Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 558 Mining Area [5 More]

Chapter 558 Mining Area

Scores of trees shrouded them, and the sunlight refracted through the shade of the trees into tiny spots of light projected on the two of them.

Along the way, Lu Feng found that the mining area was divided into many teams, led by a Bronze Emblem disciple of the Heavenly Martial Realm, leading about fifty disciples of the True Martial Realm.

Among them, there are no disciples at the Golden Emblem level.

After all, for the hard work of mining, generally talented disciples would not give up the superior environment of the Zongzong to come here for the reward of a few drops of holy liquid every month.

Wu Xingling, who seldom left the sect, found it extremely interesting, his big bright eyes were full of strong curiosity, jumping up and down like a little fairy.

Looking at the youthful and energetic Wu Xingling, the corner of Lu Feng's mouth unconsciously evoked a knowing smile, and all the hostility in his heart dissipated at this moment.

Along the way, under the guidance of some Tonghui disciples, they followed the flow of people and entered a mine in the mining area.

Strong soul power spread over the surface, and the two palaces and divine towers permeated the crystal palace, quickly transforming the soul energy in the air into spiritual power.

The line of sight spread out immediately, the mine in front of him was a thousand meters wide, and about dozens of passages were opened up in the surroundings. It can be seen that many disciples came in and out of these passages, and everyone worked with high spirits, almost In the race against time.

In order to make up for the cultivation of the mining disciples in the mining area, in addition to rewards, the Temple of Heart will also distribute additional holy liquid according to the number of soul stones taken.

You must know how precious the holy liquid is, especially for the true martial arts.

If enough holy liquid can be accumulated, it will be much easier to hit the Heaven Martial Realm.

Therefore, many true martial arts disciples would actively request to come to the mining area to mine.

And when Lu Feng and Wu Xingling came to the mine, the gold emblem on their chest was particularly dazzling, and suddenly a middle-aged man wearing a silver emblem came to the two of them with a smile on his face.

"I am the steward of the mine here, and the two should be disciples who have come to help guard the mine."

It has to be said that although this middle-aged man's physical strength has reached the sixth realm of Tianwu, his posture is extremely low.

"We're just looking."

Lu Feng looked at a deep passage not far away, his eyes lit up immediately, and he walked over.

The middle-aged steward also tactfully followed.

Although he has reached the sixth realm of Tianwu, but he is already over a hundred years old, he has left the ranks of disciples, and can no longer receive the treatment of disciples. He can only come to this mine to earn some holy liquid.

Facing this kind of genius from the sect, how dare he neglect.

This man and a woman looked extremely young, with his smooth way of handling things, how could he fail to see the status of the two in the heart palace.

The mine is extremely deep, and the surrounding stone walls are pitted.

Lu Feng's footsteps suddenly stopped, and a strong mental force rushed in. When he raised his hand, a sharp finger light flashed out.

call out!
In the blink of an eye, the stone wall was cut into a hole about half a foot deep, with a layer of transparent soul stone mineral layer.

"That's okay too?"

The middle-aged steward opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Lu Feng.

You must know that the mining area has been mined by countless people, and it has long been checked inside and out. Only in the depths can there be soul stones.

As if seeing the surprise of the middle-aged steward, Lu Feng said with a smile: "My mental power is strong, and I can detect the impact of soul power."

While the two of them were talking, Wu Xingling raised an unblemished finger with an interesting look, flashed a ray of light, and cut towards the soul stone.

However, when the ray of light was cut off, the soul power in that soul stone was pouring out crazily, and it turned into an ordinary stone in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the middle-aged steward was very distressed, the piece destroyed by Wu Xingling could be divided into at least ten soul stones, and as long as 100 yuan was collected, it could be exchanged for a drop of holy liquid.

"The soul stone must not be damaged in the slightest, and must be mined with special treasures."

The middle-aged steward took out a gray shovel and carefully smashed the gravel around the soul stone. It took about 10 minutes to mine a soul stone.

"This method is too slow." Wu Xingling said a little bored.

"There is no way to slow down, the soul stone is extremely special, otherwise it would be impossible to need so many disciples to mine."

The middle-aged steward also said helplessly.


Hearing this, Lu Feng immediately took a step forward, and a big crystal-like hand suddenly grabbed the soul stone layer. Suddenly, the mountain wall shook, and the soul stone layer was peeling off little by little.

The soul stone is very fragile, and a cracking sound can be heard in the blink of an eye.

However, with a thought in Lu Feng's mind, his mental power turned into a thin film to seal the crack, and he completely exploited it in just a few breaths.

"good stuff."

In an instant, Lu Feng couldn't help absorbing the soul power in the soul stone, and suddenly a strong torrent poured into the Divine Tower Palace, and the originally shackles of level 52 spiritual power were faintly showing signs of being broken.

But at this moment, the soul stone, which was as big as a washbasin, completely dissipated.

"How can you be so fast?"

The middle-aged steward said in surprise.

If it were him, this basin-sized soul stone would not be able to be mined smoothly within half a day, but the young man in front of him only took a few breaths.

"Because my spiritual power has reached level fifty."

The biggest problem in mining soul stones is the fear of the soul power dispersing, and Lu Feng's spiritual power has been transformed into a substance, and it is completely possible to artificially create a 'membrane', and there is no such concern at all.

Then again, there are still a few who can cultivate their spiritual power to the fiftyth level.

How could this kind of disciple come to the mining area to mine.

Hearing the explanation, the middle-aged manager still couldn't recover from the shock, and nodded blankly.

"My mental strength has been stuck at the 49th level for several years, and it is difficult to take this step."

Wu Xingling's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help asking Lu Feng for his experience in this area.

Looking at this little senior sister, Lu Feng smiled slightly and said: "After the fiftieth level of spirit, the intangible becomes tangible, and the difficulty of it is ten times more difficult than hitting the Heavenly Martial Realm."

"The reason is that the mental power is impure and there are too many impurities."

Wu Xingling nodded and said, "My sister said the same thing."

The cultivation of spiritual power requires far more talent than martial arts, otherwise it would be impossible for the spiritual power fighters in the Eastern Profound Realm to be so rare.

In the case of this lack of talent, some special means are needed to make up for it.

"This is the Qilin fruit, which helps to transform spiritual power."

Lu Feng was not stingy, he took out two unicorn fruits that had just formed and gave them to Wu Xingling.

After all, this little senior sister is the treasure of the entire Heart Palace, and she helped him a lot when he first came to the Heart Palace.

"It really is a Qilin fruit."

Wu Xingling said in surprise, this kind of strange fruit is very rare in the entire Dongxuan domain, even if you have a lot of money, it is difficult to buy a few.

For a moment, that delicate face was filled with joy, and she looked at Lu Feng with a smile.

"Coupled with this method of refining gods, it is very possible to break through this bottleneck."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Feng passed several important formulas to Wu Xingling on the method of refining gods that he had obtained a long time ago.

Wu Xingling was taken aback for a moment, but actually opened his snow-white arms to embrace Lu Feng, and thanked him.

Lu Feng was obviously also taken aback, the delicate fragrance of the girl's body poured into the tip of his nose.

But after a while, Wu Xingling realized what he was doing, and quickly stepped aside with flushed cheeks.

Suddenly realized that this move seemed somewhat indecent.

(End of this chapter)

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