Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3660 Quanming Mountain Range

Chapter 3660 Quanming Mountain Range
At this time, his eyes looked casually, and he saw a group of people appearing in the distance, as if they were chasing something.

Sure enough, a silver moonlight wolf escaped from the woods in a panic.

"Silver Moon Wolf?"

Lu Feng recognized that it was the Silver Moon Wolf, which was very valuable, especially its fur, which was extremely beautiful. Wearing it on his body could absorb the power of the moon essence at night, saving the trouble of refining it.

And behind this gray wolf, there appeared more than a dozen people, all of whom had the strength of the Selfless Realm, especially the leading woman, who was actually in the eighth realm, but she only had an endless mark.

"Be careful, don't damage the fur of the Silver Moon Wolf!"

"Don't worry, we have been chasing and killing this silver moon wolf for a long time, and we finally chased it to the point of exhaustion, and there will be no accidents!"

"Surround it, use the big confinement technique, and let me solve it myself!"

This group of people cooperated very tacitly, and the origin of the exercises was the same. I saw that a dozen or so seventh-level mana wove a net-like mana, trapping the silver moon wolf in the middle. In the end, the most powerful woman held a willow leaf The long sword pierced directly through the wolf's ear.

The wolf let out a sad cry, and finally fell down, without breath.


The woman also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. When she came to the wolf, it was not beautiful, but she was happy with her heroic face, "I finally killed this beast. In order to chase it, I have lost several family experts. Its fur can be exchanged for thousands of endless coins, which is a great harvest, and its demon core is enough for me to cultivate a second endless mark."

"Elder, let's quickly take the prey and leave, this forest is not safe." A cautious man said.

"Yes, you are quite right."

The woman nodded, but her face suddenly changed, and the sound of howling wolves came one after another in the distance, full of angry will: "No, a group of silver moon wolves came, we killed their wolves. Companion, damn it, how could you come so fast!"

Just when she was about to leave quickly, thousands of silver moon wolves came after her.

Especially the leading one, which was thousands of feet long, with smooth skin that radiated moonlight.

Its wolf eyes gleamed with ferocious light, staring at the group of people, and saw the wolf lying on the ground, howling up to the sky, making an extremely sad and indignant sound.

"Two endless marks!"

The woman never expected that the leader of this group of wolves would have two endless marks, which was beyond her ability to deal with, and said with a stern expression, "Let's go!"

However, two more breaths of the eighth realm came, and two more came out of this group of wolves, each of which had an endless mark of cultivation.

"How could there be so many eighth realms!"

The woman's face was horrified.

"Elder, what. What should I do?"

If there was only one eighth-level gray wolf, they might still be able to escape after breaking through, but now that the wolf pack is all dispatched, their group is likely to be wiped out.

The woman said bitterly: "What else can I do, I can only kill it."

But just when the group of wolves was about to take revenge, the leader wolf suddenly let out a deep roar and led the whole group away.

"Elder, those wolves have escaped?" The group couldn't believe it.

"What happened?" The woman was also a little confused.

"Several, what is this place?"

Lu Feng's voice came, he walked out of the woods, and looked at the group of people with a smile.

"Senior, did you save us?"

The woman is in the eighth realm, and her perception is extremely keen. Although the man in front of her looks like an ordinary young man, this kind of ordinary is the most terrifying. With her strength, she can't even detect the fluctuation of this man's cultivation. It must be that the endless mark far exceeds her.

"It was just a casual shock." Lu Feng said lightly.

"What? Let those wolves escape just by deterrence!" The woman was shocked: "Don't seniors know where this is?"

"I don't know, I traveled through the void at will, and only appeared here when I encountered a violent space storm." Lu Feng said.

"Shuttle through the void?" The woman said suddenly: "Only dozens of people with endless imprints can forcefully break through the void and travel through it. Senior, here is the Quanming Mountain Range. The little girl Quan Ying comes from Quanming Quan's family. I don't know the senior's name? "

The strong are respected, this is an eternal law, women behaved very submissive in front of Lu Feng.

"Lu Feng, tell me about the Quanming Mountain Range."

Lu Feng directly reported his real name, and he also sensed a familiar aura from this woman, not because she was familiar with it, but because of her skills, "Huh? The eighth realm?"

In the endless world, there are many cultivation systems, and the origin cultivation is the method of achieving the eighth realm left by the origin of the former ten overlords.

Like reincarnation, it is the practice of reincarnation.

The Tao is based on the Three Thousand Ways.

"Senior said it right, the little girl is the source of cultivation."

Quanying was extremely respectful, and the man in front of her spoke lightly, and there was a coercion of a natural superior, which made her dare not be presumptuous: "The methods practiced by my Quan family are all from the source. It is the territory of the original source, but the original source has fallen, and the Quanming Mountain Range has belonged to the Tianmen of the Lianzong."

Lianzong Tianmen is exactly the sect created by Lianzong.

Back then, Yuanyuan was beheaded by the endless strongest, and most of his territory was occupied by Lian.

"Go on," Lu Feng said.

"Senior, there are countless Quanming families, and there are hundreds of families in the eighth realm alone. The ancestor of my Quan family is a strong man with fifty endless marks. He once commanded the Quanming Mountain Range in the original era. , but since the fall of the original source and the Tianmen of the Lianzong took over, the situation has changed. Now the strongest is the Zheng family.

Quan Ying introduced.

"There are only 55 endless marks." Lu Feng said lightly: "It seems that there are no masters in the Quanming Mountain Range."

"Senior, what is your cultivation level?"

Quan Ying was curious about Lu Feng, 55 Endless Marks could be regarded as a powerful party in the Endless Continent, but it was nothing to hear Lu Feng's tone.

"You don't need to ask too much. You can't understand my cultivation base. I can tell you that I also practice the original way."

Lu Feng suddenly released an original breath.

"Ah! What kind of origin is this!"

Quan Ying screamed, she only saw that her eyes were suddenly dazzled by an infinite light, and she couldn't see anything, and there was an extremely great one, beyond her imagination, stronger than any source she had ever seen.

After calming down, Quan Ying asked cautiously, "Senior, where are you going next?"

"I have nowhere to go now." Lu Feng said casually.

"If senior doesn't dislike it, you can go to my Quan's house first, what do you think?"

Quan Ying invited.

She knew that the source that Lu Feng cultivated was rare in ancient times, and she even suspected that Lu Feng was an old antique that survived the era of the original source. If she got his advice, it would be of great benefit to the declining Quan family that was suppressed by the Zheng family.

Moreover, there is a natural closeness to practicing the original method, especially after the original source has fallen, there are not many people practicing this method.

"It is possible."

Lu Feng did not refuse, he needed the Quan family to understand the situation in the endless world.

[Recommendation ticket please, Lu Feng will naturally create his own great power when he comes to the endless world. 】

(End of this chapter)

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