Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 52 Tough Means

Chapter 52 Tough Means
In the whole banquet, most of the geniuses from the royal family, the Su family and some second-rate families belonged to the Lu and Du families, so few people supported him when Lu Feng was pushed to the forefront.

All the contradictions shrouded Lu Feng at this moment.

"It's ridiculous. How can you be rude to me?"

Lu Feng smiled brightly and his eyes were sharp.

He is not a person who likes to make troubles, but it doesn't mean that he will be afraid when encountering troubles.

And since Lin Tian didn't prepare a seat for him, there are so many seats here, he just needs to grab one with his current strength of the second level of Tongmai.

The boy snorted coldly, but the next scene made his mouth open wide.

Heavenly Fist!
With a movement of Lu Feng's figure, he leaped into the sky, punching a mighty, mighty punch, and directly blasted at the fiercest boy who was shouting loudly.

Although the young man was surprised, he was a genius in the Tongmai Realm after all, so he had some responsiveness.

All of a sudden, a palm blasted away, and the sharp golden profound energy turned into a vajra palm and struck out horizontally with an unrivaled forceful posture.


With a bang, accompanied by the sound of bone cracking, the young man flew upside down like a kite, unable to catch even a punch.

In terms of realm, this person is a small realm lower than Lu Feng.

As far as strength is concerned, Lu Feng has the power of four flying dragons with one punch, and this person has at most the power of one flying dragon.

How to fight with Lu Feng is just asking for humiliation.

"Come here, take him down to heal his wounds."

Lin Tian's face was gloomy, and he immediately turned his eyes to Lu Feng, a deep fear arose spontaneously.

A few months ago, he was only at the casting level, but now it has only been a few months, and his strength is so powerful. The momentum of the attack just now is as majestic as the sky, and even the warriors of the fourth level of the meridian are unwilling to fight with him. Fight hard.

"This seat belongs to me, and those who are not convinced can fight with me."

A contemptuous aura emanated from Lu Feng, like a king's arrival. His eyes swept across the young people at the banquets, and all of them immediately stopped talking with anger on their faces.

In the end, it was just a seat, and it was not worth fighting with Lu Feng.

Even Mo Ling couldn't help his heart beating when he saw Lu Feng's posture at this time, and a layer of blush was quietly smeared.


Not only is he highly accomplished in the inscription veins, but he is also so powerful.

All kinds of things made Mo Ling more curious about Lu Feng.

Seeing that no one dared to challenge, Lu Feng generously moved the chair to Mo Ling's side, and sat down.

"Fatty, I'm also short of a seat, whoever of you will give it up honestly."

Du Fan waved his chubby fist, and lightning radiated from his body.

When he left the Qingfeng Mountain Range, he was the power of the Triple Meridian, and now he has opened up six martial arteries, and his strength is even stronger.

There was silence at the scene, and no one answered.

"Then you."

Du Fan looked cruelly at a young boy from the royal family who had double meridians, and suddenly swung his fist out.

In an instant, thunder and lightning erupted, and the royal boy was completely blackened by the electricity, and was thrown out by Du Fan directly.

Fatty is very vengeful, he remembers that he was the one who bullied him last year.

After getting a chair, Du Fan sat next to Lu Feng, making friends with Mo Ling harmlessly.

Seeing the close relationship between the three, the whole banquet was full of gunpowder. Many people looked at Lu Feng with cold eyes.

"Okay, now that the seat has been confirmed, the banquet will begin."

Lin Tian suppressed his anger towards Lu Feng and clapped his hands.

Immediately, a number of court ladies came up to entertain this group of gifted youths with delicious food and wine.

It can be seen that Lin Tian really cares about this banquet. The food alone needs at least 10,000+ taels of silver, which can be called a luxury.

"Inviting everyone to come today is to announce one thing, that is, this prince will soon be married to Su Xue, a beautiful girl from the lineage of King Zhenbei."

Thinking of Su Xue, Lin Tian smiled, she is a top-quality woman.

Su Xue is engaged to the royal family Lin Tian!
Grabbing a jade-like spiritual fruit in his hand, Lu Feng's eyes showed surprise, and he immediately felt interesting.

Isn't Su Xue on good terms with Lu Hua?That day in Danpu Lu Feng saw the two of them being very close.

Why did he suddenly get engaged to Lin Tian today? This is worth pondering.

But at this moment, a gust of fragrant wind came, pouring into the tip of Lu Feng's nose, and he saw a graceful figure walking out under the radiance of several court ladies.

It was Su Xue who came, wearing a long elegant dress, with a delicate face, and there was a temptation in every frown and smile that a man couldn't extricate himself from.

She saw Lu Feng at a glance, with contempt and provocation in her eyes, and sat down beside Lin Tian.

"Haha, Su Xue, you are here."

Lin Tian looked happy, and pulled Su Xue's small hands like mutton fat jade.

"Yeah." Su Xue nodded slightly, and said, "It's just that one person made me feel very unhappy today."

There is no need to guess about that person, many people know that she is referring to Lu Feng, after all he broke off the engagement in front of countless people that day.

Lu Feng also touched his chin, he didn't expect this woman to hold grudges so much.

"Brother Feng, she seems to have a grudge against you."

Mo Ling asked, she had been in the Inscription Pattern Guild in the past, so she didn't know about these gossips.

"Hey, Sister Ling, Su Xue once had a marriage contract with Lu Feng, but she looked down on Lu Feng and flirted with other men, so the engagement was broken. Of course there is a grudge." Du Fan chuckled, his mouth full of delicious food, Vaguely said.

"Ah!" Mo Ling exclaimed: "Brother Feng is so outstanding, how could anyone look down upon him?"

She really couldn't understand that even Lu Feng admired her grandpa, yet someone would look down on him.

But at this moment Lin Tian looked at Lu Feng, and said: "There are always some people in this world who don't know what is good or bad, and do things arrogantly and domineeringly. In my opinion, such people are idiots. Even a lovely person like Sister Su Xue doesn't know how to pity her."

Lin Tian didn't hide it at all, and pointed directly at Lu Feng.

Su Xue is the top celeb in Wangcheng's younger generation. Although she is not as good as Mo Ling, she is still extremely rare. I don't know how many young people daydream about her.

Moreover, he had suffered losses at Lu Feng's hands twice, and with his playful character, of course he had to find an opportunity to humiliate Lu Feng.

"He's just a stupid guy, what the heck, trash is always trash in my opinion."

Su Xue sneered, holding her snow-white neck proud.

The purpose of today's banquet was to humiliate Lu Feng, and the two naturally spared no effort.

After being divorced by Lu Feng that day, Su Xue was also extremely depressed.

Under the persuasion of King Zhenbei, she practiced hard, and finally broke through to Tongmai, and now she has opened up a third martial arts, so she is naturally very proud.

As for Lu Hua, he was also a waste in her eyes. He was defeated by Lu Feng and sent to the army.

With her personality, of course she would be kicked away, but with the help of King Zhenbei, she went with Lin Tian instead.


At the same time, some teenagers who were dissatisfied with Lu Feng laughed out loud one by one, with sarcasm in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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