once his ninjutsu is broken, there is no way to escape, and he is almost certain to die.

"Is this ninjutsu? Sure enough, there is a way, lurking assassination, the way of an assassin. This ninja can be regarded as a heart and a knife, and it can also be regarded as a word for ninja, which is patience."

After Lu Feng killed this ninja, he immediately got all the essence of ninjutsu.

But in fact, this didn't have a great effect on him, because what Lu Feng is best at is crushing all opponents openly with the strongest means, and this ninjutsu is good at assassination, countless years of waiting for a blow Chance to kill.

What has the greatest effect on him is the realm of the mind.

Forbearance, in Lu Feng's opinion, is not to be patient, but to be able to endure loneliness and polish the soul over and over again.

"Eternal, your strength is getting stronger and stronger now. This ninja is so powerful that you killed him with a few moves. In fact, subduing the ninja is also very useful. After all, his ninjutsu is very powerful."

Huang also sighed.

"There is no need for this. Those who want to take refuge in me will not release their killing intent, but will take the initiative to come to me, and kill those like Shinobu directly. The initial reincarnation may control the initial gate at any time. I don't have this time. Slowly go to waste."

It is no longer possible for Lu Feng to use the technique of time and space to reverse time in the Gate of Inception, and he must follow the most original rules.

At this time, he also integrated this supreme source of humanity into his body, and suddenly his aura became more and more tyrannical. He is the real supreme humane, the lord of humanity, completely controlling the power of human beings, the most miraculous the power of life.

"Okay, getting the source of the strongest humanity is more powerful than getting the three sources of strength, heaven and earth!"

Lu Feng showed a gratified smile.

When the power is exhausted, the sky and the earth will also have an end, but human power is infinite, and countless miracles will erupt.

"I also have a great advantage in finding other supreme sources now. As an eternity, I can easily sense the positions of other supreme sources!"

Lu Feng flickered and left here.

The gate of the beginning is too big, and the distribution of the supreme source is irregular, but Lu Feng doesn't care. His spiritual realm is so high that he can almost ignore the distance of the gate of the beginning.

With the help of this inexhaustible induction, after obtaining the supreme source of humanity, Lu Feng soon obtained another supreme source.

This supreme source is called Qi.

This is also a kind of magical supreme origin. Everything has its own aura. Humans have aura, monsters have aura, demons have aura, and the world has aura. In short, all kinds of things contain different spirits. .

After obtaining this qi, Lu Feng felt that his energy had reached its peak, melodious, vast, and immortal.

"With this qi, I can track all the auras. Whether alive or dead, they all have their own qi. People have infinite power, and qi has infinite power."

Lu Feng was like a duck to water in this initial gate. In a short period of time, he got two groups of supreme origin, which made his strength improve by leaps and bounds, and his self-confidence in his heart went up to a new level. He had enough confidence to face no matter how many enemies to deal with.

"Lu Feng, it's great that you have also come to the Gate of Inception! I knew you would come here, and I need your help now!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice reached Lu Feng's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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