Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 566 Ancestral Worshiper [4 More]

Chapter 566 Ancestral Worshiper

The medicine family has a long history and is an ancient family.

The members of the medicine family cultivated a sacred book called "The Medicine Classic".

Their combat power may not be very strong, but with a book of medicine, even if you are only one breath away, it is possible to save you.

At that time, there was a hall named Caomu Hall in the Eight Great Ming Halls of Tianxing, and the owner of that hall was called the Medicine Sage.

The medicine family is good at refining healing pills and using medicine scriptures to heal injuries.

Moreover, the most peculiar thing about them is that they have refined a kind of liquid medicine, which may not be as effective as elixir immediately after taking it, but it can slowly regulate the body.

Back then, Cao Mu Tang refined this liquid medicine to strengthen the bodies of the entire Sky Star Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, he was rescued by people from the Yao clan today, and Lu Feng felt a sigh of relief in his heart. This may be the so-called fate.

"Little friend also knows about my medicine family." The old man said with a smile.

"I've heard of some names. Back then, the name of the Yao clan resounded throughout the entire Eastern Xuan Territory, but now it has almost disappeared."

Lu Feng said with a heavy heart.

"It's no secret that my medicine family disappeared. It was just a big change that year. Our ancestors disappeared. A large number of strong people died in the turmoil. We are just some lucky people who survived."

The old man sadly said that the famous medicine clan in the past gradually declined with the destruction of Tianxing until no one knew about it.

"I don't know who the 'patriarch' of the Yao clan is now?" Lu Feng asked.

"It made me laugh, the patriarch was old."

When the words fell, Lu Feng was extremely surprised. Now the patriarch of the Yao clan is only at the fifth level of Tianwu. This kind of decline is a bit too terrifying.

No wonder they can linger on here, even Emperor Mu Xing didn't bother to pay attention to them.

May I ask, in the face of this kind of ants, would Mu Xingdichao, who is like a real dragon, be interested in attacking a tiny ants?
And this ant is undoubtedly the current medicine clan.

"The powers in the world are ups and downs, and even the strongest powers will decline. I believe that the medicine clan will rise one day and once again spread the glory to the entire Dongxuan domain."

Lu Feng said firmly.

When he is strong enough to shake Yiyu, it will be the time when the dynasty re-establishes itself in Dongxuanyu.

"Then I will borrow my little friend's good words, and Yao Yuan will help him prescribe the medicine."

The old man smiled and ordered, as for restoring the glory of the medicine clan, he dreamed of it even in his dreams, and he also understood that this hope was extremely slim, after all, the power of the Mu Xing Emperor's dynasty was like a mountain pressing down on everyone's heart.

The woman named Yaoyuan came over with a smile and gave Lu Feng a bowl of green medicinal juice.

Immediately, Lu Feng quickly operated the exercises to induce refining, but his tired body relaxed a little in a few breaths.

As expected of the medicine family, the means of treating injuries with one hand are famous in the Eastern Xuanyu.

In addition, they also prepared various wound medicines refined by the medicine clan for Lu Feng.

In the quiet room filled with medicinal fragrance, Lu Feng sat cross-legged, his body's true energy surged over and over again.

The qi and blood in the blood chakra are constantly washed, and the broken bones and meridians are repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And with Lu Feng's practice, his body, which was so severe that he couldn't even walk freely, can use his strength.

In the next five days, with the help of the medicine family's wound medicine and his own strong self-healing power, Lu Feng has recovered to seven or eighty-eight under careful nursing.

In the past few days, Lu Feng also learned something about the medicine clan.

Today's members of the Yao clan live in Tianjiuyuan, with a population of tens of thousands, but there are only a dozen strong people in the Tianwu realm.

Among them, the old man has the highest realm, reaching the fifth realm of Tianwu, and can only be regarded as the weakest force here.

However, the Yao family is well-known here by virtue of their superb medicine skills.

After all, this place is very chaotic, and many forces are established and destroyed every day, which also brings many business opportunities, and the medicine clan needs to heal them.

The medicine family is also relying on this to earn some meager holy liquid.

The people of the Yao clan are very kind, and Lu Feng has been living comfortably these past few days. He only waited for the injury to fully heal before returning to the main sect with Wu Xingling.

When Chaoyang was born in the early morning, you could hear the voices of the descendants of the Yao clan practicing martial arts, and some people were practicing medicine scriptures.

Even in this difficult environment, the Yao people always think about strengthening themselves.

Lu Feng was leaning against a big tree, biting a stalk of grass in his mouth, squinting his eyes slightly to watch the scene of the people of the Yao tribe practicing martial arts, as if he saw himself who was only in the casting state back then.

"Thank you for saving me that day."

Seeing Lu Feng, Wu Xingling had a smile on her pretty face, and immediately came to sit beside him.

Lu Feng said lazily: "You are the little senior sister in my heart. If something happens to you, I can't explain it to those senior brothers."

"You guy, you were really desperate that day. If you have an accident, what will I do?"

Thinking of the battle with Qianmian Scholar that day, Wu Xingling still has lingering fears in his heart, that kind of ferocity is not comparable to these so-called battles in the main sect.

"I said, with me here, it's not up to you, a girl, to work hard. I have the confidence to bring you back to my heart completely."

Lu Feng smiled at Wu Xingling.

Although it is very difficult to fight against the scholar with thousands of faces, the rewards are also great.

Not only was it a blessing in disguise to refine that piece of soul, but he also got the quasi-sacred treasure of the Thousand Faced Scholar's Black Dragon Fan.

Even if this black dragon fan is the most trashy quasi-sacred object, it is still worth about ten thousand drops of holy liquid.

"You are really arrogant, but you were still very domineering back then."

Wu Xingling laughed coquettishly, smelling the masculine breath coming from Lu Feng beside him, her cheeks blushed unconsciously.

This kind of protection and the protection brought by her sister seemed to be two different feelings.

While Lu Feng and Wu Xingling were talking, a melodious bell rang through the entire Yao clan, and suddenly figures appeared from all over, rushing towards the most central area of ​​the Yao clan.

Today is the once-a-month ancestor worship day of the Yao Clan.

Following the crowd, Lu Feng followed the members of the Yao clan into the ancestral hall curiously.

Although he is not a member of the Medicine Clan, this does not prevent him from worshiping the Medicine Saint.

People in the ancestral hall, more than a dozen Tianwu Realm members of the Yao clan had solemn faces, appearing extremely dignified.

In the center of the ancestral hall, two portraits are enshrined.

One was the medicine sage back then, while the other made Lu Feng's heart tremble violently, staring at that portrait.

That portrait is still hanging on the medicine sage. It is a middle-aged man with a solemn face, with his hands behind his back, wearing the robe of the emperor, and he seems to stand tall in this world while laughing and talking.

This is exactly Star Emperor.

I didn't expect that the Yao clan would still worship the Star Emperor even though they had declined so far. I can't believe their loyalty.

The 'patriarch' of the Yao clan respectfully led a group of senior officials of the Yao clan, bowing three times and kneeling nine times, with an extremely serious expression.

They still remember the glory of the Yao clan back then.

"Can you let me come and offer a few sticks of incense?"

While speaking, Lu Feng took a few sticks of incense handed over by the 'patriarch' of the medicine clan, first worshiped the medicine saint, then walked as heavy as lead, and performed the most solemn gift in front of the star emperor with a solemn expression.

However, when the Yao clan worshiped their ancestors, there was a piercing hissing sound in the distance.

The members of the Yao family suddenly looked alert, looking at the figures in the distance like black clouds.

"It's the people from Heifengzhai."

(End of this chapter)

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