Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 77 72 states【Recommendation for collection】

Chapter 77 72 states【Recommendation for collection】

At dawn three days later, the Tianlin King City seemed to vibrate, and a huge behemoth was suspended in the sky.

It was a huge flying boat with a length of one kilometer and a width of one hundred meters.

The whole body is black, and countless inscriptions are engraved on every inch of it. It has extremely powerful defense and attack power.

If you search for such a flying boat, it will be difficult to destroy it in a short time even if you encounter a strong person in the Tianwu realm.

This is a flying boat from Zhitianmen. It arrived in Wangcheng today to pick up this group of geniuses participating in the assessment.

"The geniuses participating in the assessment this time, get on the flying boat!"

A vicissitudes of life resounded through the entire royal city with unparalleled power.

Lu Feng also heard it, this vicissitudes of voice is definitely only possessed by the strong in the Tianwu realm.

The hatch of the flying boat opened, releasing a black chain.

Some boys and girls who had been prepared for a long time climbed into the flying boat along this chain with excited faces.

At this time, under the flying boat, a group of people gathered here.

"Ninth Brother, Second Brother will also go to the assessment site this time."

Profound energy condensed at Lu Han's feet, he looked at Lu Feng with a smile, and leaped into the flying boat.

"Let's go, Lu Feng."

The fat man rubbed his hands together and stood beside Lu Feng excitedly.

After hunting in the royal city, Du Fan went into retreat.

On the day of the assessment, he successfully reached the realm of the fifth level of Tongmai.

"Go, Xiaofeng, take this."

Lu Zhan bid farewell to Lu Feng and took out a small ring at the same time.

Lu Feng scanned with mental power, and found that there were 1000 yuan of medium-grade profound stones and hundreds of thousands of low-grade profound stones in the ring.


Lu Xiaorou's voice choked up.

Lu Feng nodded slightly, and when he left, he looked at the red-eyed Lu Xiaorou, and the softest part of his heart was touched.

With a gentle hug, Lu Feng gently held Lu Xiaorou in his arms, and whispered into his ear: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back, and I will definitely break your innate physique."

Saying farewell, Lu Feng tapped his toes on the black iron chain, and jumped onto the flying boat like a shadow.

Soon, after everyone entered the airship, the door suddenly closed.

Once inside the flying boat, the inside is huge, like a small city.

Under the arrangement of the Zhitianmen powerhouse, Lu Feng and the others were arranged in a room tens of meters long, and there were many young people in it.

Lu Feng had some impressions of these people. There were about 70 of them, all warriors in the Tianlin King City, and those girls were arranged in another room.

According to a steward, they were going to an extremely distant place, and it would take about ten days according to the speed of the spaceship.

There are too many people in the room, and cultivation is definitely impossible.

"It turned out to be Cangzhou, one of the 72 states."

On the first day in the flying boat, Lu Feng learned from a steward that Zhitian Gate was originally located in Cangzhou.

Dongxuan Domain is divided into 72 prefectures in total. Back then, the Tianxing Dynasty was the top power, occupying one prefecture, it can be said to be extremely powerful.

In Lu Feng's impression, Cangzhou is the last state among the 72 states. It is rumored in the entire state that Tian Wu is already the most powerful warrior, and he is in a barbarian land.

But even so, a Cangzhou is vast and boundless, and putting the Tianlin Dynasty in it is like a drop in the ocean.

And the Tianlin Dynasty belongs to the Qingfeng faction, a region belonging to Zhitianmen.

"Let this little Cangzhou be my starting point, Mu Yan, you wait for my Lu Feng's anger."

Lu Feng gradually closed his eyes, and the scene of the country's destruction and people's destruction appeared in front of his eyes unconsciously.

In that battle, Tianxing ignited a fire that soared into the sky, and countless people died at the hands of Mu Yan and other strong men.

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Feng's anger burned unconsciously.

In this way, six days passed by.

