Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 583 Meeting in the 6 Halls [4 More]

Chapter 583 Meeting in the Sixth Palace [Fourth Update]

The night is as silent as water, and there are stars twinkling in the dark sky, and the hazy moon veil is swaying down with a sense of coolness.

The Heart Palace also has four seasons, and it is cool autumn now.

Ever since he became number one on the land list, Lu Feng moved out of his original residence.

Now his residence is on a mountain peak full of holy aura, with a nice courtyard and a holy spring inside.

During this period of time, Lu Feng has undoubtedly become the most popular person in the heart hall. Although the fight with Tong Chuan was short, everyone felt Lu Feng's strength.

Many people had a touch of fear, and that fear came from Wu Xingxue.

After all, Wu Xingxue will soon hit the Martial Sovereign Realm, and once she becomes the Martial Sovereign Realm, it means that there will be no senior sisters in the Heart Palace, and the other three holy emblem disciples in the Heart Palace are not weak, but they can compete with the other five palaces. It's still worse than that.

A few years ago, I can still vividly remember the arrogance of the powerhouse in the Palace of Kun sweeping the Palace of Heart.

Therefore, they urgently need a leading figure to appear.

They faintly pinned this hope on Lu Feng.

Therefore, within a short period of time, Lu Feng's reputation rose to a very high level in the Heart Palace.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

On the mountain peak, Lu Feng sat next to a holy spring, practicing with the help of the majestic holy energy. After being refined by the black stone, traces of pure holy energy penetrated into his body.

With this holy spring, Lu Feng obviously found that his cultivation was much faster.

However, after reaching the fourth realm of Tianwu, it will take a lot longer to break through again.

This is not about the holy power, but about the martial artist's understanding of the power of the Heavenly Martial Realm.

Lu Feng was able to break through the four realms of Tianwu so quickly before, to a large extent because he had a desperate fight with the thousand-faced scholar, and he had a deep understanding of his own strength, and with the assistance of the holy liquid, it was a matter of course.

This is also the reason why many warriors look forward to fighting.

But under this kind of practice, the night passed quickly, and Lu Feng got up and left.

Today is the time to study the Heart Sutra.

Through comprehension of the Heart Sutra, Lu Feng was pleasantly surprised to find that the stronger the heart seed, the easier it is to break through the spiritual power. After all, the heart power is also a kind of heresy way of spiritual power, and there is a complementary artistic conception between the two.

In the square where the Heart Sutra is learned, there are many Heart Palace warriors looking forward to it.

Seeing Lu Feng's arrival, many people respectfully called out senior brother, and even some of the most powerful people in the Tianbang showed some flattery.

Lu Feng glanced around, but he didn't see Wu Xingling. He heard that she was caught by Wu Xingxue and honestly let her go to practice.

Lu Feng also smiled at this.

If it wasn't for Wu Xingling's dislike of boring martial arts training, her talent would not be limited to the five realms of Tianwu in front of her.

At this time, Lu Feng also immersed his mind in the Heart Sutra.

The Heart Sutra is a treasure that can simulate countless environments, and warriors need to hone their willpower in it to burst out stronger mental strength.

In the past ten days, Lu Feng experienced many illusions.

Every illusion is different, breaking one will enter the next, and so on.

This is just the comprehension of the heart seed, if it reaches the point of heart fire, there will be more miracles.

After ten days passed, Lu Feng took a deep breath, and then walked into the ancient bronze pagoda.

On the third floor of the ancient bronze pagoda, the old man who swept the floor guarded it as if he would never leave.

When Lu Feng entered, the old man was lying on the grand master's chair, drinking tea with his eyes narrowed, quite comfortable.

Lu Feng is still very curious about the mystery of this old man. He heard that he stayed here a long time ago, and even many elders in the Heart Palace do not know his origin.

"Come here, drink a cup of tea that the old man made himself." The old man said with a smile.

Lu Feng was not too polite, he picked up the tea next to him, and tasted it carefully.

The tea was so bitter that Lu Feng wanted to spit it out, but after the bitterness, it was sweet, and immediately made him feel the tiredness of many days of cultivation, and it was swept away.

"How about this tea?" The old man smiled.

"There are bitterness and sweetness." Lu Feng said.

"Life is like tea, with bitterness and sweetness. When I was young, I was as energetic as you. Now I feel calm. I come to sweep the ancient pagoda every day, watch the disciples practice, and then drink this tea."

The old man enjoyed another sip of tea.

After a moment of silence, Lu Feng said: "Everyone has their own choice. Different circumstances determine that everyone will be different. My life is destined to be full of ups and downs."

There are too many heavy rules on his body, and he will never be able to stop when he is persecuted.

"If you are tired, come to this old man for a cup of tea."

The old man's words seemed to have a kind of magical power, which made Lu Feng nod uncontrollably, and then he picked up the teapot next to him to refill it for the other party.

This time drinking tea, there is no bitterness in the mouth, full of sweetness.

He also felt relaxed all over his body, and just as he was feeling it carefully, a beautiful figure suddenly broke in from the three-story tower, and said in a crisp voice: "Lu Feng, you are here."

The person who came was Wu Xingling, and the aura rippling from his body had already reached the sixth realm of Tianwu.

After she came to this place, she poured a cup of tea in a hurry, and immediately sprayed it out.

"You girl, the good tea is wasted." The old man smiled and shook his head.

"Grandpa Xin, this tea is really too bitter." Wu Xingling said with a bitter face, the appearance of sticking out her tongue was extremely cute.

"By the way, today there will be a meeting between the top players in the six temples, and I'm here to inform you today."

After a while, Wu Xingling said hesitantly.

"Will Tiandian Yuchen also participate?"

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes! But when the time comes, I'm afraid that the powerful members of the Yu family will target you."

There was a touch of coldness on Wu Xingling's pretty face.

As a family of saints, the Yu family has extremely powerful power in the Heavenly Palace, and there are also many powerful members of the Yu family in the Heavenly Palace, each of which is far stronger than the Heart Palace.

The last time Lu Feng beat Yu Xun face-to-face, they naturally wanted to get back this place.

But the meeting of the Sixth Hall had to be attended, otherwise the Heart Hall would become the laughing stock of the other five Halls.

As soon as she thought about it, her two canine teeth kept grinding, obviously she hated the members of the Yu family very much.

"Then let's go, I really want to meet Yuchen."

Lu Feng nodded, greeted the old man, and left with Wu Xingling.

The place where the six halls met was in the heavenly hall, and the two of them flew for half an hour before arriving at the heavenly hall. One can imagine the vastness of the Zongzong's area.

It was a square paved with white jade, and under the refraction of the shining sun at noon, it presented a beautiful picture like a fairyland.

It was the first time for Lu Feng to come to the Temple of Heaven, and he found that there were far more disciples than the Temple of Heart, and everyone exuded an incomparably powerful aura.

No wonder the Temple of Heaven will become the first hall, and the disciples of the Temple of Heart who have not comprehended the Heart Sutra are no match for them at all.

And in the center of the Baiyu Square, there were already figures sitting down, talking and laughing.

When Lu Feng and Wu Xingling came to the edge of Baiyu Square, there were eyes all around looking at him, as sharp as sharp swords.

"Xingling, pay attention to your identity, don't get so close to other men."

 Thank you for wishing, one heart, and the reward of the white head. Recently, the plot is not easy to write, and the writing is very slow. I will write early tomorrow and try to write as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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