Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 39 The World Needs Strength

Chapter 39 The World Needs Strength

Bright blood oozes from Jiang Rui's lower lip, and she feels a deep sense of helplessness.

Although the young man next to him looks extraordinary, the Tiger Gang is powerful, and Zhou Jin is the king of this alley.

Does he dare to offend Zhou Jin?
Dare to offend the Tiger Gang?
"Wait a minute, do you feel a sense of accomplishment in bullying a powerless woman?"

Finally Lu Feng stood up, staring at Zhou Jin with cold eyes.

"Who are you? This is a matter between me and Jiang Rui. Do you want to intervene? Get the hell out of here."

Looking at Lu Feng, Zhou Jin looked serious. Judging from his clothes, he should be a member of the Wangchengzhong family.

Zhou Jin didn't want to mess with this kind of person.

"Jiang Rui, how much did you borrow from Tiger Gang?" Lu Feng asked.

Jiang Rui clutched the corner of her clothes tightly with her fingers, lowered her head and said, "At first, I borrowed 100 taels of silver to treat my grandfather's illness, but now I owe them 1000 taels of silver."

Jiang Rui was so heavy with debts that she couldn't hold her head up. She had no choice but to borrow money from the Tiger Gang.

"1000 taels, right? This young master repaid it for you." Lu Feng nodded, took out a bank note and handed it to Zhou Jin.

He saw Lu Xiaorou's shadow from this girl, she also borrowed 20 taels of silver from Wang Hu that day to see a doctor for him.

The same experience made Lu Feng lose his heart in silhouette.

But Zhou Jin shook his head, did not take the bank note, but said coldly like a poisonous snake: "She is overdue, even if she has a bank note, this house and Jiang Rui must leave with me today , you'd better not stop me, I'm a member of the Tiger Gang."

Worried about the forces behind Lu Feng, he brought out the Tiger Gang in an attempt to scare Lu Feng away.

"Is the Tiger Gang very powerful?" Lu Feng was tough, pressing down like a sword: "2000 taels of silver, if you are sensible, get out!"

This kind of people bullies the weak and fears the hard, and only fists can restrain them.

"This is the rule of my Tiger Gang, do you want to disobey it?"

Zhou Jin's face darkened, his eyes flickered coldly, obviously threatening Lu Feng.

"Forget it, son, I'll go with him, as long as you cure my grandpa."

Tears glistened in Jiang Rui's clear eyes. In her opinion, the Tiger Gang is as powerful as the sky.

"Don't worry, with me here today, even the Raptors Gang can't take you away, let alone a Tiger Gang."

Lu Feng gave Jiang Rui a stable smile, and that aura made Jiang Rui feel at ease.

"Are you going to get out or let me do it?"

At this moment, Lu Feng shouted in a cold voice, the chill was like the nine hells.

"Come on, throw this kid out for me!"

Zhou Jin was burning with anger, and waved his hand.

A group of dogs behind him grinned grinningly and rushed over.

"court death!"

With a sweep of his figure, he sprinted forward with a piercing wind, and swung his fist. The pressure descended like Mount Tai.

Those doglegs were startled, their cultivation bases were uneven, the strong ones had nine levels of casting, and the weak ones had just cast their bodies. It was okay to bully some ordinary people, but they were not much stronger than a chicken in front of Lu Feng.

Swing a few punches at random, raise your hand, and throw out both fists, one after another silhouettes fly upside down like straw men.

For a moment, only the angry Zhou Jin was left. He shouted loudly, and dazzling golden lights burst out from between his arms.

But in Lu Feng's eyes, it was too weak, worse than Lu Long back then.

Indeed, although Zhou Jin is a martial artist at the first level of Tongmai, he doesn't think about making progress, he only knows to do evil, and his body has been hollowed out by wine and sex, so his strength is at the bottom of the first level of Tongmai.

With a punch, Lu Feng forcefully knocked Zhou Jin back, and the force of the counter-shock caused him to hit the courtyard wall.

