Chapter 72

Tianlin, Fengyuntai, life and death competition.

This is a huge battle platform surrounded by four blood-stained stone pillars reaching the sky.

Once you step into the stage of life and death, no matter what your status is, when you come here, there is only one result: death or life.

And Shao Han made an appointment to fight Lu Feng here, showing his determination to kill Lu Feng.

This battle attracted the attention of King City, and countless people rushed to the stage of life and death to watch this battle representing the geniuses of the two countries.

To know.

The scene of the warriors of the Blackwater Kingdom being arrogant in the Royal City has long been hated by many people. They especially hope that Lu Feng can give the warriors of the Blackwater Kingdom a resounding slap in the face.

What is special is that this is a battle that represents two countries.

"My lord, will the Ninth Young Master be too impulsive? That Shao Han is a genius with a seventh-level meridian, and he can be ranked in the top ten in the Heishui National Football Team."

Under the stage of life and death, Sun Zhen stood beside Lu Zhan, frowning into a Sichuan character, extremely worried.

Lu Zhan's face was solemn: "I choose to trust Xiaofeng, he will not do things that are not sure."

This battle also alarmed the land battle.

Having said that, Lu Zhan was still extremely worried.

"Uncle Lu, Brother Feng will definitely win."

Mo Ling is also here, holding a pink fist.

Looking at Mo Ling, Lu Zhan smiled back, with a playful look on his face.

But at this moment, another figure in a black robe was staring coldly at the battle platform at another part of the stage of life and death.

Although this person was covered by a large black robe, he could vaguely see the exquisite curves of his body.

Raising his head, his delicate skin was immediately exposed, and he said coldly, "Butler Li's death is unclear, this time I want to see what your hole card is?"

This figure was the queen, she was hiding in the crowd, hoping that Shao Han could kill Lu Feng.

To know.

Lu Feng's excellence has completely overshadowed other geniuses in the family.

Even if she couldn't, she still had to look at Lu Feng's cards.

Boom boom boom.
A burst of thunder-like drums resounded through the stage of life and death.

The crowd looked excited, and when the drum sounded, it also indicated that this life-and-death battle had begun.

Soon, the gloomy old man brought Shao Han to the stage of life and death, and there were several carts of prisoners beside him.

"Lu Feng, hurry up and get on the battlefield, I will take your dog's life today!"

The waves are rolling, and a majestic momentum is coming continuously, only to see Shao Han leaping in the air, stepping towards the stage of life and death.

With a cold expression on his face and a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth, he scanned the crowd under the stage of life and death.

He is bound to win this battle, and he will use Lu Feng's blood to wash away the shame of Heishui Nation.

"The people of Heishui Kingdom are too arrogant, this is Tianlin's territory."

"Shao Han is coming aggressively. There is a huge gap between the two. The outcome of this time seems to be hanging in the balance."

The crowd let out voices of suspicion, worried about this life-and-death battle.

"Don't worry, let you live a little longer!"

A moment later, a voice echoed from the crowd, and a handsome figure walked towards the ring indifferently.

A passage was opened for Lu Feng, and soon Lu Feng lightly stepped on the platform of life and death.

Shao Han looked at Lu Feng coldly, and said sternly: "The battle hasn't started yet, and you still have a chance to repent. If you slipped under my crotch on the spot, and then called grandpa three times, I can let you go."

Lu Feng straightened his back, his eyes were like lightning, and he said calmly, "If you follow this sentence again, I can also let you go."

After the words fell, the two eyes met in the void, causing ripples of profound energy to explode.

His black hair was flying, his clothes looked like blood, and a gust of wind blew around Lu Feng.

"It's full of gunpowder, this time it's worth seeing."

Everyone muttered.

"Just take it out if you have any skills, so you don't waste time."

With a calm expression, Lu Feng stretched out a finger and pointed at Shao Han.

"act recklessly!"

Shao Han's face was gloomy and cold, and he said angrily.

After Lu Feng's words fell, it also aroused a burst of excitement. It was really arrogant enough, but it was not enough for this arrogance to be appreciated by many people.

Genius is to have some edge and vigor.

"In a life-and-death battle, only one person can leave alive!"

A master of the stage of life and death flew into the void and announced solemnly.

This battle is about glory, and even he dare not be careless.


As soon as the words fell, Shao Han turned into an afterimage, and swept away with his palm, setting off a sky-shattering air wave.

Lu Feng turned it over casually, and eight ancient flying dragons gathered above his head, buzzing away.

In terms of physical fitness, Lu Feng is definitely much stronger than Shao Hua, the only thing he lacks is the total amount of profound energy.

With a bang, the two collided together, creating strong winds that raged on the stage of life and death.

With a flash of Shao Han's figure, the blood in his body surged, and he completely defeated Lu Feng under the comparison of strength.

While stepping back, he had a folding fan in his hand, and when he waved it lightly, black whirlwinds like huge waves swept towards Lu Feng.

"This is a well-known weapon in the Heishui Kingdom, the black fan, which has reached the top grade of the earth level, and it was actually lent to Shao Han for use."

Some strong men recognized the weapon in Shao Han's hand, and showed a look of worry.

But at this moment, Lu Feng stood on the spot, neither dodging nor dodging. He just raised his right fist, his eyes flashed, and he focused on the whirlwind.

Blood chakras!

A rush of blood flowed along the meridians and gathered on the arm, and was immediately enveloped by a faint blood light.

The blood chakra is the extraordinary pulse that comes with Taixuan Jiuzhuan. Once it is activated, it will greatly increase the blood and strength in a short period of time.

He punched him suddenly, and the wind was surging, and air waves like flying dragons were swimming, turning into a barrier and raging towards the whirlwind.

During this period of time, Lu Feng not only made great progress in cultivation, but also cultivated the first level of Tianhuangquan to the peak.

With this move, many people were shocked.

"What kind of martial skill is this, what a terrifying aura!"

The crowd gasped in shock.

There was a terrifying sound, and a terrifying air wave of tens of meters erupted. This time, no one took advantage of it.

Shao Han frowned, then sneered, and waved the black fan again.

A gust of wind raged, like a scourge.

Lu Feng drew his sword, and a sword light swung out, breaking through the heavy air waves.

Although only half of the inscription patterns on the Black Profound Sword have been unlocked, it has reached the power of a low-grade Heavenly Grade.

This black fan is too different from the black black sword.

"Boundless hell!"

In an instant, Shao Han waved a gust of wind.

While the black wind was whistling, there were ghostly screams, as if they had really come to a piece of hell.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth, and the sword lights in his hand turned one after another, and the sword energy turned into tide water, piercing into the strong wind with clangs.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them.

Shao Han laughed and said, "This time I will take your life."

The real murderous intent was not in the gust of wind, but in the steel needles as thick as a thousand ox hairs that suddenly appeared in Shao Han's hands.

Suddenly, a thousand steel needles pierced through the heavy air, piercing towards Lu Feng with a whistling sound.

"How despicable! To use such a despicable method to attack secretly."

At the moment, there are quite a few strong people yelling.

Shao Han didn't take it seriously, as long as he could win, did he care what method he used?

A thousand steel needles, no matter how powerful Lu Feng is, he can't avoid them all, as long as he is stabbed by one, the toxin inside will instantly paralyze the warrior for a few seconds.

Although the time of paralysis was not long, it was enough for Shao Han.

(End of this chapter)

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