Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3641 The Last Battle [1 More]

Chapter 3641 The Last Battle [Two Updates]

"This is impossible! How could this deity be so stupid as to let you advance to the eighth realm!"

The heart of the initial reincarnation was no longer calm, full of rage and confusion, and said grimly: "Also, just now, this deity has indeed completely killed all your breath, all traces in this world, and all the traces of this world. Time is gone without you, tell this deity how you were resurrected!"

"I have already said that I have never died, let alone resurrected, but I can answer your questions. What you killed just now was my puppet."

As soon as Lu Feng waved his hand, the initial reincarnation saw it. When he was killing, a puppet that looked like him and completely rushed out of Lu Feng's head. It was this puppet that resolved his deadliest attack. One blow, so that he did not die.

After the initial reincarnation saw it, his face changed, and his voice squeezed out from between his teeth: "Replacement puppet!"

Yes, it was the replacement puppet who took the most critical blow for Lu Feng.

Ling Tianzun killed tens of thousands of Seventh Realm statues, and by killing him, Lu Feng obtained the energy of these Seventh Realm, and shaped them as replacement puppets.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you. If you hadn't cultivated Ling Tianzun, with his ruthless personality, you would not have let those seventh realms go. If you were a little bit kind, it would have nothing to do with you In the critical seventh realm, my surrogate puppet will not work either."

Lu Feng's voice was rolling.

Hearing Lu Feng's words, the face of the original reincarnation was extremely gloomy. He didn't pay attention to those seventh realms, but he just didn't expect that these ant-like things would actually save eternity and destroy him in the end. plan of.

"But I still don't understand one thing. How did you break through to the eighth level? Even if the puppet saved your life, it's impossible for you to break through?"

The original reincarnation asked.

"This is not a problem. Although you are the king of odd numbers and the source of all odd numbers, there is still a one in this world, a one with a ray of life, a one who is close to death, and a one who has escaped. It is this one that made me succeed." The eighth realm."

"And the fate dissipated, and his great fate also concentrated on me."

Lu Feng smiled.

Such a picture appeared around him.

When the initial reincarnation killed him, he thought he had killed eternity, but Lu Feng had already crossed time and space, and caught the one who was somewhere in the world. His cultivation broke through the barrier at this moment and achieved the eighth realm.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I really made you!" The initial reincarnation yelled again and again, indifferently absent: "But even so, the deity is in the eighth realm, and it's still unknown who will die. Very good, now we are all at the same level, eternal Let's fight!"

"The beginning is still the beginning of this beginning, there will never be detachment, but eternity is no longer the eternity of this beginning, it is useless, you are not my opponent, the king of odd numbers, you are invincible in the beginning, no one will be your opponent , but this seat has transcended the original, and you and I are no longer at the same level."

Lu Feng said lightly, as if he was telling a kind of truth, his aura has surpassed the initial reincarnation, he ruled the world, unrivaled.

"I won't admit defeat!"


The initial reincarnation burned himself, and his breath was like wolf smoke, boiling up, burning the whole body's strength.

If he looked at Lu Feng with a controlling attitude before, but now that Lu Feng has reached the eighth level, he has already given him a fatal threat.

His strength, his aura, and everything about him reached the peak, like a short-lived epiphyllum, shining brightly for a moment, "The gate of the beginning, the deity is invincible in the beginning, and eternity is also within the beginning, no one will be my opponent, I Will dominate everything!"

"King of Odd Numbers, you only rule the world within the beginning, but I rule the entire beginning, countless beginnings!"

A figure walked over directly, and a force surged out of Lu Feng's hands, and that majestic initial door shattered open. Under Lu Feng's power, it was useless at all, and completely surpassed it. The initial reincarnation.

"No no, it's impossible!"

The original reincarnation retreated again and again.

Lu Feng walked leisurely, as if admiring flowers and shadows. When he came in front of him, he just waved his hand. His body exploded continuously, and his vitality leaked out uncontrollably. His strength really stood out in front of Lu Feng. Just like a child.

Within a few moves, the initial reincarnation was crushed by him.


The initial reincarnation also knows that this moment is the most dangerous time. He has already reached the eighth realm. How can the giant among the giants be willing to be destroyed like this, so he burned the entire initial gate at this moment.

Glowing red, the primordial flame burned the entire sky.

"Eternal, this deity has fought with you, today either you die or I die, but I will not lose, because I am the king of odd numbers, the source of all odd numbers!"

The burst of magic power at the moment of the reincarnation of the original is at the cost of destroying the entire original, and you can see that the entire original is gone, and it is replaced by a vacuum, everything is empty.

"You have already lost in the initial reincarnation, and you have lost since the day you became an odd number"

Lu Feng's face was calm, watching the initial reincarnation rushing, he just stretched out a palm forward.

"Great Eternity, Great Fate, Eternal Fate!"

Lu Feng got all the power, and raised his palm high. The initial reincarnation had just arrived in front of him, and a big hand was already pressing on his head. The magic power in his whole body was boiling, but nothing could be done to Lu Feng. Cause a little damage.

Infused with strong eternal mana, his cultivation collapsed almost instantly, his whole body struggled violently, but the brightness in his eyes dimmed more and more, and he spit out voices over and over again.

"I lost, and I will lose, no, I am the strongest at the beginning, the master of the future, I will never lose!"

But the initial reincarnation was never reconciled to this failure. When he muttered, his face became ferocious again, his eyes regained brilliance, and he roared in a hysterical tone: "Eternal, how could I not lose, I will never lose!" Not reconciled to such a failure, I will drag you to hell with me!"

In the final moments, the initial reincarnation went wild.

"Even if I die, I will never make you feel better, let us destroy together!"

At this moment, the strong unwillingness in his heart turned into infinite magic power, and the strength of the original reincarnation actually expanded again, and he broke free from Lu Feng's suppression directly, and he turned his power into a flash of brilliance.


The initial reincarnation blow was like a sharp drill bit, spinning desperately, and the brilliance brought out was bloody and tragic.

He is no longer ready to live, and he also knows that he can't win. An eighth realm doesn't even plan to take his own life. How terrifying the destructive attack will be, and the gesture of dying together seems to really pull Lu Feng into the water .

This is the last fight to destroy all offensives!

[Phew, finish all the chapters of this text tomorrow, and there will be a side story later. 】

(End of this chapter)

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