Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 62 Guiyuan 1 Sword!

Chapter 62 Returning to Yuan One Sword!
Hearing Fatty's screams and Butler Li's threat, the two of them really stopped.

Of course they could run, but once they did, Du Fan's life would be gone.

They can't do this kind of behavior of abandoning their companions and running away alone, and they don't bother to do it.

"Old dog, you are so despicable."

Lu Kai's face was cold, he clenched the saber in his hand, and streams of profound energy gushed out and gathered on the tip of the saber.

"How can I kill you if you are not despicable." Li Butler disapproved and sneered.

"Gengjin Slash!"

Lu Kai jumped up, his understanding of the saber was all in this saber, which turned into a golden light, and pressed down with an extremely heavy saber style.

Butler Li had long been wary of Lu Kai's knife, and when he saw the knife coming, he raised his hand and used iron claws to withstand the force of the knife.


He still underestimated Lu Kai too much.

Under the blessing of Geng Jinmai, this knife was extremely terrifying. It actually cut off the iron claw directly and cut off one of Butler Li's hands.

"Go to hell!"

Blood spurted from the severed hand, and there was a heart-piercing pain. He suddenly raised his other hand and hit Lu Kai hard.

Like a kite, Lu Kai flew upside down, his internal organs were beaten and displaced, and he temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

A sword of return!
Seeing this, Lu Feng let out a roar, and all the profound energy in the four martial arteries of his body burned, and the majestic profound energy turned into five ancient flying dragons with teeth and claws.

"Little beast, go to hell!"

His target was not Du Fan, but Lu Feng.

Seeing that Lu Feng was about to fight him to the death, he kicked Du Fan away with a sneer.

Endless dark clouds gathered from the void, and Steward Li exploded all the profound energy in his body in an instant. The terrifying power formed a huge vortex of grimaces, and he strode forward in the vortex.

In fact, when he received this task, he had already expected that he would escape death.

When he took the Baoyuan Pill, he already knew that he would die here today, so he simply didn't keep the remaining power.

A ghost-like palm print came out of his hand, directly rolling towards Lu Feng.

"Success or failure depends on the sword!"

Right now, Steward Li only has the strength of this blow, as long as he survives, he will die!

The inscription pattern on the black black sword flickered, and sword energy gushed out one after another.

Countless sword qi condensed into the shape of a small sword.

At the moment when the sword was about to be slashed, Heishi changed drastically.

This huge change left Lu Feng dumbfounded!

Because of Lu Feng's desperation and his unyielding will, he suddenly violently absorbed the profound energy between heaven and earth.

With Lu Feng as the center, a huge vortex appeared and set off a storm all over the sky.

During this period, Lu Feng only felt that his mental strength was being drained at an extremely fast speed.

Only a moment later, Lu Feng's mental power was exhausted, and at this moment, the black stone also stopped absorbing it.

"What martial arts, so powerful!"

Butler Li was taken aback. He only saw a hurricane of more than ten feet around Lu Feng's sword, and there were streaks of blue wind and thunder roaring in it.

This momentum can be called terrifying.

"Ghost Shadow Palm!"

With the roaring sound all over the sky, he had no way out, and the big black palm print was already heading towards Lu Feng.


The sound of howling sword energy rolled up the gravel and fallen leaves all over the ground, and under Lu Feng's control, it directly blasted towards Steward Li.

The world was shaken violently, and the air waves from the tremors engulfed the figures of the two people, and it was impossible to see who was victorious and who was defeated.

Injured Du Fan and Lu Kai were heartbroken.

Time slowed down in an instant, and two figures in the center of the air wave flew upside down at the same time, hitting the top of the big tree before stopping.

There was a huge blood hole in Steward Li's throat that was gurgling with blood bubbles. He raised his hand to Lu Feng's position, and immediately lost his breath.

At this moment, Lu Feng's body was covered in bloodstains, and his face was pale.

Just now, Black Stone sucked all his spiritual power away, in exchange for the most powerful blow, and was able to kill Steward Li.

It's also fortunate that Lu Feng opened up the soul vein, otherwise he would have become a fool if his mental power was sucked out.

Immediately crossing his legs, a dim spot of light in Lu Feng's mind gradually brightened, restoring his spiritual power, and at the same time holding the mysterious stone in his hand to restore the profound energy in his body.

Du Fan and Lu Kai were also taken aback by Lu Feng's outburst just now. It was such a level of martial arts that even Steward Li could only resent it.

"Guard Lu Feng."

Shocked, the two looked at each other, quickly took the healing elixir, and waited around Lu Feng.

At this moment, Lu Feng is indeed very weak, and his profound energy is easy to say. It is not a problem to have the black stone, but the consumption of mental power cannot be recovered in a short time.

In the attack just now, Lu Feng understood a little bit about the function of the black stone.

As long as one's mental strength is sufficient, Black Stone can gather any energy from the world and convert it into the most powerful blow.

It is powerful but also brings fatal side effects. Once the mental power is exhausted, he will be extremely weak. At that time, even an ordinary person can kill him, so it can only be used at the critical moment of life and death.

But this is enough to make Lu Feng excited, he finally discovered another function of the mysterious black stone.

Time passed slowly, and it was already the eighth day of hunting in Wangcheng.

Fortunately, no one came here, and they recuperated here peacefully.

"Mysterious energy has fully recovered, and my spiritual power has recovered by half. Fortunately, I have the soul vein, otherwise I would not be able to recover for a month."

Lu Feng stretched his waist long, the feeling of splitting headache has disappeared.

"I didn't expect the queen to be so cruel that she would secretly send someone to the hunting ground to assassinate you."

Lu Kai said gloomyly.

"Yes, that Steward Li belongs to the Queen of your Lu Family. You must tell your father about this and punish that Queen properly."

Du Fan was filled with righteous indignation. He was almost trampled to death earlier, so he was naturally full of anger.

"What are you going to use to report on the queen? With Steward Li's corpse, is it possible?"

Lu Feng shook his head, what use could a servant's corpse be.

"But let her be arrogant?" Du Fan asked unwillingly.

"You don't understand. Behind the queen is the royal family. Even my father dare not touch her lightly. Besides, moving a queen is harmful to my Lu family. The royal family will be happy then."

Lu Feng said earnestly, moving the queen is a bad idea, and only when he is strong can he really win.

Strength determines everything, and when he is strong, even if the queen wants to touch him, he will not have that ability.

He would also like to thank the queen, without Steward Li's oppression, he would not be able to discover the role of the black stone.

"In two days, the hunting in the royal city will end, so we should focus on hunting."

Lu Kai did understand the meaning of Lu Feng's words, he was not a fool to become a famous genius in the family as a collateral disciple, and he knew the struggle in the family.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Let's go, now it's time to go to Hunter."

In the next two days, one battle after another broke out in the hunting ground, and corpses could be seen everywhere.

The entire hunting field has entered the final ranking competition.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, and the hunting in the royal city has come to the last time.

The last two days have been bloody.

[I have something to do during the day, so I will update one chapter less, and I will add three chapters today, please bookmark and recommend tickets, thank you, Shamao will add more if everyone works hard. 】

(End of this chapter)

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