Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3672 Tianyin Sect

Chapter 3672 Tianyin Sect

It turned out to be a master of a thousand endless marks!
A thousand endless marks and a few hundred are completely two concepts, and he is already a master of Daluo Tianwei.

Although the strength of this Elder Yin Sha is not as good as the top ten masters on Guizang Continent, he is still an absolute giant, and he is an existence that any force will recruit.

There are two concepts, whether there is a heavenly position or not.

After Elder Yin Sha appeared, Li Xuandao trembled violently, but then he felt Lu Feng's unmoving aura, and his heart settled down: "Hmph! Wei Nanfeng, even if you join the Tian Yin Sect, there is Yin Sha in charge for you!" , but it will definitely not be the opponent of the Eternal Lord, the Eternal Sect will unite the Guizang Continent, and even the entire Guizang Sea!"

"Oh? You want to unify the Guizang Continent. Where did you come from? He is not well-known, but his tone is not small. Even the Tianmen of Lianzong is unable to unify the Guizang Continent. Is it up to you? Eternity, what is eternity, I Yin Sha doesn't know."

The Elder Yinsha glanced at Lu Feng. This person's aura was so ordinary that he would not realize that he would be a master.

"You can come and test the strength of this seat, this farce should be over, there is no need to continue." Lu Feng said lightly: "That's right, I alone can establish the Eternal Gate."

"Then you pass me first!"

Elder Yin Sha sneered again and again.

He absolutely did not believe how powerful Lu Fengfeng was when he was mixed with someone like Li Xuandao. Grab Lu Feng's head.

His blow caused terrifying vibrations in the endless void, and strips of gray lightning escaped.

Great eternity!

Fist of Eternity!

As soon as Lu Feng made a move, it was the simplest, but most practical, and most powerful Great Eternal Technique. Immediately, an eternal vortex appeared, which represented a system of cultivation, and it directly shattered the claws of Elder Yinsha.

Elder Yinsha would never have imagined that Lu Feng was so powerful. When he wanted to attack again, a figure had already come in front of him.

The majestic Gate of Eternity is like an ancient power, with the imposition of the Great Destiny Technique, the power of eternal destiny runs through the ancient and modern times, suppressing everything, and directly blasted on the head of Elder Yinsha, the boundless power at this moment actually made Elder Yinsha both Unable to hold on to his knees, he knelt down.

At this moment, Lu Feng, who manipulates the Gate of Eternity, is extremely tall and stalwart, like the only emperor, controlling everything, and nothing can resist him.

In an instant, he suppressed Elder Yinsha and made him kneel down directly. No matter how much he roared and struggled, it was of no avail.

You know, at the level of Elder Yinsha, almost any force will treat them with courtesy, and they will not bear the humiliation of kneeling.

But Lu Feng's suppression with waving hands completely sealed him with mana, and he didn't have the strength that he should have as thousands of endless cultivation bases.

This is simply impossible.

Seeing that he had knelt down, Elder Yinsha let out an angry roar, and roared: "How could this happen! Ah! I actually knelt down, you, you, you, who are you? Could it be that you were sent by the Tianmen of the Lianzong?" master!"

"This seat has already said that I am the Lord of Eternity."

Lu Feng said in a tone that made all living beings surrender, he mastered the Great Destiny Technique, and he could completely control the emotions of Elder Yin Sha.

"Ah!" Wei Nanfeng also uttered a scream, frightened.

"Wei Nanfeng, now you should see how great the Eternal Lord is!"

Li Xuandao was also very happy in his heart, and felt that it was a wise move to seek refuge with Lu Feng.

"Li Xuandao, I will leave it to you to deal with this person. Now I will go to Tianyin Gate to surrender the ancestor of Tianyin."

Lu Feng grabbed Elder Yin Sha, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Li Xuandao, no, sect master, I did it this time. I shouldn't have taken refuge in Tianyin Sect behind your back, so please forgive me this time!"

Wei Nanfeng also followed suit, and quickly changed his tone.

"Forgive you?" Li Xuandao sneered, "If I hadn't turned to the Lord of Eternity this time, I would have been plotted against by you, a wolf-hearted thing. If I hadn't taken you in back then, where would you be today?"

"I was confused for a while. We are still brothers. I have done a lot of things for you over the years. If there is no hard work, the credit is still rewarding. This time, I, Wei Nanfeng, will join you in taking refuge in the Lord of Eternity."

Wei Nanfeng said.

"You are worthy of saying brother? I feel the blush for you." Li Xuandao can have the strength he has today, and he is definitely not a person who is indecisive. "But I will save your life, and it will only abolish your cultivation. , from now on, just be an ordinary person honestly!"

While speaking, Li Xuandao mobilized his strength and directly sacked Wei Nanfeng.

"Li Xuandao, you want to abolish me, you are so cruel, this is more uncomfortable than killing me!"

Wei Nanfeng will definitely not sit still. Although his cultivation base is weaker than Li Xuandao, he will definitely not make Li Xuandao feel better if he dies. !"

But then, an incredible scene happened.

A gust of true energy suddenly descended from the top of Wei Nanfeng's head, condensing into the door of eternity, sealing all the mana in his body.

It was Lu Feng who, with the technique of eternal destiny, calculated that this would happen, so he left behind.

"The Lord of Eternity is really powerful, Wei Nanfeng, you are finished!"

Li Xuandao directly abolished Wei Nanfeng's cultivation level, knocking him down to a mortal, and at the same time, the reverence towards Lu Feng in his heart was like that of a mortal looking at a god.

But at this moment, Lu Feng has arrived at the territory of Tianyin Sect.

Each of the top ten masters in the Guizang mainland has established a huge force and occupied a large area of ​​land.

Lu Feng looked at a place, which was incomparably vast, but the light there was dim, and the wind was swirling, making the whole world dark.

There was a strong yin and devil energy, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling everywhere, and the cold air pierced into the bone marrow.

Here, although it also has the look of technology, it is more of a horrible hell-like scene.

Lu Feng walked in the depths of time and space, as if in a mirror. After he came to Tianyin Sect, no one noticed his arrival, even the most advanced Tianyin Patriarch.

Soon, he saw a huge tower in the deepest part of Tianyin Sect. Each tower seemed to be a world, where countless ghosts and ghosts were bred.

"Endless Continent has been going on for an unknown number of years. Perhaps only the strongest in Endless can explain it clearly, because before Samsara and Yuan became the top ten overlords, there were legends of the strongest in Endless. No one can explain such a long history. How many masters have been born in the years, the ancestor of Tianyin is practicing the hell system."

Lu Feng looked towards the highest end of this treasure temple, and within the layers of Yin Qi, he locked on the ancestor of Tianyin.

[Half of April has passed, and the new book should be in May. Sha Mao is thinking hard about how to make the new book look good. 】

(End of this chapter)

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