However, on the seventh day, Lu Feng was awakened by a panicked voice, only to hear: "Something has happened, my Tianlin genius Du Fan was surrounded by people in the tavern, and he is now fighting with those people."

The person who came was a genius from the Du family, and he looked flustered.

For a while, many Tianlin geniuses were shocked, and each of them showed anger.

An extremely sharp edge shot out from Lu Feng's eyes, and a coldness emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Who dares to surround the fat man!
Du Fan is wretched, lecherous, braggart, almost has many shortcomings.

But Du Fan is extremely loyal and dares to sacrifice his life for his friends, this is the reason why Lu Feng regards him as a friend.

Lu Feng got up immediately and went to the tavern in the flying boat.

The flying boat is huge, so there are naturally some recreational places, and the tavern is one of them.

Inside the pub.

A lot of people gathered, surrounded by many people, and there were voices of cursing in the middle.

"A few red-haired monsters, bullying the few with the more, is nothing."

In the tavern, the fat man was panting heavily, and Lu Kai was beside him.

In front of them were several red-haired men.

Under their feet, there were several human-shaped charcoal charcoal covered in electricity.


While drinking in the tavern, there was a quarrel with this group of red-haired warriors, and a fierce conflict broke out with the help of several warriors from the Blackwater Kingdom.

"Hit this fat man up for me, so that he can't live or die!"

The leader is a red-haired warrior.

"This group of red-haired warriors are members of the Huoyan sect in the Qingfeng faction. A thousand years ago, a strong man of the Tianwu realm was born, and his strength is considered top-notch among the many forces in the alliance."

"Those two were unlucky, they actually offended someone from the Huoyan Sect. Today, the Lin Dynasty can barely be regarded as a first-class kingdom, but it is still far behind the Huoyan Sect, a sect with thousands of years of inheritance."

Many warriors in the tavern are all watching the show, and it is also good to see this kind of conflict ease on the eve of the assessment.

"Who wants to beat the fat man to death!"

At this time, a sound of cold drinking came from outside the tavern, and suddenly a cold figure came coldly.

Behind him, there are more than [-] people, all of whom are geniuses of the Tianlin Dynasty.
"Lu Feng." Du Fan looked happy.

"A small Tongmai Fourfold, you dare to come out to be brave, it seems that the people of your Tianlin Kingdom are getting more crazy than one another."

A red-haired man in the lead stepped out arrogantly with a seven-fold pulse.

"Be careful." A warrior from the Blackwater Nation whispered in this person's ear.

After the words fell, the person's expression became solemn.

"It's from Heishui Kingdom again." Lu Feng frowned slightly.

At this time, the red-haired man looked at Lu Feng and said solemnly: "This fat man injured several disciples of my Huo Yanzong, do you want to give an explanation?"

"Competing with each other, they can't beat Fatty me, which only shows their uselessness."

The fat man looked proud.

In the past few months, under the supervision of Zhendong King, he has carried out devil-style training, and he has lost several catties.

And he has an extremely explosive thunder spirit pulse, and his strength is far beyond the realm with all his strength.

"But your shot is too harsh."

The red-haired man looked at the charcoals, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"so what."

Lu Feng's voice was extremely calm, he glanced indifferently, turned around and led the fat man out of the tavern.

In the world of martial arts, disputes are normal, and they are nothing more than seeing whose fist is bigger.

"Fire Cloud Palm!"

Seeing Lu Feng turn and leave, the red-haired man had a cold expression on his face, a wave of fire flowed in his palm, and suddenly a continuous cloud of fire whizzed away.

What he used was an earth-level high-grade palm technique of the Fire Flame Sect, which created a terrifying cloud of fire and played with his opponent in the palm of his hand.

This punch was extremely violent, and there were repeated explosions in the tavern, plus it was a sneak attack, ordinary warriors would definitely not be able to resist it.

(End of this chapter)

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