Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 379 Mu Feng

Chapter 379 Mu Feng
The alpha wolf is the center of the wolf pack, not only powerful, but also the brain of the wolf pack.

A large part of the strength of the wolf pack depends on the strength of the leader wolf.

Obviously, the strength of this wolf is very strong, it has reached the Great Perfection of Zhenwu, and it is stronger than humans of the same level.

The huge shadow came quickly, and it was naturally the Demon Dragon Eagle King. It opened its mouth and swallowed the ten-foot-sized wolf with great excitement.

Since entering the ancient continent, the breath from the ancient times has greatly stimulated the blood of the ancient magic dragon and eagle in the Eagle King's body.

The vast coercion suddenly surged, and the head wolf let out a wolf roar, and dozens of ancient fierce wolves rushed towards the Eagle King in a sudden earthquake.

It also has greed in its eyes, feeling the noble blood in Eagle King's body, and if it devours it, it may even evolve into a great demon of Tianwu and leave this ancient continent.


A strange and sharp cry came from the Eagle King's mouth. Those ordinary ancient ferocious wolves were no match for him at all, and the light from his mouth easily killed them all, while he flapped his wings extremely Quickly rushed to the wolf.

The head wolf roared, spitting out blood.

However, its resistance was a bit weak in front of the Eagle King. Regardless of its huge body, it raised its dragon head and sent the Eagle King flying.

For a brief moment, the alpha wolf sensed the danger and wanted to leave.


The dazzling light surged, and Lu Feng came at a high speed, and the fist containing terrifying power simply slammed directly at the wolf.

This punch shook the wolf head, although it did not cause much damage, but the Eagle King's sharp claws that followed immediately crushed the head wolf's head.

In an instant, the alpha wolf lost its breath and was directly swallowed by the Eagle King.

You know, the ancient magic dragon eagle is a fierce beast that can devour the dragon clan, and it naturally has the power to crush the wolf king whose blood is much lower than it.

With the fall of the head wolf, the wolf pack suddenly became leaderless and panicked.

"Haha, Brother Lu is really here, kill me."

Gu Dong laughed loudly, and rushed out, avenging the previous siege.

At the same time, the strong men from Zhitianmen also arrived.

Faced with the joint strangulation of the two strong men, this group of ancient ferocious wolves was immediately defeated, leaving corpses on the ground, and fled in all directions in a panic.

"Brother Gu Dong, please stay safe." Lu Feng said with a smile.

"You guys still have some conscience, knowing that you came to the rescue, you are worthy of my father always praising you."

Gu Ling'er muttered in her small mouth, but she was still happy in her heart.

"Ling'er must not be unreasonable." Gu Dong scolded, and said with a smile: "Thank you, brother Lu, for your rescue."

He didn't expect that the good relationship formed in Yinlong City that day would get good results so quickly.

If Lu Feng didn't come today, their team would definitely suffer heavy losses, and it would be difficult for them to complete the task entrusted to them by the suzerain.

Lu Feng smiled, and didn't take Gu Ling'er's savagery to heart.

"Are they your friends?" Li Qianlong and Feng Xuan also came here and glanced around.

The strength is not bad, there are more than 30 people, and there is a real martial arts realm.

"We come from the Huoyan Sect of Hidden Dragon City." Gu Dong reported his family background.

He looked at the two beautiful women who stepped beside Lu Feng, secretly thinking that Lu Bing was extremely stunning that day, he did not expect that there were two such beautiful women beside Lu Feng.

I sigh in my heart, Yanfu is not shallow.

"Are you also going to the Great Luozong's secret store?" Lu Feng asked with a cough.

"The secret treasure of the Great Luozong has shocked countless teams, and I, the Huoyanzong, naturally want to look for opportunities." Gu Dong said.

"It's just right, if you don't mind, let's go to the Great Luotian Secret Treasure together."

Lu Feng invited.

With the addition of the Huoyanzong, the possibility of getting a chance in the Da Luotian secret treasure will be greatly increased.

Moreover, he still trusts Huoyanzong.

Li Qianlong didn't have any objection to Lu Feng's invitation.

"Of course I don't dislike it." Gu Dong said happily.

"Let's get going, the Great Luo Zong's secret cache is not far ahead." Lu Feng smiled, and then turned into a swift light and plundered towards the Great Luo Zong's secret treasure.

The team has grown stronger again, and the dangers encountered along the way have been greatly reduced.

Half an hour later, Lu Feng's pupils shrank at the scene of rushing to the Great Luo Zong's secret storehouse.

On a huge open space, there was a crowd of 5000 people.

Moreover, there are countless escaping lights coming from all directions with the sound of piercing the sky.

I am afraid that in the end, nearly tens of thousands of people will gather in this area.

It is conceivable that the great effect brought by the Great Luo Zong's secret treasure.

Lu Feng frowned, the more people there are, the chances of winning the opportunity will be greatly reduced.

They stayed at a corner of the open space, looking at the surrounding mountains, and there was a huge oval light circle above a certain mountain.

"Passing through the aperture is the Great Luotian Secret Vault, but the situation inside is not clear, because everything that is known has already entered the Vault."

Li Qianlong pointed to the aperture and said.

At this time, there were streams of light rushing into the circle of light, and the sound of piercing through the air often whirled.

There are still people waiting and watching. After all, there is only one life, and it is unclear what lies within this circle of light.


After the countless figures rushed in, dozens of figures were thrown out heavily.

"What's inside?" Someone asked quickly.

"It's a terrifying wind. I didn't have enough strength to pass the test and was thrown out."

Those people said bitterly.

Hearing this, some people expressed deep thought: "It seems that this is a test set by Da Luozong. Still, their purpose is not to kill people, but to select qualified inheritors."

In an instant, someone analyzed the pros and cons.

Immediately, countless figures were pulled up from the open space and charged into the circle of light again.

There are also some people who are thrown out of the aperture very quickly.

"Hehe, the Great Luozong's secret treasury is a very good secret treasury. There was also a saint in ancient times, and the background is very strong."

On the open space, with the arrival of dozens of figures, it suddenly became much quieter, and among those figures, Mu Ling was also here.

But beside him, there was a man with long aura, sword brows and star eyes, extremely extraordinary.

"Mu Feng, that's the one who took away the dragon and phoenix roots." Sen Ran's eyes suddenly froze on Lu Feng, and Mu Leng said gloomyly.

"Dare to snatch things from my Emperor Mu Xing Dynasty, you are brave enough."

Mu Feng's eyes also slowly moved over.

There are many disciples of Musheng Palace beside him, and he said in a low voice: "How about killing them here?"

The appearance of these people naturally attracted the attention of the Zhitianmen warriors, and their vigilant eyes immediately moved away.

If this group of people wants to fight, he will fight with him when he arrives at Tianmen.

How many fearful people came to this ancient continent?

After looking at it for a while, Mu Feng shook his head: "Forgive them first, the Great Luozong's secret treasure is very important right now."

It's not that he doesn't want to establish the majesty of Emperor Mu Xing's dynasty, but the other party also has several real martial arts masters, so it would be a big fool to do it under the circumstances of this inheritance.

Seeing this, Mu Leng could only nod unwillingly.

"Enter Da Luo's secret treasury!"

Mu Feng said indifferently.

Immediately, Tao Tao's figure rushed into the aperture at a fierce speed.

Lu Feng looked at the back of Mu Xingdi leaving, his eyes also flashed a chill, the smile on his face froze, and the soles of his feet slapped the ground, also darting into the circle of light.

(End of this chapter)

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