Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 649 Trouble

Chapter 649 Trouble
Dozens of saints shot together, standing between the sky and the earth. When the dozens of destructive holy power hit the dark atmosphere, they set off shocking waves like dozens of meteorites.

The loud sound resounded like the sky falling apart, and the dark atmosphere was suppressed immediately, and an obscure circular passage loomed.

But at this time, Saint Master Hongtu's face was serious, and he used the heaven and earth as the formation, and struck out with the power of formations one after another.

The berserk breath was torn apart suddenly, and a passage like a flame dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The Yanlong swept across and roared, leading everyone like a ribbon into the evil and dark aura.

Then I saw this group of evil and dark breath merged together again.

"There is another batch of fresh troops. I hope they can eradicate the evil gods inside in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, I'm really worried about what will happen."

The saints murmured in their hearts.

Facing such a terrifying race of evil gods, the only way to completely kill them in the bud is before they make trouble.

This is a gloomy and gloomy world. What flows in the air is not the familiar profound energy of heaven and earth, but that kind of evil spirit that makes people feel uncomfortable.

This breath, like a tarsal maggot, quickly spread into everyone's body.


Yanlong evaporated the power of the evil god in the ten thousand zhang area, and suddenly one after another figure suddenly appeared here, looking blankly at the surrounding space.

"Is this the secret land of the evil gods?"

They appeared in a hill, surrounded by evil gray grass, and trees with luxuriant foliage but evil colors.

There are clusters of storms blowing in the space. That kind of storm is a kind of enjoyment for the evil gods, but it is no less than a disaster for warriors who were born in the Eastern Profound Realm and have real energy in their bodies.

"Trees corroded by the power of evil gods."

Lu Feng picked off a leaf next to him, and that leaf immediately turned into a stream of air, rushing into his body.

After a little movement of the kung fu, the invisible power of refining works in the body, dispelling the cold fluctuations, and quickly dissolving this strange power.

After everyone was a little familiar with the power of this space, they began to look at where they are now.

"Here, the feeling is too uncomfortable. My true energy cannot run smoothly, and my strength cannot be fully exerted like the outside world."

Gan Song of Qiandian said solemnly.

"Me too, here is the power of the evil god. If a battle breaks out, it will not be able to absorb power from the heavens and the earth."

Snow Yijian, No.1 of the Sword Palace, who was dressed in white, also frowned.

Fighting here is very depressing, and you can't absorb power, so you can only use the holy liquid that comes with you to replenish your strength.

In this way, the consumption of holy liquid will be greatly increased.

And this situation brought a lot of uneasiness to everyone.

Once a warrior loses the supplement of his true energy, he will become extremely fragile.

Lu Feng seemed much more indifferent. He has no influence here. With the refining of the mysterious black stone, even the power of evil gods can be transformed into the power he needs.

This is his advantage, an advantage that is difficult for others to copy.

"Our luck is not bad. It is only five thousand miles away from the gathering point opened by Dongxuan Mansion. Go there first and get some information."

In Wu Xingxue's hand, there is a map drawn by Dongxuan Mansion, which is detailed enough that every mountain top is marked.

Long before they came, the saints had already used their supernatural powers to send a group of people in, and their task was to clear an area.

Then use this area to gradually eradicate all the evil gods in the evil god's secret ground.

Hearing Wu Xingxue's words, everyone didn't have any opinions, after all, they were completely ignorant of the information here.

If he was reckless to eradicate the evil god, he might not even know how he died.

According to recent information, many people died in the secret place of the evil god.

Only by going to the gathering point can we formulate a strategy on how to deal with the evil god.

"Let's go."

Wu Xingxue waved her white jade hand, and suddenly one after another silhouettes walked between this evil and dark world.

Walking here consumes a lot of real energy, you must allocate part of your power to defend against the ubiquitous power of evil gods, otherwise, once you accumulate too much power in your body, you may become an evil person .

In all the wars against the evil gods, this kind of power has caused countless losses to the warriors of the Eastern Profound Realm.


A black storm suddenly swept over, and when it enveloped everyone, they immediately felt that the true energy in their bodies was consumed like water.

"Extend the defense!"

Wu Xingxue frowned, and took the lead in propping up the cyan mysterious light. Immediately, hundreds of powerhouses in the sixth hall also opened their masks to resist the storm.

Although this kind of consumption will quickly drain the real energy of these hundred people, it can maintain the combat effectiveness of the team as much as possible.

"It's alright."

Lu Feng glanced at the slightly pale Wu Xingling next to him, the power of this evil spirit made the latter very uncomfortable.

Immediately, he refined the power of the evil god with a wave of his hand, and enveloped Wu Xingling with a light shield, isolating the power of the evil god.

"Thank you."

Wu Xingling moved close to Lu Feng, and the girl's unique fragrance immediately poured into the tip of his nose, making his heart tremble, and then he smiled slightly, using his body to block the terrifying storm.

Fortunately, this kind of storm didn't last long, it just dissipated.

And after the storm dissipated, everyone held a few top-grade black stones in their hands and slowly recovered their true energy.

Although the power in the holy liquid is purer, and it can restore true essence faster than the top grade black stone, it is obviously unwise to waste the holy liquid here.

After experiencing the horror here, everyone became more cautious.

call out!
When Lu Feng and the others passed a densely forested isolated peak, they saw Lu Feng's footsteps pause slightly.

Beside the lonely peak, he noticed a strange fluctuation, and immediately slammed it away.

After the sharp palm prints exploded the isolated peak, there were more than a dozen figures fleeing frantically from it.

And between their brows, there is a particularly eye-catching eye of the evil god.

"Evil God!"

Lu Feng's eyes were sharp, and his figure was swept away, and the frightening palm prints were flipped to kill one in an instant.

At the same time, several people flew out of the team.

They will not be polite to the evil gods, and they will kill all the evil gods in a short time.

"These evil gods are not very strong, they should be scouts of the evil gods."

Lu Feng took out the evil god's eye between their brows.

The Eye of the Cthulhu is the most valuable thing of the Cthulhu.

"They should have come to gather information, but unfortunately you discovered it."

Wu Xingling said with a smile, the girl's hands were playing with the crystal-clear Evil God's Eye.

"Let's go, it's only a few hundred miles away from the gathering point."

After Wu Xingxue's words fell, and everyone hurried on their way for half an hour, the gathering point on the map finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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