Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 634 Situation

Chapter 634 Situation
Chu Yunsong's strength made He Cangming feel unhappy in his heart, but when he saw that his disciple was about to kill Lu Feng, he felt happy immediately.

A fifth-grade grandmaster is enough to make him feel bad.

In the formation, because of the confrontation between the two, it swept like a storm, instantly attracting more than [-]% of the attention.

Some people know that both of them are fifth-rank masters, and the collision between the two inscription masters will definitely be very exciting.

"Although this man is powerful, Luo Zitong is even more terrifying. It seems that there is more danger than good luck."

"Unfortunately, the Chu family has been targeted."

Everyone whispered to each other.

Although Lu Feng had previously dealt with several Tangtian and Tianwu eighth realms with fierce methods, but Luo Zitong's methods were even more bloody and shocking.

"That's not Lu Xiaoyou who saved my Leng's caravan."

Among the crowd, Director Leng saw Lu Feng and said in horror.

"He used to go to Chu's house, but now he meets Luo Zitong and the situation will not be so good."

Leng Yue'er was also here, her little hands clenched tightly, her delicate face was full of worry, and she didn't want Lu Feng to die here just like that.

at this time.

"It's not a bad achievement to be able to personally kill a young fifth-rank grandmaster." Luo Zitong narrowed his eyes slightly, not putting Lu Feng there at all, and cold light shot out from his long and narrow eyes.

"I also think it's a good thing to kill you." Lu Feng said lightly.

"Your tone is loud, but it won't save you, it will make me even more angry."

Luo Zitong glanced at it and said with a dismissive smile.

"Then you can try it."

Lu Feng felt cold, and at the moment the words fell, he grasped a sharp force in his palm, his figure suddenly appeared, and he slammed Luo Zitong fiercely with his palm.

"The tone is not small, but it has no effect."

Luo Zitong didn't care. Looking at the approaching figure, a silver light glared out and swept towards Lu Feng.

The two forces collided fiercely with ferocious force, and the tyrannical air wave spread towards the surroundings, tearing apart the violent wind area.

"Death!" Luo Zitong's two fingers joined together, turning into a silver sharp sword, shuttled through the void, and shot it fiercely and brilliantly.

"That alone doesn't do much for me."

The light from the fingertips surged, and when the silver sword was shaken, an extremely terrifying light and shadow radiated, and the shock wave almost shattered the surrounding space.

At this moment, Lu Feng's ghostly steps stepped forward, and the dazzling sun-like light was so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at it, and it turned into a huge light blade and slashed down.

Although this Luo Zitong is strong, he is still limited to the Ninth Realm of Tianwu, and he has not started to condense the seeds of the primordial spirit like the previous Kuangfeng Pirates.

But at this moment, a joke appeared in Luo Zitong, and he clenched his palms tightly, holding the light blade firmly in his hands.


Lu Feng let out a low cry, and the power of the formation was activated, and it swept out like a wind dragon, crushing the passing space into pieces with its tyrannical power.

"The wind is coming!"

Seeing that Lu Feng activated the power of the formation, Luo Zitong waved his finger, and the tornado whizzed away.

Two crazy hurricanes collided suddenly, and it was a fight to see who had the better inscription pattern attainment.

Lu Feng's eyes became serious. Luo Zitong's attainments in inscription patterns were indeed terrifying. Immediately, he folded his hands and swept out nine wind dragons out of thin air, roaring away with teeth and claws.

"It's a little tricky."

Suddenly, a wall of wind gathered in front of Luo Zitong, which actually stopped Lu Feng's attack, and immediately waved his hands, the storm turned into wind blades and swept over.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yunsong relaxed his brows, and Lu Feng's comprehension of the formation was beyond his imagination.

"I didn't expect him to be on par with Zitong." He Cangming's face gradually turned cold.

He originally thought that the fight between the two would be extremely fast, and that Luo Zitong would kill Lu Feng in a flash.

And this scene became even more exciting when it fell into the eyes of other people. That Luo Zitong relied on the power of the formation to kill people from the Chu family camp.

Right now, there is someone who can compete with him.

At this moment, Lu Feng, who was in the formation, frowned tightly.

The power of the formation here is limited, he can have the strength to stand in a stalemate with Luo Zitong, but he has no chance to kill him.

And Luo Zitong obviously also noticed this, and there was already impatience in his face.

No matter how he mobilized the power of the formation, the kid in front of him could easily dispel it, and even if he used the power of the Ninth Heaven Martial Realm, he couldn't kill him like a thunderbolt.

But at this time, the gust of wind gradually stopped, and the two of them actually exhausted the power of the formation under this collision, revealing the way to leave.

Luo Zitong looked at Lu Feng, clapped his hands and said, "I underestimated you. It seems that the power of the formation here has been exhausted. What can you do now?"

"My ability is far more than you imagined." Lu Feng smiled lightly.

"If that's the case, then I'll wait for you in the center, and I hope you won't be afraid to come."

Luo Zitong said lightly.

It's not that he doesn't want to deal with his opponent here, it's just that he has already experienced Lu Feng's methods.

If he fights to the death here, he won't get any benefits.

But when it came to the central area, the situation was very different. The power of the vast formation over there was not comparable to that here, so he didn't need to do it here.

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Zitong stepped into the passage decisively and disappeared before Lu Feng's eyes.

"Don't worry, the winner will be determined when we reach the central area."

Lu Feng's eyes became firm, and he swept his body and stepped into the passage.

"It turned out to be a tie!"

Many people said in surprise.

"Just let you be proud and arrogant for a while, and wait until you reach the central area of ​​the Tianluo Jingwei array, and then you will cry."

He Cangming looked over with a gloomy expression.

In the area where the snow and ice fell, there were several figures facing each other.

Among them was a fiery red figure who was slightly embarrassed, staring solemnly at the five people in front of him, and there were traces of blood in the originally white jade hands.

This fiery red figure was the heroic Chu Lian that Lu Feng had seen before, and there were two people behind her.

At this time, Chu Lian's situation was not very good. There was a purple-robed man in front of him who manipulated the power of ice and snow to restrain his true energy, and among the five people, there was a man from the Ninth Realm of Tianwu from the Tian family who was eyeing him.

"Chu Lian, I never thought that one day you would be forced into such a situation." Natian's family sneered.

"If it weren't for someone who could manipulate the power of the formation, you would be vulnerable in front of my eyes."

Chu Lian clenched the fiery red long sword in her hand, and the rippling waves melted the surrounding ice and snow, like a proud phoenix.

That purple-robed man is He Cangming's disciple, a fourth-rank master.

And although she also understands some ways of inscription pattern, after all, she can't compare with those who specialize in this way.

"What a hot girl, if you are willing to surrender to me, I can spare your life."

The purple-robed man smiled lewdly, squinting his eyes to scan Chu Lian's hottest parts, and his voice was extremely ear-piercing.

And this kind of gaze immediately made Chu Lian furious, wishing to gouge out his eyes, she swung her sword and said, "Don't think about it, I, Chu Lian, don't like people like you."

"Haha, it's strong enough, and your anger makes me like it even more."

The purple-robed man laughed loudly, then shook his head, regretfully said: "It's just a pity, we are in the celestial latitude and longitude array, otherwise I really can't bear it."

(End of this chapter)

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