Chapter 464

There was a little disappointment in the eyes of the auction house. They thought that the two would compete for this seemingly tasteless stone talisman because of fighting spirit, but they didn't expect the emperor to be so calm and did not compete with Lu Feng for the price.

Even Yaozi, who had always known about the emperor, was slightly taken aback.

This guy seems to want to concentrate his financial resources for the final token auction.

He still underestimated the emperor's character.

Soon, a law enforcer collected the corresponding ancient wonders and sent the stone talisman to Lu Feng.

The stone talisman is simple and simple, engraved with the three characters of Xuanshenzong, but it is only the size of a palm, but Lu Feng can sense the blessing of spiritual power from it.

He tried it briefly, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his mental attack power had increased by as much as [-]%.

Don't underestimate this mere [-]%, now Lu Feng can easily kill the weaker Tianwu [-]st Realm without the help of stone talismans, but with the blessing of [-]%, even the deep Tianwu [-]st Realm can resist capital.

"This thing, [-] plants of ancient medicine, the value of the flowers."

While Lu Feng was delighted, Qin Feng took advantage of the heat to strike the iron, and then auctioned off several good treasures one after another.

At the same time as the auction, Qin Feng was also lamenting that the opening of the ancient continent was far more lively than before, and even the birth of treasures was not comparable to before.

Moreover, there are many more strong people than before.

At the end of the ancient continents in the past, there were only a few hundred people born in the Tianwu realm.

But right now, this number has far exceeded.

Maybe it's because of the ancient secret treasure.

Correspondingly, he also saw blood in his eyes soon after.

The hot atmosphere of the auction continued unabated.

But after that, Lu Feng didn't continue to attack.

At this time, with the auction of the last treasure, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense, and countless eyes stared at the ancient tablet in Qin Feng's hand with enthusiasm.

Profound God Sect keepsake!
Most of the warriors who came here came because of this token.

"Mysterious God Sect keepsake, collect all five to open the real Xuanshenzong relic, you can naturally imagine its value, and its reserve price cannot be estimated, so it is priceless!"

Qin Feng also said extremely excitedly, his body trembling slightly.

If it weren't for the special reasons of the ancient continent, what kind of storm would it cause if it were released to the outside world, and even a chaotic fight.

"The real battle is about to start."

Lu Feng's eyes became serious.

As the owner of a keepsake, he understands its value very well.

Possessing a keepsake means that one can obtain some privileges in the Xuanshenzong ruins, and no one knows where these privileges are reflected.

But it is undeniable that those who have tokens will gain the upper hand in the ancient secret treasures, and these opportunities are likely to be treasures.

Therefore, no matter how expensive the auction of this item is, even if it is bankrupt, this item must be auctioned.

"[-] ancient rare medicines, this thing is bound to be obtained by Emperor Mu Xing, whoever dares to interfere with the emperor will make you pay the due price!"

The emperor's eyes turned cold, and when he got up, his cold eyes immediately swept around, bringing a terrible pressure.

Many forces that were about to move and want to increase prices retreated.

"My Demon Saint Cave means that no one in this ancient continent can take revenge on you."

Yaozi got up too, and said with a smile.

"Emperor Mu Xing Dynasty, you already have tokens from two parties, so don't fight over this one, otherwise you will become the target of public criticism."

In a single room, there were dozens of fierce and fierce Heavenly Martial Realm powerhouses, their cold eyes were directly facing the Emperor, without any expression of fear.

Lu Feng turned his gaze to see that there were not only warriors from Motian Temple in that single room, but also top experts from the four veins of the Four Elephants Sect, and many unknown sect experts.

Immediately, he knew in his heart that apart from the alliance formed by Lu Feng and others with some sects, there was also a big alliance to be formed.

"It seems that you also want to compete with me?" The emperor was expressionless, but he was already furious in his heart.

"Sixty thousand ancient rare medicines."

A strong person in the single room responded immediately.

"One hundred thousand plants of ancient wonder medicine!" The emperor raised the price immediately.

As long as you get the token, it doesn't matter even if you consume all the magic medicine.

This time, the high officials of the imperial court asked him to obtain the Xuanshenzong relics, so that he could be trained as a future prince in the future.

This title represents status, even some saints are not as honorable as the crown prince.

Because, the prince can only have one person.

"11 ancient rare medicines." The strong said not to be outdone.

The sound of fierce bidding resounded in the auction hall immediately, and the prices bid by the two strongmen made the corners of everyone's mouths twitch, and their hearts set off turbulent waves.

This is not something that a single force can come up with.

"13 ancient rare medicines."

There was another bidding sound, and I saw that there were also many warriors gathered in a certain single room, and the pulsating light in their eyes was also bound to win.

"People of Wufu, are you going to fight against me, Emperor Mu Xingchao?"

Peiran's aura erupted from the emperor's body, and the surroundings seemed to evolve into a starry sky. His cold eyes looked directly at the warriors in the single room.

"Emperor Mu Xing Dynasty, others are afraid of you, but my Martial House is not."

The people from Wufu laughed.

Everyone knows that although the 72 states' martial arts houses operate independently, the force behind them is Dongxuan House.

This force aims to destroy the evil gods, and they usually have nothing to do with them, but no one can ignore their energy.

"20 ancient rare medicines, let me see how confident your Wufu is in competing with our emperor for the price."

The emperor's face was livid.

The price that is almost breathless has appeared. If you take out 20 ancient medicines, you may even be able to exchange for a lot of treasures, which is enough to create a lot of strong people.

This price is hard to beat.

"21 ancient rare medicines."

The price of the forces composed of warriors such as Motian Temple has increased.

The eyes of the entire auction house were all focused on that alliance, and their financial resources were also far beyond imagination.

"Fortunately, during this period of time, many ancient secret treasures have been searched and many treasures have been obtained, otherwise it would be difficult to compete with the emperor."

In the single room, Du Tianwei said solemnly.

However, this is not enough to win the token, because they all understand that this is not enough for the emperor's son to bear.

Sure enough, only a few moments later, the emperor raised the price.

However, this time, the price was only increased by [-] plants.

The bidding continued, but the rate of price increase was not as scary as before. Several forces were slowly increasing their prices upwards by one thousand and one thousand.

Even so, the price still soared to more than 10 plants after a few tens of minutes.

"30 ancient rare medicines, don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

The emperor's face became more and more gloomy, obviously he had no interest in playing with him slowly.

The alliance forces on that side were silent.

Wufu was also silent.

Right now, no one can beat the high price of 30 ancient medicines.

Unless all their treasures and cultivation objects are taken out, they may be able to fight.

But who is willing to bear the price.

The auction was silent for several minutes, but still no one bid.

The emperor sketched a sneer, looked at the auction platform, and scolded: "Qin Feng, don't hesitate to announce the final result."

Such scolding made Qin Feng very upset, but when he wanted to announce the result, a lazy voice sounded out of place.

"Since neither of you has the financial resources to compete for the token, why don't you cooperate and seize it together?"

(End of this chapter)

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