Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 497: Ancient Man?

Chapter 497: Ancient Man?

Great attention!

The huge coffin wrapped with thick silver chains, the silver patterns look like ancient characters, forming some kind of seal.

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not stop the emperor's actions, but quietly watched him open the giant coffin.

Right now, it is not clear whether the giant coffin is a treasure or a murderer. Only when the final treasure is born can we really know.

He didn't believe that this group of people would be indifferent after seeing the treasure and let the emperor take it away.

Now, it's just the last calm before the storm.

In front of the giant coffin, the emperor got closer, and his ecstatic eyes immediately saw five marks on the giant coffin, corresponding to the five tokens.

After a while, he took out two keepsakes and inlaid them in.

The world was silent for a moment.


Accompanied by the emperor's actions, the huge coffin suddenly trembled, making a low roaring sound, and two strong silver brilliance continuously diffused from the imprint inlaid with the two keepsakes.

But obviously, this is not enough to really open the giant coffin.

Because, there is still a lack of three parties.

The emperor frowned slightly, fixed his cold eyes on the three of them, and shouted unceremoniously: "What are you guys still doing, why don't you quickly take out the token and open the giant coffin!"

His scolding immediately fell into the ears of everyone.

The few people who controlled the token did not act immediately, but waited and watched the opinions of the others while communicating with each other.

"Do you want to really open the giant coffin?" Lu Feng looked at the crazy emperor and let out a sneer.

"We want to take out the token and help him open the giant coffin?"

Lu Bing looked at Lu Feng with a icy coldness in his watery eyes.

"Help, why don't you help? Is it impossible to take it out because of the chance? As for who will get the treasure in the end, it is still unknown, and the cooperation of all parties is still needed at the moment."

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Besides, I also really want to know what Xuanshenzong has left here after spending such a large price?"

There was a cold arc on the corner of his lips, and immediately the ancient tablet in his palm turned into a silver light beam, which quickly shot into one of the marks.

In an instant, two silver beams shot into the mark again.

With the gathering of the five party keepsakes, the silver brilliance of this huge coffin almost filled the entire space, and then those silver patterns slowly entered into the giant coffin, and a small gap slowly opened at an extremely slow speed .

All the powerhouses present couldn't help being excited when they saw the change in the giant coffin, what kind of treasures would the mighty Xuanshenzong leave behind for future generations.

It lasted for about 10 minutes, the silver light subsided violently, and a rotten breath suddenly shot out from the giant coffin.

The giant coffin was opened, and the inside was empty, without the treasures that everyone imagined.

But there was a figure among them, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

He was covered in cocoon-like silver light, a dim silver robe wrapped around his body, and his dry long hair hung loose.

There was no flesh and blood in his body, and his skin covered his bones like a mummy.

But no one underestimated him. Even if he sat and stood quietly, he still had an air of arrogance blooming, as if he could shatter the endless space with just a wave of his hand.

"It turns out that there is only one person in here, and it seems to be a dead person?"

Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

Although the figure was very powerful in front of him, it had nothing to do with the treasure.

Even the emperor's eyes widened. Could it be that the mission entrusted to him by the emperor was to bring back this body?

Not caring so much, the emperor turned into a big hand and shouted: "You, follow me back to the emperor's court!"

Seeing this, Lu Fei felt anxious and wanted to rush out to stop her, but Lu Feng grabbed his arm and said calmly, "Wait, it won't be that easy."

All of these revealed strangeness, Xuan Shenzong spent such a large amount of money, it was definitely not as simple as hiding a dead body.

"It's been silent for a long time, and it's time to close the trap set by Wuxuan Shenzong. It seems that the old guy has lived through the ancient times, and it's really difficult for him."

The corpse suddenly opened its eyes, and with a slight sigh, a bulging momentum spread all over the body, and the emperor's body was blown away like a kite with a broken string.

"Is he still alive? How is this possible? The ancient times are too far away from now!"

Lu Fei's clear eyes were full of shock, and it was hard to imagine that there would be an old monster from ancient times here.

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "No, he died a long time ago. There is a formation in this huge coffin, which preserves his last trace of sanity. I'm afraid it's just for this day."

"There is still a familiar aura. There is also a little guy here who has cultivated the Shenque Palace."

The corpse's withered and sunken pupils stared at Lu Feng, as if attracted by the aura of the Divine Tower Palace, a grin appeared on the terrifying face.

"However, my Xuanshenzong has been destroyed, and I don't know how many years have passed, otherwise."

The corpse shook its head, and suddenly a ten-foot-sized thin talisman appeared from the bottom of the giant coffin. There were countless dazzling silver brilliance on it, and the aura it emitted turned into ripples and rushed towards the surroundings crazily.

"This breath actually belongs to a holy object!"

Sensing this aura, countless people were shocked, with greed and fire in their eyes.

Holy things!
That kind of treasure is not comparable to a Venerable Treasure at all, even the most peak Venerable Treasure is not even qualified to carry the shoes of the worst holy relic.

Because, that is not the same concept, just like the gap between Zunwu and Saint.

However, Lu Feng's eyes were not on the sacred object, but on the changes in the corpse.

A storm-like pure immemorial aura crazily poured into the body of the corpse, the qi and blood in his body were actually aroused, majestic and shaking the sky, and the originally withered body was filling up little by little, and it was actually returning to normal. so-so.

The dry and sunken pupils once again burst into a deep light, and he looked back at the surrounding world. The terrifying power could almost compete with the sun and the moon.

The face is majestic, with the pressure of the superior.

He seems to be resurrected?
"Could it be that he is alive? Will he reappear in the world?" Lu Fei trembled.

After a moment of silence, Lu Feng said solemnly: "This is not a real resurrection. In fact, he has long since fallen. It's just borrowing the last ray of wisdom from that seal."

"Furthermore, our so-called collection of source beads was just to restore temporary strength for this ancestor."

In an instant, all kinds of weirdness can be explained.

This is simply the situation set up by Xuanshenzong.

This method is appalling.

"You juniors have done a good job. You have collected enough source beads to temporarily restore some strength for me."

The eyes suddenly radiated away, and many people couldn't bear the pressure and knelt down one after another.

And the corpse also nodded secretly, among them there are a few juniors who are not bad, the Xuanshenzong in those days were all extremely outstanding geniuses.

"The game laid out must be slowly closed, so start with me first and deal with you!"

The corpse's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the space was shattered. With a wave of his hand, he knocked the huge coffin into the air, revealing a hideous hole in the abyss, exhaling a dark red and foul smell.

(End of this chapter)

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