Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3800 Fighting Dimensions [2 More]

Chapter 3800 Fighting Dimensions [Two Updates]

The endless strongest deserves to be the strongest.

When the power is exhausted, but his power is endless, always in the strongest state.

As soon as Lu Feng saw him, he knew without a doubt that the strongest man in Endless was a dimensional existence.

Every dimensional existence has its own profound meaning. Lu Feng's eternity represents the tolerance of all rivers and rivers, the tolerance of eternal existence, everything can be accommodated by eternity, but the endless strongest is completely different. He is more domineering and has endless power.

Lu Feng's eternal dimension is solidified into an eternal gate behind him. Anyone who sees it will not be depressed, but feel that they will get the best fortune if they integrate into it.

But as soon as you see the infinite dimensions of the infinite strongest, your mind will be destroyed by the strongest power.

"Master Eternal Gate, you have indeed comprehended the dimension, and you are a well-deserved dimensional existence."

The Endless Strongest, the terrifying strongman, stared at Lu Feng: "However, your strength seems a little weird, strong and not strong, weak and not weak, as if in an infinite balance, compared to some I have seen Dimensional existences don’t seem to have their spells, but your eternal dimension makes him feel infinitely great?”

When he appeared, he didn't attack Lu Feng directly, but felt his eternal power.

"Endless strongest, you have a very good understanding. My cultivation is special, and my whole life is an odd number, an odd number among odd numbers."

Lu Feng said: "Endless strongest, I came this time to prevent the continuation of this war. Since I am here, you will not be able to win. Instead of continuing to lose your life, it is better to call gold and retreat. You want to control the entire Two- In the dimensional universe, it is impossible to succeed, Two-dimensional has its own will, and I don’t think it should be forced to counter his will.”

"The same great Eternal Gate Master, what I have done has been planned for countless years, how can I give up because of your few words?"

There is a profound artistic conception in the eyes of the endless strongest: "As long as I get the entire Two-dimensional universe, and then get the one-dimensional universe, the power of the two complete dimensions, my power can compete with the entire three-dimensional universe." Confrontation, Eternal Sect Master, you should know the greatness of my step."

"I know, but your strongest is based on the suffering of countless people." Lu Feng said.

"Eternal friend."

At this time, Tao also appeared, and he still maintained the mystery of Tao, the elusiveness of Tao.

And from his body, a strange aura is emerging at this moment, which is the power of the two-dimensional universe.Obviously, he is communicating with the two-dimensional origin, injecting his own breath of Tao into it, and gaining infinite good fortune.

"Tao, the power of Tao, represents the number of Taos in the dimensional changes. You are a strange existence." The endless strongest said: "It is the Tao evolved in this dimensional era."

"Your endless strongest is obviously more powerful."

The hexagrams of the two appearances, the four images, the eight trigrams, and the universe evolved in Dao's eyes: "Originally, I couldn't stop you with my power, but the birth of Eternal Daoist Friend is the biggest change. He is also a dimensional existence, enough Curb your ambition."

At this moment, with the appearance of Lu Feng, Dao, and endless strongest, the war on the battlefield stopped temporarily, and the legions of both sides retreated to their respective camps.

"Needless to say, I already have a plan to make the endless strongest retreat, but before that, let me first try how endless his power is!"

Lu Feng's foundation is far from being as majestic as the endless strongest, and his dimension is not as well developed as the endless strongest, but both of them are in the Two-dimensional universe and are restricted, but there is not much difference.

It is the best time to use him to try his own magic power.

Lu Feng has never fought against a dimensional existence, especially the most terrifying character like the endless strongest.


Lu Feng's body soared into the sky, and the Gate of Eternity was the core formation. His power was stretched and vast, and countless eternal essences revolved around him. Suddenly, he swung his palm, urged by powerful force, and directly faced the endless ultimate strong.

"A battle of dimensional existence!"

Dao also retreated far away.

Although he has fought against the strongest endlessly many times, but they all rely on the suppression of the Two-dimensional universe itself, which is not considered real strength, but this time is different, it is a head-on collision between two beings who also have dimensional power.

"Master Eternal Gate, you are qualified to be my opponent!"

The majestic voice of the endless strongest and strongest resounded, and there was still a wave of excitement.

In all dimensions, there are not many who can become his opponents. Even other dimensional existences are also difficult to make him feel excited, but Lu Feng is very different. The power he controls is too weird, and he has never touched it before. .

Immediately, an endless and strongest force descended, bursting out with a roar that blasted through the Two-dimensional universe.

The two hadn't actually collided yet, but their auras were already fighting, like a millstone, constantly spinning and fading away. Even the ten overlords blessed by God's will would not dare to go deep into that terrifying force.

"I am the strongest in the world. The heavenly master who was also a dimensional existence fought with me back then, but he also failed to gain the upper hand. Master of the eternal gate, your eternal gate seems to accommodate everything, but I want to break it even more!"

The endless strongest displayed his unique trick.

His moves are extremely fierce as soon as he makes a move, which is the strongest endless fist, which bombards and kills everything, everything, and nothing can stop his fist style.

"Eternal power can also accommodate endless power!"

Faced with the bombardment of the endless strongest, Lu Feng was extremely calm in his mind. His aura was vast and vast, like the earth, carrying everything, giving an illusion that even the strength of the endless strongest could carry it.

Every move he makes is a huge vortex.

In an instant, the two of them collided billions of trillion times, the laws of the Two-dimensional universe were subverted, and the magic power of the duel went beyond the dimension.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this scene, the Grand Marshal Giant Spirit was stunned and stunned: "What happened, the power of the endless strongest is fierce and overbearing, capable of destroying everything, endless, but this Eternal Sect Master is so strange, his power , It’s like a sea that can melt everything, no matter how bombarded it is, if it falls into the sea, it can’t be broken, it’s like a stone sinking into the sea!”

Yes, it's that weird.

Every bombardment from the endless strongest is like a starburst, but Lu Feng is still standing still. No matter how strong the attack is, he remains the same. With eternal power, he defuses the bombardment from the endless strongest and remains invincible.

"It's not just that weird."

Da Guoshi said: "The power of the endless strongest is not disintegrated, but integrated by the eternal power. This kind of power is too terrifying. He also used this method when dealing with Lian!"

The eternal esoteric meaning accommodates all the power in this world with an infinite and eternal mind.

At this moment, the confrontation between the two has reached the most intense moment, and at the same time they have used the strongest ultimate move, the dimensional field.

(End of this chapter)

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