Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 70: The Power of the Sword

Chapter 70 The Power of a Sword

The heavy snow is still flying in Tianlin Wangcheng, turning the Wangcheng into a kingdom of ice and snow.

The streets of Wangcheng are covered with thick snow.

Even so, the entire Wangcheng is still extremely lively, and many children can be seen playing snowball fights.

On a bustling street, there were two figures with extraordinary temperament pacing slowly.

"Why have you never heard about your parents?"

Lu Feng asked with a smile.

"I haven't seen my parents since I was a child, and my grandfather never mentioned my parents."

Mo Ling felt dejected, trembling slightly delicately.

"I think your parents must have had a last resort to abandon you."

Lu Feng couldn't help but gently pressed his hand on Mo Ling's trembling shoulders, comforting him softly.

Mo Ling who came from that big hand had a shy face, and the scene was extremely embarrassing.

Suddenly a snowball hit Lu Feng.

At the right moment, Mo Ling stretched out her white and tender hands to wipe off the snow from Lu Feng's body, easing the embarrassment.

"Let's go, the wine in Ting Yu Restaurant is very good, let's go there."

Continuously retreating for a month and a half, and refining weapons with Mo Lao, Lu Feng has long been mentally exhausted, so today is just a good time to relax.

The bustling streets are full of traffic, and there are many vendors shouting on both sides.

Suddenly, the ground trembled like an earthquake.

The neighing of horses resounded throughout the royal city, and the ground shook more and more. A group of black horses were seen running from the other side of the street.

The horse galloped, splashed the snow on the ground, and charged through the crowd with a terrifying aura.

Many civilians couldn't dodge and were directly hit by war horses, and their life and death were unknown.

This team of warhorses was extremely arrogant, ignoring the rules of the royal city, and domineering.

Soon, the cavalry was only 200 meters away from Lu Feng, a charging distance.

At this time, a little girl holding candied haws suddenly sprang out in the middle of the street. When she saw the war horse running towards her, she froze in place for a while.

The war horse regards human life as nothing, and has no intention of stopping.


In desperation, Mo Ling's elegant figure stepped out, embracing the little girl.

But the horse team is only ten meters away from her at the moment.

Lu Feng's expression changed. Although Mo Ling has the fifth level of meridians, the power of a woman is weak after all. Her strength lies in the sound wave, and it is difficult for her to parry against the extremely powerful horses.

Even the royal family would not dare to do this kind of tyrannical horse in the royal city!


All of a sudden, Lu Feng stomped forward, and with a bang, the snow covered the ground exploded, and a powerful and domineering aura was released from his body.

The power of eight ancient flying dragons slanted out in an instant, and that force made the space tremble, and the terrifying force shook the head of the current BMW.

Immediately, the BMW skull exploded, blood spattered, and flew upside down tens of meters!
At the same time, Lu Feng wrapped his arms around Mo Ling and swept aside.

"Are you okay?" Lu Feng asked.

"I am fine."

Mo Ling turned pale and put down the little girl in his arms.

If it hadn't been for Lu Feng's attack, the shock would have sent her flying, and the little girl in his arms would have been shocked to death by the shock.

At this time, Mo Ling's face turned red suddenly, and he saw Lu Feng's big hand was still on her delicate waist.

But at this moment, Lu Feng didn't think of this, because a stern young man with a knife in his hand stepped out from the horse team, staring at him with a cold face.

"It was you who killed my horse?" the stern young man said coldly.

"Your horse nearly killed a man."

Lu Feng looked calm, not afraid.

"Do you know that my horse is a rare hard-earned horse, worth tens of millions of taels of silver."

The cold boy shouted sharply, feeling extremely distressed.

Today, because of a few civilians, someone beat his horse to death, which made him very angry.

There was a bone-chilling chill in the air.

"Let's go."

Lu Feng didn't bother to pay attention to this group of people, he took Mo Ling's hand and wanted to leave here.



Confronting each other, Lu Feng didn't give this person any face.

"Shao Wu, what happened?"

Another team of horses approached, led by a young man with a long scar on his left face, who asked coldly.

Surprisingly, there were more than a dozen prison carts behind this line of cavalry, and many unkempt warriors were imprisoned inside.

"Brother Shao Han, he killed my war horse."

Shao Wu was full of killing intent.


After thinking for a moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth. These people turned out to be from Heishui Country.

Shao is the surname of the Heishui royal family. For example, the previous Shao Hua was a member of the Heishui royal family.

"Then let him make amends with his life."

Shao Han said indifferently.

They are indeed members of the Blackwater royal family. This time they came to the Tianlin Dynasty to escort a group of prisoners with the strong in the country, and by the way, let's see the strength of Tianlin's young geniuses.

Moreover, the people of Heishui are tough, and the fighters who come out are also arrogant and domineering. They dare to fight in the royal city of Tianlin Kingdom, so you can imagine their domineering.

"It's ridiculous, there is no place in Tianlin where your Heishui warriors are presumptuous!"

Lu Feng shouted loudly, and the surging profound energy enveloped his whole body, smashing the snowflakes floating in the void.

The murderous atmosphere filled the air, and people in the whole street retreated to the side.

"Master Ninth! Don't meet the enemy with him. This Shao Wu is a descendant of the Heishui Kingdom, and his strength has reached the fifth level of Tongmai."

In the prison car, a middle-aged man covered in filth, his eyes glowing, shouted loudly.

Lu Feng stared at the middle-aged man, who he had vaguely seen somewhere.

"Teacher Lu?"

After a while, Lu Feng recalled that this middle-aged man was a general of the Lu family, with the strength of Xuanfu, who had taught him martial arts when he was a child.

"People from the Lu family deserve to die even more!"

There was a cold light in Shao Wu's eyes. The reason why it was difficult for him to invade Tianlin was because of the Lu family's resistance, keeping their army out of the border.

"Want to kill me? You are not worthy!"

Lu Feng took a step forward, his voice suddenly became a little colder, and an invisible force surged out.

Mo Ling beside him pulled him, but Lu Feng still smiled faintly.

"Shao Wu killed this member of the Lu family."

Shao Han rode on the tall horse and ordered coldly.

Hearing that the warriors from the Blackwater Kingdom were going to attack in the royal city, some people were suspicious. Is there no one in the royal city?
Naturally, this is not the case. Lu Feng and Shao Wu fought against each other of the same generation, and no one would come out to support this kind of battle between levels.

"Okay, Brother Shao Han, just watch how I kill this Lu family member."

The mighty profound energy surged, Shao Wu suddenly raised the long knife, poured the profound energy into it, and activated the inscription pattern inside the blade, under his urging, an extremely powerful blade power burst out.

There was a ray of light shining on the edge of the blade, and a slash of several feet of saber energy slashed down on the head.

"It only takes one sword to kill you!"

In this instant, Lu Feng's figure moved suddenly, like a shadow, he directly avoided the blade light.

"What about people?"

Shao Wu's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that Lu Feng had disappeared from his sight.

"Be careful, he's on your left!"

Shao Han was startled, and reminded him aloud.

But it was too late, Lu Feng had already pulled out the black sword.

Just as Shao Wu counterattacked, an extremely bright sword light passed by at an unbelievably fast speed.


Someone among the horses was terrified and slapped the horse hard, wanting to rescue Shao Wu.

In the blink of an eye, the sword light passed by, bringing a drop of blood across.


Shao Wu's body trembled, and he covered his throat with both hands, and suddenly a fountain of blood stained his hands red.

(End of this chapter)

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