Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 85 Too Weak [3 more! 】

Chapter 85 Too Weak 】

"Your opponent is me."

Li Cheng was angry in his heart. This person's intervention made him spend more time, and he hated him so much that he wanted to tear Lu Feng apart.

"Right on my mind."

Lu Feng's gaze was indifferent, a burst of profound energy gushed out from his palm, and a condensed white vortex burst out, slapping Li Cheng.

Li Cheng grinned ferociously, and stretched out a finger.

Black Snake Drill!
A spiral vortex gathered between the fingers, forming a faint shape of a snake's head.

Among all kinds of martial arts, the advantage of fingering lies in its explosive power and trickiness.

But fingering is extremely difficult to practice, because the power is concentrated in one finger, and it cannot be supported without a strong body.

And Li Cheng's ability to practice fingering in front of him shows that his strength is definitely not weak.

Black Snake Diamond pierced Lu Feng's palm with a strange gesture, and then that finger pointed towards the center of Lu Feng's eyebrows like a snake clinging.

If the point between the eyebrows is broken, that tyrannical profound force will definitely break Lu Feng's mind in an instant.

"Dare to fight Li Cheng with me, you are courting death."

The corners of Li Cheng's mouth turned upwards. His Black Snake Diamond is a heaven-level martial art in the Black Water Gang, and only the core members can learn it.

"Just this finger?"

Lu Feng was disdainful, and pointed at Xing Luo, as if gathering the most dazzling light in the entire starry sky.


Li Cheng lost his voice in horror, because he felt a deadly and terrifying breath from Xing Luozhi.


In the blink of an eye, two fingers shrouded in different lights had already touched each other.

The seemingly terrifying and tricky Black Snake Diamond was blown away after touching the Star Luo Finger, and was beaten back steadily.

This force made Li Cheng's fingers bend in a strange gesture, and Li Cheng's face turned iron blue.


Lu Feng yelled loudly, the blood chakras were stimulated, and waves of blood energy rushed to his fingertips, resisting the dark energy from the black snake drill.

Suddenly, the power of Xing Luozhi was stimulated to the extreme.

Li Cheng's fingers couldn't hold back anymore, a gust of blood spurted out in an instant, and a severed finger flew into the air.

This kind of ending made Li Cheng terrified, he broke one of his fingers first when dealing with Lu Feng with the strength of Qitong Meridian.

The broken finger made Li Cheng never dare to fight Lu Feng to death.

At this moment, all he can rely on is his swordsmanship.

Black Snake Sword!
Li Cheng swung his sword upwards, streaks of black sword energy appeared horizontally in the void, which looked like little snakes.

Fighting swordsmanship?
There was a scornful smile on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth. How could his swordsmanship attainments be comparable to that of a mere Li Cheng.

Being human for two lifetimes, coupled with the support of the soul vein, Lu Feng's swordsmanship has reached a very high level.

Lu Feng slightly pressed down the Heixuan sword, and with a cold snort, a sword light brought a surge of sword waves and rushed away.

Two sword lights of different shapes struck together in an instant, and what made Li Cheng even more gloomy was that his swordsmanship was completely restrained by Lu Feng, and he couldn't lift his head at all.

This kind of ending is beyond his expectation, is this still a martial artist with four levels of meridians?

However, he was not too flustered, but frequently used the tricky and strange sword moves of the Black Snake Sword Technique to find Lu Feng's weakness.

"Your sword moves are too weak."

Lu Feng raised his sword, the profound energy in his body burned wildly, and a huge black sword glow roared out.

Looking carefully, that sword light seems to be the condensed form of thousands of small swords, with extremely sharp power.

Li Cheng gritted his teeth, and a huge black snake appeared in the void, and charged away.

When Lu Feng's sword light touched the black snake, it tore apart in an instant, and hit Li Cheng directly.

Li Chengru flew upside down like a broken kite, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Lu Feng secretly thought, this Li Cheng must be wearing a high-quality inner armor, otherwise the sword would not be as simple as vomiting blood.

At this moment, he glanced at the people who were fighting.

With the assistance of Mo Lingqin, the battle situation has gradually stabilized.

"It's very powerful, but do you think this is my real strength?"

Li Cheng spat out blood, with an indescribably ferocious expression on his face.

"Think of any tricks and use them all."

Lu Feng smiled slightly, this person was several times stronger than Shao Han back then, but Lu Feng didn't care.

"The body of the black water, the strange pulse of the black water!" Li Cheng gritted his teeth, his expression extremely ferocious.

This is a secret technique, an extremely cruel secret technique. When practicing this secret technique, his life would be worse than death.

Back then, there were 100 people practicing this secret technique at the same time, but only two or three people survived, and he was one of them.

Black light and gas erupted from his body and began to spread, forming a huge mist.

There is a disgusting poisonous gas in the mist, accompanied by terrible poison.

Once covered by this mist, you have to use the profound energy to protect your body all the time, otherwise you will be directly poisoned to death.

"Quickly step back from the area covered by the poisonous mist of big brother."

Those warriors from Heishui Kingdom stayed away from Li Cheng during the battle.

"Special physique, formed the day after tomorrow, coupled with a unique strange vein."

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around.

Indeed, as Lu Feng guessed, this Black Water Body is a kind of physique that can be cultivated in the Black Water Gang.

These geniuses have been cultivated with all kinds of terrible poisons since childhood, and the toxins are accumulated in the body over time.

Guided by a black water vein, such terrifying power can be erupted.

"Now let you taste my real trump card!"

Li Cheng grinned grimly, and rushed towards Lu Feng.

"These toxins are still too weak, it's okay to bully children."

Lu Feng chuckled and walked into the poisonous mist.

"I'm dying, so I'll let you be a little harder."

After arousing the power of Qimai, Li Cheng urged the poisonous mist to cover Lu Feng completely.

However, a terrible fact was before his eyes.

Lu Feng was safe and sound, not even a trace of poisoning.

This made him extremely astonished. You must know that his poisonous mist can be said to be invincible in the Tongmai Realm.

The tyrannical physique obtained from Taixuan's Ninth Revolution practice gave him a super-human immunity to poison, coupled with the blood energy of the blood chakra rushing through his body, even if this poisonous mist was a higher level Don't even think about taking Lu Feng.

He didn't even need to use his profound energy to resist, he could fight with his body leisurely.

"It's impossible!" Li Cheng cried out in horror.

The extraordinary pulse and physical strength that he had cultivated so hard were actually ignored by the person in front of him, which made him feel a sense of frustration.

But at this moment, Lu Feng had come to him, and raised his sword.


Li Cheng trembled all over, because most of his body's profound energy was consumed by stimulating this force.

Faced with this sword, he seemed very powerless, and quickly raised his sword to block it.

He was not reconciled, he would die in the hands of a martial artist with a quadruple meridian.

"It's over, you asked for everything."

Lu Feng stabbed directly with his sword, and scratched Li Cheng's neck, and a deep blood mark appeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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