Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 64 Rejection again and again [3 more]

Chapter 64 Repeated Rejection

Lin Baye's mind is as deep as the sea, and he can't figure out land battles at all.

A king who has only been in power for 20 years has used fierce means to control many small families together, and even made the Su family, one of the four kings with different surnames, seek refuge with him.

"King Zhennan, I have a suggestion. It's better to let Lu Feng join my Dragon Guard. With his talent, he is likely to be a commander in the future."

Finally, Lin Boye slowly revealed his purpose.

Longwei is his pro-army, with four commanders, each of whom is a strong man of the ninth rank of true martial arts.

His strength is like thunder in the whole kingdom.

Moreover, Longwei enjoys the richest resources in the entire Tianlin Dynasty. Many people want to join Longwei.

But the qualifications to enter Longwei are too harsh.

Either you are talented, or you have great strength.

"Gouzi wants to join Zhitianmen wholeheartedly, and I'm afraid he will disappoint His Majesty."

Lu Zhan directly refused, but sneered in his heart.

It is true that Longwei is rich in resources, but if Lu Feng enters Longwei, it means that he is out of the sight of the Lu family.

In the future, even Jackie Chan will be Lin Baye's man, not his Lu Zhan's son.

Because the people who come out of the dragon guard are absolutely loyal to the royal family, there is absolutely no second possibility.

Lin Baye frowned slightly when he heard this.

After pondering for a moment, he turned his gaze to Lu Feng: "The Zhitianmen is not so beautiful, it contains countless geniuses, although you are very good, but you are not so conspicuous in the Zhitianmen, it is better to enter my Longwei , have been specially trained."

His words are very tempting, most people will not refuse.

But he was facing Lu Feng.

However, Lu Feng smiled and refused, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, I have no blessing to accept it."

For a while, Lu Feng and Lu Zhan's simultaneous rejection of Lin Baye's order attracted the attention of many people.

"If I make the next imperial decree, I will let Lu Feng join Longwei?"

There was a strange smile in Lin Baye's eyes, and he said lightly.

The scene suddenly became tense, and he wanted to suppress him with an imperial decree.

If Lu Zhan refuses to comply, he is disobeying the imperial decree, and he is openly opposing the royal family.

The hearts of the two kings of Zhendong and Zhenxi froze, and a bad feeling rushed into their hearts.

"Then I have no choice but to disobey His Majesty's imperial decree. Lu Feng will never join the Dragon Guard. My Lu family has sufficient resources for training, so I won't bother Your Majesty to worry about it."

Lu Zhan was extremely tough, and the aura of the eighth level of real martial arts gushed out like real dragons, and he refused again.

for a moment.

The two kings of Zhendong and Zhenxi are full of momentum, and their actions echo the attitude of Lu Zhan.

Not only that, behind the kings, there are many strong men from other families who also stepped out together.

For a brief moment, because of Lin Baye's verbal decree, there was a sense of tension here.

"Haha, why are the lords like this? This lord is just playing a joke on you."

Although Lin Baye was smiling, there was an imperceptible coldness in his eyes.

"We were just making a joke with His Majesty."

In an instant, Lu Zhan and the others put away their aura and smiled.

The atmosphere eased slightly, and Lu Zhan and the others breathed a sigh of relief,

"Your son is very good. This time, the king betrothed the thirteenth princess to him. You will not refuse this request again."

Lin Baye said instead.

Lu Zhan did not respond directly, but looked at Lu Feng.

"I am obsessed with martial arts, and I still don't want to get married."

After just a moment, Lu Feng shook his head and refused.

"Is this Lu Feng taking himself too seriously?"

Some shook their heads and sighed.

Marriages are so common that even Lu Zhan married the queen back then.

But now, a Lu Feng who rejected Lin Baye twice can be said to be the first person in the Tianlin Dynasty.

"My thirteenth princess is extremely beautiful, isn't she worthy of you, Lu Feng?"

Lin Baye's face changed, and there was anger in his words.

