Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 857 Sea of ​​Death [4 More]

Chapter 857 Sea of ​​Death

The blue sky is clear and clear, with a golden sun floating in the air, and the refracted light forms a beautiful rainbow of seven colors.

The water vapor in the air has a salty taste, and the sea breeze blowing makes people feel a fishy smell.

The vast sea area is so vast that it is difficult to see the end.

Several figures suddenly appeared on a rough sea.

This is the famous sea of ​​death, where chance and death coexist.

After leaving the pilgrimage city, Lu Feng brought You Ruo non-stop to the sea of ​​death with the help of the teleportation array along the way.

Moreover, Lu Feng has reached the Six Changes of Respecting Martial Arts, and he can easily build a space rainbow bridge to span vast distances.

Although this puts great pressure on the soul, Lu Feng's spiritual power has reached level 62 after all, which is a level that some saints have not reached.

As for the real yuan needed to construct the space Hongqiao, Lu Feng didn't even bother.

Today, he does not lack holy liquid.

"This is the sea of ​​death."

Lu Feng looked at the vast sea, his spirit was a little uplifted by the sea breeze, and his heart was filled with magnificence.

This sea of ​​death is extremely huge, and the combined area of ​​the 72 states in Dongxuan Territory is probably not as large as this sea of ​​death.

Moreover, this sea of ​​death is extremely rich, and there are many ancient relics sunk in the bottom of the sea, it depends on whether you have the ability to find them.

Back then, the Star Emperor also liked to explore these ancient ruins, and the mysterious black stone was recovered from a miracle somewhere under the sea.

"What a beautiful sea of ​​death."

You Ruoling in a black dress stood in the air, squinting her eyes slightly to feel the breath of the sea breeze, and there was a touch of rosiness on her delicate face.

Lu Feng smiled, and suddenly there was a sharp and piercing bird call in his ear.

Looking up, there are a group of large white birds with wings spread ten feet flying in the sky, often rushing into the sea to catch huge sea fish.

"Look at Master Tiger catching them and grilling them."

The little tiger lying on Lu Feng's shoulder opened its eyes and suddenly stretched its tiger claws towards the sky, which caused great panic among the birds.

Then I saw several seabirds whose necks were broken were caught by Xiaohu.

"You little tiger."

You Ruoqianqianyu pointed on Xiaohu's forehead, with a smile on his face.

And being fainted, Xiaohu also trembled.

This man in front of him is the famous butcher, the Dzogchen Holy Realm, and even he feels a kind of fear of the faintly hidden power of darkness hidden in his body.

"Wait until we find a small island and roast these seabirds." Lu Feng said.

Going to the land of dusk is not something that can be done in a short time.

Although the Dark Demon Lord told Lu Feng everything he knew, he would not really rush into the Twilight Land as foolishly as the former said.

After all, the Lord of Darkness is an ancient sage powerhouse, so he can naturally be unscrupulous about the dangers in the Twilight Land.

And Lu Feng only respected the Six Changes of Martial Arts, it was the place of decisive battle chosen by the ancient and ancient times, it was much more dangerous than the dead zone in Tianfu State, so it is natural to be fully prepared.

Moreover, the information of the Dark Demon Lord is thousands of years old, and there may be quite a few changes.

"Let's go."

Lu Feng gazed into the distance, his expression changed suddenly, and he saw a violent wind and waves suddenly broke out on the calm sea.

Dark clouds covered the sun, and there were streaks of thunder flashing, obviously there was going to be a huge storm.

"Lu Feng, a lot of fierce auras suddenly appeared here." While Lu Feng was observing the storm, Xiaohu's voice rang in his ears.

"Are there pirates coming?"

Lu Feng knew that there were countless pirates in the sea of ​​death, who were dedicated to making waves, sweeping the islands and warriors along the way.

After only a moment, he knew that it wasn't pirates coming, but there were groups of whales swimming under the sea surface.

Each of these whales is hundreds of feet long, and there are even huge whales that are thousands of feet long.

There are tiger stripes wrapped around their bodies, just like a tiger diving in the sea.

Moreover, there were many strong figures standing on top of those whales, exuding a terrible evil spirit all over their bodies.

"The killer whale family among sea beasts is a relatively vicious race."

Lu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

The most powerful force in the 72 states of Dongxuan Region is naturally the human race.

But it is not the case in the sea of ​​death. The endless sea beasts are the overlords of this place, and they can run rampant in this sea area.

However, there are still countless strong people living in the sea of ​​death, and a certain delicate balance has been formed with the super strong people of the sea beast family.

"If you enter the formation disk, these sea beasts don't care about them."

Lu Feng snorted coldly, waved his hand and put You Ruo into the array, and built a space rainbow bridge to show off his strength.

And aware of Lu Feng's strength, those powerful killer whales who had already transformed did not chase after him. After all, humans with this strength are not easy to mess with.

The storm howled, the weather in the Dead Sea was moody, and twisted vortices were everywhere.

The storm was huge, with a depressing aura, and waves swept in. If the Tianwu Realm faced this kind of disaster, he would almost die.

Only those who respect martial arts have the power to contend.

On a small island that is only a few miles in size in the Sea of ​​Death, there is a bright bonfire rising.

Lu Feng carved a formation at random, and the shining golden shield cut off the waves.

"It's not known how many days this storm will last."

Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and he learned from the Dark Lord that when encountering a terrible storm, it is best to find a small island to take refuge temporarily.

Because, when the storm stirs the wind and clouds, it is also the time when the endless sea beasts are most active, and there are even saint-level sea beasts.

"I hope those sea beasts don't mess with me." Lu Feng shuddered.

At this time, there were several huge seabirds and some skewered grilled fish on top of the bonfire, exuding a faint fragrance.

"My brother's baking is delicious, and it's on par with my father's craftsmanship."

You Ruo appeared from the array, gracefully grabbed a skewer of grilled fish, and opened her small mouth slightly.

Lu Feng was slightly distracted. The Star Emperor a thousand years ago was a loving father, and he also liked to take his two brothers and sisters to barbecue, and he also had Lingxing wine brewed by Jiu Sheng.

And the little tiger next to him, obviously eating much uglier, started gobbling it up immediately.

As the night approached, the storm didn't seem to decrease in the slightest, but instead became more violent.

Lu Feng also felt the terrible meaning brought by the word death in the sea of ​​death, almost a forbidden area for life.

You Ruo obviously felt tired due to the poison of the Spear of Extinguishing Soul, and soon entered the array, closing her eyes and resting beside the ancient unicorn tree.

Seeing You Ruo's appearance, Lu Feng slowly clenched his palms, and a knife-like gleam flashed out of his eyes, he must find the Joker of Life and Death in the twilight land.

However, the powerful strength displayed by Emperor Mu Xing that day did not make Lu Feng feel any fear, but instead made him yearn for great strength even more.

Lu Feng shook his head, discarding the distracting thoughts in his mind, and when he was about to close his eyes to rest, he suddenly stood up, looked at the unsettled sea area, and said softly: "It seems that there is trouble coming."

 Thanks to loveme and user 180****0777 for the reward. I just arrived in the sea of ​​death, and it is very cumbersome to re-establish the contradiction. After sorting out the plot, it will explode, and it will only take two or three days.

(End of this chapter)

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