Chapter 41
The night had already descended on the Qingfeng Mountains, and the cold moon in the sky was even more monstrous. Those savage beasts roared one after another in the lush mountains and forests, making them look very restless.

"Shua!" A strong wind passed through the mountain forest, bringing up the dancing leaves, and a figure swiftly swept towards the depths of the mountain range.

After a while, two figures descended, looking in the direction of Lu Feng's escape.

These two people have been chasing Lu Feng for an hour like tarsal maggots, and they never give up. They must kill Lu Feng.

"Damn it, what did that kid eat to grow up, and he hasn't exhausted until now, instead, he runs faster and faster."

While running, the fat killer was sweating profusely, panting and complaining profusely.

Under this kind of high-intensity pursuit, even though they are the strong men with more than a dozen martial arteries in their bodies, they still feel a deep sense of fatigue. How can it maintain this speed? Did it eat some magical treasure?

"It took so much effort. It would be too worthless to give up now. I don't believe that kid can run."

The skinny killer glanced at the deep forest around him, gritted his teeth, took a pill emitting a faint white light, and the speed under his feet was a little faster.

"The tracking skills of those two killers are too superb. If I can't throw them away a thousand meters in a few breaths, I won't be able to get rid of them."

At this moment, even with Lu Feng's strong physique, he felt weak.

The gap between the legs is as heavy as lead, and every step requires several times the strength.

But he couldn't stop at this moment. Once he was chased by the fat and thin killer, his situation would be even worse.

At this time, Lu Feng's mouth became bitter, he took out two pieces of low-grade profound energy, and the black stone refined the profound energy in the blink of an eye.

A cold profound energy circulated in the body, the heaviness disappeared a bit, and Lu Feng felt a bit more relaxed and comfortable.


At this time, Lu Feng's speed increased a bit, and he ran wherever he saw, every muscle in his body exerted the speed to the fullest.

While galloping, a [-]-meter-long plank road appeared in front of Lu Feng, and immediately jumped and disappeared into the vast night.

"Damn it, if you chase after him, you'll be where the savage beasts gather in the Xuanfu Realm."

"When you get here, you still want to give up. If you don't take Lu Feng's head, you won't be able to receive the reward. We are the death guards who hang our heads on the waistband of our trousers."

It turned out that as long as they passed through that plank road, it was the active range of high-level savage beasts. It was still very dangerous to rush in with their strength, but the queen's reward was too generous, and they could break through to Xuanfu.

Under the temptation of such interests, it is worth taking a little risk.

At this moment, Lu Feng passed the kilometer-long plank road, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

Turning his gaze, he saw a deep mountain, and nimbly drilled into it.

There are countless savage beasts in the mountains, but Lu Feng chooses to ignore them, and he will go wherever the remote ones are.

In the process of escaping, a burst of light suddenly appeared in front of him, and a bone-piercing chill poured into his body, and he couldn't help shivering.

Lu Feng wanted to avoid this area, but there was only one road in front of him, so he had no choice but to sneak in.

There is a naturally formed stone cave behind the mountain. Even though it is early summer, it is still covered by a layer of frost, as if there is a powerful thing entrenched here.

"Hurry up, Fatty has been waiting here for several days, finally waiting for this ice python to shed its skin."

In a tall grass that is as tall as a person, there is a figure hidden, rolling and fat like a ball.

At this moment, Lu Feng rushed in suddenly, startling a molting ice python inside, and immediately breathed out a cold breath on Lu Feng's body.

Lu Feng's body froze suddenly, the cold breath made his body froze suddenly, and his speed came to a halt.

"Haha, let's see where you are going this time, our brothers finally caught you!"

In the night, they only saw that Lu Feng's running speed slowed down. They were overjoyed and didn't think too much about the cold environment here. They quickly chased after them in a few breaths.

When they arrived and were about to kill Lu Feng, a huge figure appeared in the cave, scaring them so much that their breathing stopped.

It was a huge ice snake with a body length of ten feet, and a small half of the skin on its body had come off. At this moment, the two huge snake eyes were staring at the two of them.

"Run! The ice python at the ninth level of the Xuanfu, we disturbed it from shedding its skin!"

The fat and thin killers yelled in panic, this was beyond their ability to deal with.

If the ice python successfully sheds its skin, it will become a savage beast at the real martial arts level. At this moment, they don't care about Lu Feng, they just want to escape, so they turned around and ran in another direction.


The ice python spat out the snake letter angrily, and an icy storm raged from its body, and all the surrounding tree trunks fell down in response.

Damn human beings, disturb its transformation, its limited wisdom is full of the idea that eating two people can vent its hatred

This storm lifted Lu Feng up to a height of tens of meters, and then he fell down heavily, but he didn't feel any pain, and a soft object caught him.

"Oh, which bastard disturbed the ice python earlier!"

"Which bastard used the fat man as a meat pad again, it hurts the fat man to death, come out quickly, and see if I don't beat you into a pig's head."

An inhuman sound of slaughtering a pig came out angrily, and there was a fat man who was almost crushed under Lu Feng, yelling loudly.

"Go! The snake is mad."

Lu Feng's reaction was extremely fast, he picked up the fat man, swept around the entrance of the snake cave, looked in one direction, and then disappeared after a burst of slamming.

Fortunately, the cultivation base of the fat and thin killer became the bait for them to attract the ice python, and the ice python charged towards the two killers at the speed of a cave.

During this period, the fat and thin killers let out two screams one after another.

In front of the ice python at the ninth level of the Xuanfu, they have absolutely no chance of repaying.

The two died extremely unjustly, and were killed by a wild beast.

at this time.

Lu Feng, carrying the fat man, ran for a full stick of incense and came to a place with strange rocks.

After hearing that there was no movement around, he stopped out of breath, and sat on a rock to recover his strength.

The fat man was too heavy, and Lu Feng had exhausted too much energy before, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

But fortunately, those two killers had already been buried in the snake's belly.

"Who are you! You interrupted my good business!" The fat man shouted angrily, pointing at Lu Feng.

Under the radiance of the moonlight, Lu Feng could clearly see the appearance of the fat man in front of him.

He looked young, with a fair face, and his eyes were small but gleaming. That Maitreya-like smile made his anger at the moment full of cuteness.

"I'm sorry." After all, Lu Feng also seemed a little embarrassed when he treated others as meat pads.

At this time, the fat man looked distressed, and said: "My master has been lurking for several days, and finally when the ice python molts its skin and its defenses are the weakest, you will completely destroy the master's plan. It's over!"

It turned out that the fat man wanted the snake saliva fruit in front of the ice python's cave. I have to say that this fat man was brave enough to lurk in front of the wild beasts of the ninth level of the Xuanfu, and ordinary people would not have the courage at all.

"This is the snake fruit you want."

Like a magic trick, ten bright red fruits appeared in Lu Feng's hands, which were snake saliva fruits.

In the process of escaping, while the ice python was chasing and killing the fat and thin killer, Lu Feng noticed the ten snake saliva fruits at a glance, and picked them up.

The fat man twitched his fingers, laughing so much that his fat flesh huddled together, and hurriedly grabbed the snake saliva in Lu Feng's hand.

What surprised Lu Feng was that the fat man didn't take all of them away, but only took five, which made Lu Feng take a few more glances.

"Forget it, the fat man is not that greedy. Although you treat me like a meat pad, it would be very difficult for me to get snake saliva fruit without your help." The fat man put his waist on his waist and said with a wretched smile: " These five snake saliva fruits are your compensation for using the fat man as a meat pad."

(End of this chapter)

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