"I don't want to delay the thirteenth princess, I only have martial arts in my heart."

Lu Feng's words were righteous and there was no room for negotiation.

He was really not interested in a woman he had never met before, and he had too many burdens on him in this life.

Seeing Lu Feng proudly rejecting Lin Baye, Su Xue's heart trembled, and a wave of regret grew.

This time he was the number one in hunting in Wangcheng, and he dared to reject Lin Baye. Few people could do this kind of arrogance.

She regretted why she kicked Lu Feng away that day.

But what has been done will never look back.

"What a good one who only has martial arts in his heart. Lu Zhan, you gave birth to a good son. Even my princess is not worthy of you, Lu Feng."

Lin Baye raised his sleeves and said coldly, the coldness made the temperature of the surrounding space drop a bit.

He is a king, so naturally he would not ask Lu Feng to take his daughter, but Lu Feng's attitude made him remember, and this is probably also the Lu family's attitude towards the royal family.

Lu Feng was a little helpless, as if Lin Baye had provoked all of this on his own initiative.

Although the suggestion is given up, the rewards still have to be issued.

Afterwards, the strong man in charge of this hunt issued rewards for hunting in the royal city.

Most of the rewards for the top fifty are black stones, but the top ten rewards are generous.

The rewards Lu Feng received were three Rising Dragon Pills and 100 Yuan middle-grade profound stones.

The top ten geniuses, in addition to some rewards, can also get the qualification to go to the sacred blood pool to practice once.

The Divine Blood Pond is a good place, and it is one of the precious treasures of the royal family.

The royal family has been able to overlook the entire Tianlin with great strength for so many years, and the role of the blood pool is indisputable.

According to legend, this sacred blood pool is a treasure inherited from ancient times, but after a long period of time, many formations in it have been destroyed, but even so, this sacred blood pool has provided an indelible foundation for the royal family to quickly cultivate strong people. effect.

"Your Majesty's kindness today, the top ten can enter the divine blood pool to soak."

A fair eunuch screamed at the top of his voice.

Hearing about the Divine Blood Pond, these teenagers became excited one by one.

"Now, follow my father-in-law to the Divine Blood Pool."

Afterwards, under the leadership of the eunuch, ten people followed them to a tall castle in the royal city.

The Divine Blood Pool was built underground. After opening the mechanism, a staircase leading to the ground appeared, leading to a huge palace full of bloody smell.

The underground palace was brightly lit, and in the middle there was a huge blood pool stained red with blood, which was filled with blood-red pool water, constantly tumbling.

The water in the blood pool is the essence extracted from the blood of powerful savage beasts, and there are many savage beasts in the real martial arts realm.

Not only that, there are many precious genius treasures in the blood pool.

According to preliminary estimates, this pool of water is worth hundreds of millions of taels of silver.

The divine blood pool has been refined to produce more powerful blood essence power, which has a great effect on warriors.

"Is this the Sacred Blood Pool?" Everyone uttered surprise, it was the first time they saw the Sacred Blood Pond.

"You enter the sacred blood pool to practice now, there is no time limit, as long as you can bear the power of the blood essence in the blood pool."

The eunuch's voice was extremely sharp, it sounded extremely harsh, and he said coldly.

As soon as the eunuch's voice fell, a young man couldn't hold back any longer, took off his shirt and jumped into the pool of divine blood.

In an instant, the power of blood essence surged towards the young man's body, and it was obvious that his skin turned red instantly.

"Don't be greedy. Someone once was greedy and was broken through the meridians by the power of blood essence, and the body exploded and was forgotten."

The eunuch reminded.

"We also entered the blood pool of the gods, absorbing a little more blood essence will have a great effect on opening up martial arteries in the future."

With fiery eyes in Lu Feng's eyes, he said to Lu Kai and Du Fan.

Seeing these people enter the sacred blood pool one by one, Lu Feng also smiled and jumped into the sacred blood pool.

As the ten people entered, the power of the blood essence inside formed a vortex and gathered towards the ten people.
(End of this chapter)

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