Chapter 3636
"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The glorious moment that belongs to me, Ling Tianzun, has arrived!"

Ling Tianzun's wild laughter resounded throughout the beginning!

The powerful magic power breeds his unmatched ambition in his heart!

He even had an ambition to devour the Gate of Origin immediately, but the only calmness in his heart prevented him from doing so, and he endured it.

Even though the initial reincarnation has sealed itself into the initial gate to conduct some kind of deep and most important retreat, the scene of the initial reincarnation plotting to kill Chaos still makes him very afraid, knowing that it is useless to deal with this person's tricks Yes, only powerful mana can crush it.

"There are fifty supreme essences in total, and eternal destiny is rare, but I can get the other 23 supreme essences in Lu Feng's body. Haha, although Lu Feng is powerful, I have one more than him. This is Opportunity, this is suppression!"

Ling Tianzun had a plan in an instant, a pair of ferocious eyes kept flickering, and he almost couldn't help shouting: "Lu Feng! Lu Feng! Where are you, I, Ling Tianzun, will settle accounts with you and thoroughly wash away your blessings. Shame on me!"

"Ling Tianzun, this seat is here."

At this moment, Lu Feng's voice resounded, and the infinite eternal brilliance condensed. Among the petal runes all over the sky, Lu Feng's figure appeared in front of Ling Tianzun. He looked at this person lightly, as if not Not surprised by his strength.

"The last battlefield."

Lu Feng murmured at this moment.

"Haha, Lu Feng, you finally showed up. I thought you didn't dare to show up in front of me!"

The moment Ling Tianzun saw Lu Feng, he was overjoyed.

"Ling Tianzun, your courage is getting bigger and bigger. The initial reincarnation calculated Chaos and blessed you with 25 supreme sources to make your ambition swell. But all this is within my expectation. I saw Chaos that day. , I knew he was bound to die."

Lu Feng seemed to see through everything, that wise, penetrating eyes shocked Ling Tianzun.

"Kill! Lu Feng, I now have one more origin than you. Do you know what this means? It means that the initiative is with me!"

Ling Tianzun almost didn't even think about it, the 25 supreme origins condensed into powerful supernatural powers, thoroughly stimulated, and erupted a lore move that shook the original.

"It's nothing. Your 25 origins will soon be in my hands. The meaning of your existence, Ling Tianzun, was actually planned by the initial reincarnation very early, just to deal with chaos. Now your task is also completed Now, it's time to end."

Lu Feng said: "I have already understood everything. When Chaos is killed, it is the time when the initial reincarnation is reborn. You are just his pawn."

"Don't try to shake my heart!"

Although Ling Tianzun also knew everything, but he roared again and again, not being affected by Lu Feng, his powerful magic bombardment was about to fall on Lu Feng immediately.

But this level of power looks terrifying, but Lu Feng just glanced at it calmly. He spread his palms and grabbed Ling Tianzun's fist at once. hit.

Ling Tianzun only felt that being bombarded by this great eternal technique, his body was overwhelmed, his breath was unstable, and he retreated again and again.

"Original Divine Sword, cut it!"

Ling Tianzun stabilized himself, opened his big hand, and a total of 25 original swords condensed with the highest origin appeared, exuding the initial wave of construction, and he swallowed all the power of Chaos, and he can also display Chaos' supernatural powers.

He is very clear-headed.

The biggest advantage I have against Lu Feng is that he has one more supreme source than Lu Feng. As long as the other supreme sources are deprived from Lu Feng, then he will win.

This original divine sword is extremely sharp at this moment, nothing can withstand its stroke, and it flashes 25 colors, carrying the strong hatred of Ling Tianzun towards Lu Feng, and angrily scratched it away.

But just as the original sword came in front of Lu Feng, his palm moved lightly, carrying the power of the Great Eternal Technique, and it directly shattered the offensive of the original sword, as if all the struggles of Ling Tianzun had no effect in front of him .

"Kill kill kill!"

Ling Tianzun's complexion changed, and the origin changed again. The incomparable hatred made these origins burn, blooming the most dazzling light. At this moment, a strong call appeared to deprive Lu Feng of the supreme origin.

"Great eternity technique, my heart is eternal."

However, in the face of Ling Tianzun's call, Lu Feng's face was calm and unmoved, like a rock in the universe, indestructible.

"how so!"

Ling Tianzun roared in horror and couldn't accept it: "I absorbed the power of chaos and seized the initial part of the power. In terms of power, you are not much stronger than me, and I have one more supreme source than you. It should be said that you can't resist My offensive!"

He couldn't figure it out.

"I can tell you the reason. Although you have one more supreme source than me, eternity is no longer the original eternity. Unimaginable changes have taken place, and the initial is still the original. The Great Eternal Technique is not about manipulating these supreme sources. The source, but to integrate these supreme sources into itself, completely eternal!"

Lu Feng stretched out his palm.

In an instant, the great eternity technique radiated out with the billowing energy of eternity, and Lu Feng ruled the world like the only divine residence.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't pay attention to Ling Tianzun at all.

The value of this Ling Tianzun is only to help the initial reincarnation kill Chaos, and then take away all the supreme origin by himself.

"Nonsense, it's impossible!"

Seeing Lu Feng performing the Great Eternity Technique again, Ling Tianzun felt anxious. He already had absolute confidence, but with Lu Feng's method of making him almost look up, he no longer had confidence in his heart, and even thought that he might not be an opponent.

His eyes were red, and the 25 supreme sources were completely burned, and he mobilized all his power to counter Lu Feng's divine power.

He is also crazy now. After a crazy battle, he has inherited all the cultivation of Chaos, and he is also burning the accumulation of 49 initial years of Chaos, so that he looks extremely tall now, and his body is filled with the original flame.

"Lu Feng, I will fight to the death with you, today either you die or I die!"

At the last moment, the most critical moment, Ling Tianzun naturally couldn't hold back a little bit. He knew very well that this was the moment for him to change his destiny. If he lost this time, he really lost. No one can save him.

Not initially, because he has already fulfilled his role.

The endless power turned into a fist of destruction, exuding overwhelming divine power. At the beginning, it began to shatter along with his breath, and the endless void began to collapse, until in the end almost only the atomic void was left.

"Lu Feng, today you and I will fight for the last time, but I will never lose!"

The roar of Ling Tianzun resounded throughout the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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