Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 82 Help 【Please recommend】

Chapter 82 Help 【Please recommend】

The one-eyed old man was beheaded, and the few remaining people were frightened and fled in all directions.

However, they didn't escape very far, and they were chased by Lu Feng and the others and beheaded one by one.

Cut off the head of Tongmai warrior, plus the one-eyed old man, they got seven heads in this battle.

But compared to the fact that four people need to behead 80 people to complete the assessment of Zhitianmen, this is still far behind.

"These people are really weak, even the fat man didn't put in too much effort." Du Fan said proudly.

Lu Feng retorted: "If an ordinary team encountered this group of people, it would have suffered heavy losses."

"Mo Ling contributed a lot to this battle, without her we would be very difficult."

Lu Kai, who had always been taciturn, spoke at this moment.

Du Fan was silent, speechless to refute.

This is indeed the case, without Mo Ling's ranged sonic attack to crack their spears, it would be really difficult for this group of people hiding in the dark to deal with them.

Moreover, the sonic attack greatly reduced their combat effectiveness.

When cleaning up the battlefield afterwards, Lu Feng really knew how poor the warriors in these chaotic lands were.

The one-eyed old man was a strong man with eight levels of meridians, only a few hundred low-grade profound stones on his body, and the others were even more unbearable.

However, Lu Feng and the others don't care about these profound stones, their ultimate goal is the assessment of Zhitianmen.

After ten minutes of rest.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. It is inevitable that there will be more lurkers. Let's leave as soon as possible."

As the backbone, Lu Feng gave the order.

The few people did not refute, they had great trust in Lu Feng, and immediately passed through the stone forest.

After leaving the ancient vine forest, you can walk dozens of miles to leave this dense forest, and then there is an open plain, and on the plain is a city in a land of chaos.

But when they were about to pass through the dense forest, they heard the sound of fierce fighting in a jungle not far away accompanied by shouts of cursing.

"There was a fight."

Lu Feng signaled everyone to stop, and slowly pushed towards that side.

At this time, there was indeed a group of people fighting in the dense forest, and among those besieged were a dozen geniuses who had participated in the assessment.

But at the moment they are in a very bad condition, being besieged by more than [-] warriors whose realm is between Casting Body and Tongmai.

Although they also beheaded several people, two people also fell under their feet.

"Hehe, kill these men and bring the women back to enjoy."

Among the besieging crowd was a strong man with nine layers of meridians, wearing a silver wolf mask, who was their leader.

Hearing this, among the dozen or so people, there were three beautiful young girls with pale faces and trembling mouths.

Although their cultivation was not weak, they had never experienced wind and rain after all, and they were at a disadvantage in front of this group of wolf-like attackers.

After a fight, they were completely at a disadvantage.


The masked man rushed out like a wild wolf, with fierce speed, and a quiet palm print landed, directly grabbing the head of a genius, bursting out a red and white thing all over the place.

This scene frightened the geniuses.

They are all flowers in the greenhouse, and they have been sought after by thousands of people since they were young.

Originally thought that coming to the chaotic place would show off his magical powers, kill 20 people with a very eye-catching attitude, and then leave this area proudly.

However, today's scene completely made them realize the cruelty of the chaotic land.

On the second day alone, several companions fell at their feet in miserable fashion.

"Hand over the treasures on your body, and keep these three little girls, and let you go."

The masked man stuck out his scarlet lips and said bloodthirstyly.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion, these dozen people were discussing whether they should fight to the death or hand over the treasure.

All of a sudden, the masked man burst into aura, and he grabbed it with his claws. A genius with four meridians was twisted and his neck was twisted, and he was thrown aside at will.

Compared with the masked man with rich experience in fighting, the fourth level of Tongmai is completely different.

"We are willing to hand over the treasure, but you promise to spare our lives."

Finally they couldn't hold on any longer, and three or four people begged for mercy.

