Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3662 Endless Coin

Chapter 3662 Endless Coin

The mere [-] endless imprint cultivation bases, even saying that they are not in the top class, even praised him, and Lu Feng could kill them with one breath, and giving him a slap is already giving him face.

"My God, is this man a man or a devil!"

"My Quan family's third-ranked master is actually vulnerable in front of him!"

"He... how strong is his cultivation!"

Seeing this situation, everyone in the Quan family trembled in fear.

After Quanying saw it, she also trembled in fright, and defeated Quanyang casually. Even the ancestors of the Quan family couldn't do this kind of cultivation. Grandpa."

"No need, I will see myself."

When Lu Feng waved his hands, the space shook like water ripples, and then disappeared.

But in the eyes of the Quan family, it was a god-like method. The endless continent space is extremely strong. Even in the eighth realm, there is only a way to split the void. If you want to open it at will, it is difficult to find such a method in the entire Quanming Mountain Range. kind of master.

Only when you reach the position of heaven can you have this kind of strength.

But at this very moment, in a secret space in Quan's house that Da Neng opened up, five figures are gathering.

"My God, what kind of master did Quanying bring to my Quan family? Quanyang's [-] endless imprint cultivation bases are also among the top [-] masters in the Quanming Mountain Range, but in the hands of that man Vulnerable, how strong is this person's cultivation? Can you see through it, ancestor?"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with an ancient face. At this time, he looked at an old man sitting in the middle and asked in fear.

"If you want to easily defeat Quanyang, you must have a cultivation base above fifty endless marks, but I can't see through this person at all. I suspect that he is even close to the strength of hundreds of endless marks!"

The old man was wearing a costume in the colors of the five elements, and his brows were extremely dignified.

"Hmph, Quanyang is looking for a dead end, and he has to offend a great power if he doesn't have a good eye!"

A woman, wearing a light blue robe, sneered, even a little gloating.

"Okay, I know that the family's decision this time has caused serious damage to your veins, but there is nothing you can do about it." The middle-aged man said: "Old ancestor, this time a strange master has come to my Quan family, what should we do?" To deal with it?"

"I will meet him personally." The ancestor of the Quan family said, and suddenly sighed: "Oh, I think of my Quan family, under the rule of Yuanyuan and the Five Elements Palace, it was an absolute giant in the Quanming Mountain Range. But now, they are going to fall into this kind of situation, the family's children are withering day by day, and it is difficult to have the resources to maintain promotion."

"There is no way to do this. The Zheng family is backed by the Lianzong Tianmen. Without a backer, we can only be bullied." The middle-aged man also sighed.

"I'm going to meet the master now, maybe this is a turning point."

The ancestor of the Quan family said that he was about to step out of this space, but the void suddenly shook, and an irresistible force swept over him, which shocked him suddenly, and shouted: "You, you, how did you find it!"

"Everything can't be hidden from my eyes."

Lu Feng smiled slightly, the Great Eternity Art and the Great Destiny Art gave him the ability to penetrate everything.

"Friend, who are you?"

The ancestor of the Quan family was very nervous. He hadn't seen Lu Feng in person just now, so he couldn't feel the man's magic power, but when he was in front of him, he felt that Lu Feng was like the universe, and he was just a star in the universe, humble and insignificant .

Immediately, he knew that this person's cultivation was far stronger than his, and he was definitely not someone he could compete with.

"Who do you think I am?"

As soon as Lu Feng moved, a breath of great origin spread out.

"The power of the original source!" The ancestor of the Quan family was startled, with a vigilant expression, "Could it be that you are from the original source?"

"Original Gate? I'm not, but I also cultivated to the eighth realm with the original source." Lu Feng said lightly.

"Dare to ask your Excellency what is the origin of your cultivation?"

The ancestor of the Quan family asked cautiously, and at the same time he released his own origin, which is the origin of the five elements.

"Eternal." Lu Feng spat out two words.

Boom!Eternity suddenly hit the old ancestor of the Quan family like a sledgehammer, making him look extremely shocked, and said with difficulty: "The source of eternity! It will be the source of eternity!"

"Oh? You know the source of eternity." Lu Feng said.

"I know a little bit. Back then, Yuanyuan developed the Yuanyuan cultivation system, but he still has two origins that he still can't cultivate successfully, namely eternity and destiny. Is there really someone in this world who cultivates Yuanyuan?"

The ancestor of the Quan family trembled.

"There is still this matter."

Lu Feng silently analyzed that he has now mastered the complete Great Eternal Art, but the power of fate is actually only a part of it.

"I don't know what's important for you to come to Quanming Mountain Range today?" The ancestors of the Quan family have already regarded Lu Feng as a god-like figure.

"It happened by chance." Lu Feng said lightly: "I calculated it with the great destiny technique. The Yuanyuan Gate you mentioned is the strong man who used to be the Yuanyuan Gate after the death of Yuanyuan. They all want to restore the glory of the original gate and overthrow the Tianmen of Lianzong."


The ancestor of the Quan family sighed heavily: "Back then, Yuanyuan died too suddenly. Lian was the top ten overlords. The huge Yuanyuan Palace fell apart in an instant. Some people died, some surrendered, and some escaped to form the Yuanyuan Gate, which is my Quan family. Although I have surrendered, my life is also very difficult.”

"I've already figured it out, not only your Quan family, but also all the people of the original lineage in the Quanming Mountain Range will have a big crisis." Lu Feng said.

"Exactly, we have been greatly suppressed, and the living situation is under pressure. Now we are about to reach a desperate situation. In a few days, Quanming Mountain Range will hold a meeting to pay offerings to the Tianmen of Lianzong. But this time, It’s really not giving us a way to live!”

The ancestor of the Quan family was angry, but said helplessly: "My Quan family alone has to pay one hundred thousand endless coins, and every endless year, this is to force us to death!"

In the hands of the ancestors of the Quan family, a flat coin-like object appeared at this time, exuding a golden luster. This is the endless coin.

Lu Feng took the Endless Coin and felt the vast aura in it carefully. The round, discus-like Endless Coin compressed countless endless breaths and had a great will.

He probed his spirit, and immediately saw a great shadow, No. [-] in the world, only me. It seems that no one will be his master, and any existence that dares to resist him will be ruthlessly crushed.

"It's such a strong will, just one endless coin has such a great will!"

Lu Feng's heart was shocked, of course he knew that this was the strongest in Endless.

Through this Endless Coin, he already knew that Endless Strongest is so strong that there are almost no words to describe his greatness.

And Endless Coin was issued by the strongest in Endless.

That is to say, the strongest in Endless has control of the currency rights of the entire Endless Continent, and other experts simply do not have this ability.

In this instant, Lu Feng gradually understood why the endless strongest is so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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