Zhou Jin was furious, and his fists blasted out angrily, but Lu Feng's next punch hit him hard on the chest, and the sound of bone fracture resounded for a while, and Zhou Jin also fell limply to the ground, looking at him in fear. landing peak.

Too strong, the young man in front of him was only a cast body, but he was smashed with a flip of his hands.

"Jiang Yi, I'll leave it to you, and you can deal with it as you like."

Jiang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that when he thought of Zhou Jin bullying his sister, blood rushed to his mind, and he rushed towards the knife.


Amidst Zhou Jin's screams, two severed arms were thrown up in the air, apparently Jiang Yi had just removed Zhou Jin's two arms.

"You can't do evil without an arm, and this is your punishment."

The blood stained the courtyard wall red, Jiang Yi was not afraid, it aroused his ferocity, said coldly.

Everyone was terrified, and those dog legs were trembling all over.

"Who are you!" Zhou Jin asked, enduring the pain.

"If you want to trouble me, go to the Lu family. I'm from the Lu family." Lu Feng said lightly.

Hearing this, the Zhou family looked ashamed.

There was only one Lu family in the royal city, and that was the Zhennan Prince's Mansion. Such a colossal monster could wipe out the Tiger Gang with a single breath, and couldn't hold it any longer, and passed out.

"Thank you benefactor." Mr. Jiang pulled the two of them to kneel before Lu Feng.

At this time, Lu Feng stared at Jiang Yi, and found that there was a fierceness in his bones, which was aroused this time.

"If you want to protect your grandfather and sister, you must have strength. In this world, the strong will always be respected." Lu Feng said.

Jiang Yi said: "I want to have the same strength as benefactor, so that I won't be fished by these villains."

Lu Feng pondered for a moment, then patted Jiang Yi on the shoulder: "I have a way to give you strength, but you must promise to be absolutely loyal to me."

This was done after careful consideration. He saw that although Jiang Yi was stubborn, he valued love and righteousness.

In addition, he has not practiced martial arts, so he has the power of casting three layers, which makes him guess that Jiang Yi may have some kind of special physique.

It's just that he doesn't have martial arts cultivation yet, so he can't tell.

Jiang Yi looked at Elder Jiang and nodded when he saw him. After all, Elder Jiang also understands that this world needs strength.

Moreover, Mr. Jiang also knew how powerful the so-called Lu family was. It was a giant in Wangcheng, and it would be beneficial and harmless to have a relationship with Lu Feng.

Jiang Yi suddenly knelt down: "I, Jiang Yi, will never do anything to betray my benefactor in the future, otherwise there will be a thunderbolt, and there will be no place to die."

"Get up, it's enough to have you, just call me big brother in the future." Lu Feng smiled,
In the future, if she practices martial arts, she will not be able to stay with Miss Xiao Rou forever, and will definitely need someone to take care of her.

With Jiang Yi and Jiang Rui around, at least someone will accompany her in her daily life in the future.He can also feel relieved, which is also his selfishness.

Next, Lu Feng picked enough golden elm leaves and a golden rhizome, and led the three of them out of the courtyard.

As for the golden elm tree, he wasn't worried either, he would send someone to take care of it if he said hello to the fat shopkeeper.

After returning home, seeing Lu Xiaorou, Lu Feng introduced the three of them to her.

"Miss Xiaorou." Jiang Rui was a little nervous.

Lu Xiaorou smiled softly, and took Jiang Rui's hand: "You don't have to be restrained, just treat this place as your own home."

Lu Xiaorou is gentle, even though Lu Feng has a high status, her personality is still the same as before.

"Okay, let's get acquainted first, Miss Rou will tell you some rules, now I will prepare the medicinal solution for Mr. Jiang."

Lu Feng smiled and went to the place where the family kept the medicinal materials.

These basic medicinal materials are available in the family, so there is no need to go to the Universal Business Alliance.

Looking at the back of Lu Feng leaving, Lu Xiaorou felt lost. As Lu Feng practiced martial arts, the two of them spent less and less time together, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But she knows very well that this world is cruel and iron-blooded, if her Xiaofeng doesn't have enough strength, she can only be a mermaid.

(End of this chapter)

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