The faces of the three girls were ashen. Seeing the boys confess their love, they immediately thought of the tragic experience they were about to suffer.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand it over quickly."

The masked man proudly said that if this group of teenagers fought hard, they would also suffer great losses.

Awareness is better, treasures are in hand, killing is second.

"You...you are a bunch of cowards!" A tall girl cursed angrily.

"Princess, I'm sorry, they are too strong, and we might all die here if we fight against them."

A young man with a gloomy face sneered, he moved the fastest, and the storage ring on his body had already been thrown out.

The princess is beautiful, but now is not the time to be a hero.

The tall slender girl's face was livid, she was a princess named Kunxue Kingdom in the Qingfeng faction, and most of this group of people were geniuses of Kunxue Country.

Seeing how weak these people were, she almost despaired, and pressed the sword in her hand.

Even if it is death, it must not be insulted by this group of people.

The masked man was even more proud to see these youngsters in soft clothes.

In this chaotic place, it belongs to the three-way zone, no matter what princess or prince you are, you can kill them all.

"Princess, we will desperately send you out later!"

But there were also a few people who did not choose to give in, but chose to escort the tall slender girl away.

At this moment, the mutation regenerated.

A sharp piano sound pierced the sky, coming with a terrifying penetrating force.

Some warriors who are not strong cover their ears tightly.


Several figures emerged from the jungle, and immediately launched a tyrannical attack. Several people were beheaded immediately before they could dodge.

"who is it!"

The masked man roared angrily.

"The one who took your life."

The person who came to the rescue was Lu Feng. He held a sword and pointed at the masked man coldly.

A meridian ninefold is not worth fearing, at most it will be a little troublesome.

"Princess, don't be afraid, brother fat is here to save you."

At this time, Du Fan obscenely posted in front of the tall slender girl.

"You guys are here to die?" the masked man said coldly.

It's just that he was not in a hurry to act, he could see that Lu Feng was different from those frightened softies.

These four people who appeared suddenly were definitely extremely difficult characters.

"Four more came to die."

The gloomy and cold man who was the first to give in before said sarcastically at this moment.

What is the use of four people, the masked man in front of him is a strong man with nine levels of meridians.

If they are provoked, I am afraid that none of them will be able to escape.

"Shut up, Qualcomm!" The tall slender girl trembled with anger.

But Du Fan sighed, and said: "Why be angry with such a softie, as long as there is a fat man, the princess will never lose a single hair."

After saying that, Lu Feng looked at Du Fan a little speechlessly.

At this time, there are still kung fu tricks, but this is also in line with Du Fan's character.

The more this happened, the more vigilant the masked man was, and he said to a horse-faced man with a seven-fold meridian next to him: "Go and test the details of that young man with a sword."

The horse-faced man nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, I know what to do."

The big man held a very long saber, exuding an icy aura.

In an instant, with a sprint and a knife, he slashed directly in front of Lu Feng's door.

With a loud noise, Lu Feng raised his sword to block the knife.

A huge force came from his arm, and the big man with a horse face felt his whole body go numb, but with his rich experience, he quickly changed his sword.

Crimson wave cut!
Circles of profound energy surged, and a cold light suddenly fell.

The tip of Lu Feng's sword drooped down, and a cold light came out of his eyes.

All of a sudden, the Heixuan sword swiped towards the horse-faced man, and an extremely bright light seemed to gather the brilliance of the world, and it slashed towards the horse-faced man with a sword.

Sword drawing does not mean that it can only be used in the scabbard, it pays attention to a quick and sudden.

The horse-faced man was startled, and felt a terrible killing intent.

Instinctively swung the knife to block the Hei Xuan sword.

However, the horse-faced man still underestimated Lu Feng's strength too much.

When Hei Xuanjian slashed at the Saber, the light of the inscription pattern flashed, splitting the Saber in half.


A bloody light appeared on the face of the big man with a horse face, his eyes lost their expression for a moment, and they fell straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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