Chapter 3650 Fanwai Youruo Chapter 1
My name is You Ruo, but I didn't have a name before, and my mother called me a girl.

I was born in the Skystar Imperial City, in this bustling imperial city, there are also dark corners.

When I was very young, I never met my father.

My mother told me that my father went to practice, and when he reached the holy realm, he would come back to find his girl and take her to live a good life.

But I know that my father will not come back, never and never will come back.

He was already dead, and my mother wove a beautiful lie. In order not to make my mother sad, I didn't question my mother as I grew up.

Originally, life should go on so plainly, I will grow up, find someone to marry, and live my whole life.

But on the day when I was five years old, my mother was in a hurry. She was a young martial artist in the meridian state, and something went wrong when she opened up the meridian, and she went crazy.

So mother just left.

I was five years old that year.

In the Heavenly Star Imperial City in December, it was freezing cold, with dripping water turning into ice.

The most beautiful part of Tianxing is that it snows heavily every winter, rendering everything covered in silver.

My mother's cold body was lying there. I lay on my mother's bedside, hoping she was calling me a girl. I prepared dinner with my mother as usual, but my mother didn't call me. Seeing her eyes closed, I I thought my mother was hungry and fell asleep.

So I walked out of the house.

I walked blankly on the busy street. Before, my mother would hold my hand, but today I am alone.

The Dynasty at night is very lively and full of people.

And because it is within the imperial dynasty, at the feet of the emperor, although there are many powerful people here, many of whom are indomitable figures, no one dares to act presumptuously, so the order is still very good.

I walked alone. Although the imperial city was lively, it was extremely cold when the snowflakes fell on my body. I didn't know where to go. I walked on one street after another with my small body.

I was tired, hungry, and chilled, and I didn’t know what to do. I looked at a brightly lit place, which was very busy, and there were many people walking around. I stood on tiptoe and lay on the window , Seeing many people eating and drinking, swallowed unconsciously.

But I had no money on me, so I leaned against the corner, hugged my knees, and buried my head like an ostrich.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, my small body is leaning there, almost burying me, I can only hold my body tightly, my body is getting colder and more unconscious, I don't know that this is the arrival of death Felt like I was going to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup and a scent came up to me.

She also held a steaming roast chicken and a pot of delicious steamed buns in her hand, and asked me, "Do you want to eat?"

I swallowed, and nodded: "I want to eat, but I don't have any money with me, and my mother is also hungry at home, can you let me take these food back."

"Okay." The woman nodded, and a piece of paper full of characters appeared in her hand, and she said to me: "If you want to eat, write down your name and press your own fingerprints. If you live here in the future, you will not only have something to eat." , your mother also has something to eat."

I can only read a little bit of the words on it, and I don't know what it means, but I'm already very hungry, so I want to press my fingerprints.

But I didn't expect that at this time, a middle-aged man in purple clothes came in slowly. He was very majestic. Although he didn't show any terrifying aura, I saw the middle-aged woman who was about to give me food. Trembling with fear, he knelt down.

But the middle-aged man didn't say anything, he waved his hand, and the woman disappeared completely.

The man looked at me in silence for a long time, and finally opened his mouth. His voice was very hoarse, and he squatted down slowly. As if by magic, a green fruit appeared in his hand, and he placed it in front of me.

"Eat when you're hungry."

"Uncle, I don't have any money, should I press my fingerprint?" I tilted my head and asked.

"No need." The uncle had a kind expression on his face.


I nodded, took the fruit, and ate it.

The fruit was delicious. I was very cold and hungry at first, but after eating a fruit, I felt neither cold nor hungry, and seemed to have inexhaustible strength.

I smiled sweetly, "Thank you uncle, can you give my mother a fruit too, my mother has been sleeping at home for several days, her eyes are closed, her body is colder than that of a girl, and she doesn't talk to her, The girl is very scared, mother must be so hungry that she has no strength, so the girl came out to find something to eat for her."

"You are called a girl." The middle-aged man was silent again, and looked at me for a long time.

He sighed for a long time, I could see that he was a man with a story, so he said: "Okay, girl, uncle will accompany you to see your mother."

I am very happy, because my mother can eat it. After I eat this fruit, I feel that I am not cold without wearing a cotton jacket. After my mother wakes up, I must let my mother thank this uncle. He is a good man.

"Uncle, my mother's cooking is delicious. At that time, I want my uncle to taste my mother's cooking."

The uncle nodded. He bent over and held my little hand. I looked at his expression and asked in doubt: "Why doesn't uncle smile? Could it be that the girl is not good enough to make uncle angry?"

The uncle shook his head and said no.

Soon, he arrived at my house.

When my uncle saw my mother, he saw that my mother was actually dead, and I thought she was asleep.

He asked, "Where's your father?"

I shook my head and said, "My father died a long time ago. My mother lied to me. My father went to practice, but I know my father is dead. Uncle, you see my mother is asleep. The girl wakes her up right now. With that kind of fruit Eat it, and mother will wake up."

The uncle said: "Girl, your mother has fallen asleep and will sleep for a long time. Let's not disturb her, shall we? It's too cold here. Uncle takes your mother to sleep in another place. You follow uncle to a place where there will be Big brother will play with you, and there will be a lot of delicious food."

I naively agreed, and I didn't know that my mother was dead until later, and that uncle buried my mother.

And the place I went with that uncle, I vaguely knew that it was a forbidden place, and no one else could get in. When I got there, my eyes were straight, it was so beautiful here,
There I met a little brother who was very nice.

The uncle asked me to call the little brother Prince Prince, and the uncle also gave him a new name, called You Ruo.

Lu Youruo's Youruo.

I am very happy, I have a new name, this is my new home, and that uncle also asked me to call him Father Huang.

At first I didn't know what it meant, but later, I didn't know what it meant.

[This is a character episode, it will end soon, and I will update some episodes other than the initial episode, the new book is being prepared, if you want to know the latest situation, you can add 303837776]

(End of this chapter)

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