Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 548 Ancient Bronze Pagoda [4 more]

Chapter 548 Ancient Bronze Pagoda

Heart test.

Lu Feng looked up at the sky, and asked loudly with chapped and white lips.

But Heart Sutra didn't respond to him.

After a long time.

A picture slowly appeared in front of his eyes. It was the Heavenly Star Imperial City, which was incomparably majestic and exuded an incomparably rich imperial aura.

But soon, great changes came, and countless people rushed into the imperial city, igniting the flames of war.

Like an outsider, Lu Feng could only watch all this helplessly.

Stunned, he saw an unbelievably beautiful woman, with a trace of complicated emotions in her indifferent eyes, as if she saw Lu Feng.

After thousands of years, the two met again in this strange and incomparable way.

He saw Mu Yan's lips parted, as if talking to him.

But this is just the illusion caused by the attachment in Lu Feng's heart caused by the Heart Sutra, so he doesn't know the meaning of those words at all.

"What happened back then!"

Lu Feng held his head in pain.

The image of Mu Yan opening his lips played back over and over again in his eyes.

After being silent for a long time, Lu Feng's eyes glowed, and he took a deep breath, and the originally uncontrollable emotions calmed down slowly.

"I understand the Heart Sutra, I understand what the mind is, and how to gather the mind."

Lu Feng said lightly to the world.

A dreamlike ray of light danced from his fingertips, and strange light spots poured into his body.

The so-called mental power is somewhat similar to spiritual power, and it is a branch of spiritual power cultivation.

The will in the heart is the so-called mental power.

To condense the mind-seed is to turn the illusory will power into substance, just like before the fifty level of spiritual power is nothingness, but after the fifty level it can become tangible.

With the help of the Heart Sutra, Lu Feng grasped that power of will.

He has previous experience in condensing spiritual power, and his mental power is already terrifyingly stronger than his peers, so the first step of condensing the heart seed is surprisingly easy.

Gradually, the Heart Sutra continuously transmits knowledge about the power of the mind.

To put it simply, the stronger the will and the stronger the obsession, the stronger the heart will be.

And the cultivation of the heart seed depends on the power of will.

It has to be said that the senior who developed the Sacred Heart Sutra is also a genius.

Through the Heart Sutra, Lu Feng knew that the senior was once a man with strong spiritual power. After experiencing great joy and great sorrow, he suddenly realized the power of the mind, and thus spent his whole life creating this Heart Sutra.

Controlling power with the power of the heart is the essence of this Holy Heart Sutra.

And as Lu Feng comprehended the power of mind, his whole body was full of strength again, and he felt an unprecedented smoothness when he punched, and he was stronger than before.

This immediately made Lu Feng happy. Mind power may not be able to directly increase strength, but it can make a martial artist with mind power play two parts for one point of strength.

It can also be said that this is an auxiliary supernatural power.

This is also the reason why the disciples of the Heart Palace who comprehend the power of the heart are stronger than the other five palaces.

And as the mental strength increases, this advantage will gradually be extended.

It's just that the difficulty can be imagined, if it wasn't for his astonishingly strong will, he might not be able to feel the power of mind.

"I did not make a mistake in coming to the Heart Palace."

Lu Feng slowly closed his eyes, an unconcealable smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, his body gradually turned into streaks of light, dissipating in this space.

Outside, Wu Xingling saw Lu Feng opened his eyes, and quickly asked, "Do you feel the strength of your heart?"

She was full of anticipation and nervousness, if Lu Feng could realize the power of mind for the first time, it would mean equal to the record set by her sister.

And Lu Feng, who was stared at by the girl, smiled brightly, stretched out a finger, and said, "Look at whether this is a success or a failure."

"Tattoo heart seed one by one."

Wu Xingling opened his mouth wide and stared at Lu Feng like a monster.

The ball of soft white light on the opponent's fingertips is indeed Yiwen Xinzhi.

Ordinary people are so poor that they can't condense their hearts in their entire lives, but he only spent ten days, which immediately made Wu Xingling, a little senior sister, feel somewhat frustrated.

"Although you have condensed a heart seed, you still need to work hard. It is not so easy to nurture this heart seed."

Wu Xingling tried her best to maintain her style as a little senior sister, and said to Lu Feng in an old-fashioned way.

Looking at the lovely girl in front of him, Lu Feng smiled and said, "Thank you for your guidance, little senior sister."

Wu Xingling nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Since you have comprehended the heart seed, you can practice the unique skills of my heart palace. Today, my little senior sister will take you to choose a unique skill."

Without any explanation, Wu Xingling directly took Lu Feng's hand and rushed into the ancient bronze pagoda.

Lu Feng thought to himself, this little senior sister really did her duty.

Following Wu Xingling into the ancient pagoda, many people inside were also choosing martial arts. When they saw how close the two were, they immediately cast extremely envious eyes.

This ancient pagoda is divided into three floors, and only the third floor stores the real unique knowledge of the Heart Palace.

At this time, Lu Feng and Wu Xingling stopped in front of the third floor, where there was a thick film of light.

"Only by condensing the heart-seed is eligible to enter the third floor." Wu Xingling released the power of the heart-seed and immediately passed through the light film.

Lu Feng stepped lightly, and slowly stepped into the light curtain like a water curtain, and suddenly saw that the third floor was an extremely vast ancient hall, and some light balls were floating in midair.

However, Lu Feng was not in a hurry to choose martial arts, but gradually settled on an old man in a black robe and holding a broom, slowly sweeping three layers of dust.

This old man didn't have any power fluctuations, but Lu Feng knew that it would be an ordinary old man who could be on the third floor.

This person should be the guardian of the ancient bronze tower.

"Grandpa Xin, today the Protoss saw a monster who could condense a single line of heart seed after comprehending the Heart Sutra for the first time."

Wu Xingling pointed to Lu Feng and said.

"Really? Then Grandpa Xin will open his eyes."

The old man fondled Wu Xingling's head, and looked at Lu Feng with extremely dark pupils.

"Lu Feng, this Grandpa Xin is the elder guarding the ancient pagoda." Wu Xingling said.

"I have met Elder Xin." Lu Feng saluted.

"Very good, go and choose a martial art that suits you."

The old man waved his hand with a kind smile on his face.

Lu Feng walked slowly through light clusters one after another, and he could get the information he deserved when he went in with a quiet mind.

These martial arts are all supernatural powers created by the predecessors of the Heart Palace based on their mental strength.

Only those who have the power of mind can exert the power of it to the greatest extent.

"Excellent high-grade martial arts, Yunhuang Shenquan."

"Excellent high-grade martial arts, eighteen steps to control the heart."

"Peak martial arts at the respected level, with eight stacked palms of elephant power."

Lu Feng walked through each of the martial arts, and suddenly felt extremely surprised.

However, although these martial arts are mysterious, Lu Feng also possesses many martial arts that are not inferior to those here.

Therefore, he must choose one that suits him.

He still understands the truth of chewing too much.

"When will this be found?"

Lu Feng was also a little helpless, but when he reached the depths of the third floor, a magical power in the light cluster made him focus his eyes, and he couldn't move his footsteps, and he couldn't help reaching into the light cluster.

(End of this chapter)

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