Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 866 Spread the News

Chapter 866 Spread the News
Lu Feng tore open the space with both hands, and immediately chased him out.

And in his hand, a silver brilliance swirled away.

The silver light magnified rapidly, forming a silver sky curtain with a width of one hundred feet in the blink of an eye, and then the surrounding space within a thousand feet was affected.

This object is naturally Lu Feng's Mysterious God Talisman Record, and as his strength becomes stronger, his control over it becomes more and more perfect.

As soon as he was shrouded in the Xuanshen Talisman Record, the speed of the old man Xieshou dropped by half, as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

With a movement of Lu Feng's hand, the sword slashed like thunder, and suddenly a space crack appeared beside the old man Xie Shou.

The old man Xieshou slapped his palm and said in shock: "Little bastard, do you really want to kill them all?"

He felt extremely aggrieved, if not for that weird silver sheet, he would have escaped at his speed.

However, as if Lu Feng didn't hear it, the mysterious amulet was recorded.Countless rays of light that were as sharp as blades were shot out, leaving scars on the old man Xieshou.

"I am the enshrinement of Heilong Island, if you dare to kill me, Heilong Island will not let you go!"

The old man Xieshou shouted bitterly, paled in shock, trying to scare Lu Feng with the name of Black Dragon Island.

Lu Feng looked at the old man Xieshou with indifferent eyes, and said indifferently: "Heilong Island, today I killed the one from Heilong Island."

That sword fell suddenly, and the huge sword light turned into a roaring golden dragon, directly swallowing the old man Xie Shou, and then saw a figure fall into the sea.

The blood stained the small area of ​​the sea, and a gray light suddenly swept out, streaking across a trace of panic.

This is exactly the primordial spirit seed of the old man Xieshou, but in Lu Feng's hand, a sharp light swept away, smashing it into powder.

"This evil hand old man can only be regarded as average among the seven transformations, and he is so difficult to deal with."

Lu Feng murmured, a paleness appeared on his face.

If it wasn't for the help of You Ruo's Dark Demon God's Dharma Aspects to comprehend the power of using these Dharma Aspects, plus his own many methods, he might not be able to deal with this evil old man so easily.

"This is already very good. After all, every change after the Seven Changes is a change towards the Holy Way." Xiaohu said carelessly.

Lu Feng nodded, and took away the storage ring of the old man Xieshou.

After investigating, he was surprised.

The light holy liquid inside actually has millions of dollars, but this evil hand old man is rich.

"Hey, there is actually a letter inside."

Lu Feng curiously opened the envelope, and slowly checked it.

After a long while, the letter was burned to paper ashes. Lu Feng said softly: "No wonder this old man with evil hands came from the Black Dragon Sea to the Ancient Wind Sea. It turned out that he was going to Yanhua Island."

"What did you say?" Xiaohu leaned forward.

"Someone invited the old man Xieshou to Yanhua Island. I heard that the mermaid crystal was found, and the person who invited him was called Xu Shui."

Lu Feng shrugged, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

The mermaid crystal is a treasure unique to the powerful mermaid clan among sea beasts, and it is of great help to the dharma.

What attracted Lu Feng the most was not the mermaid crystal, but the Xu family named Xu Shui who invited the evil hand old man.

Lu Feng is no stranger to the name Xu Shui, and his name hangs high on the hidden hall must-kill list.

It is said that this person is cunning, and by using his own methods, he actually found out the traces of many survivors of the dynasty, causing countless killings.

However, he was very cautious, causing Yintang to miss many assassinations, and now he is living in style.

"What's your idea?"

Seeing Lu Feng's expression, Xiaohu showed a smirk.

"Let's spread the news first. I think this Mermaid Crystal will be quite tempting to many people. That Xu Shui is not weak, and I can't deal with him alone. This blood debt can't just be forgotten. "

Lu Feng sneered, glanced at the chart in his hand, and left in a flash.

Fortunately, Yanhua Island is in the route of the ancient sea area ahead.

Yanhua Island is an island only a few tens of miles in size, and there are few people on weekdays.

However, the past few days have been much more lively, and many powerful players with six or even seven changes have rushed here.

And their purpose is naturally because of the news about the mermaid crystal.

After all, a treasure like the mermaid crystal, which is of great benefit to dharma, is very rare, and every time it appears, it will cause a lot of commotion.

In the center of Yanhua Island, there is a gorgeous manor, and some buildings can be vaguely seen.

"Damn it, who leaked the news about the Mermaid Crystal and attracted so many people to Yanhua Island!"

In a certain room, a thin old man with a goatee wearing a fine attire had an extremely angry expression on his face.

The maid next to her seemed terrified, for fear that the lord would do something terrible.

And this person is Xu Shui, because of his ability to detect news, countless surviving people of the dynasty were directly or indirectly killed by his hands.

"I invited two sixth-rank great masters, and one of them has already come. Only the old man Xie Shou has not come yet. He must have revealed the news."

Xu Shui chased away the maid, and closed the room tightly, with an extremely irritable face

His talent is not very strong. If he had not made great contributions to the emperor over the years and was given some treasures, he would not be able to reach the strength of the eight-changing celestial phenomenon.

"Fortunately, I didn't reveal that there might be traces of mermaid hearts there. Otherwise, these people would not be the only ones who came to Yanhua Island."

Xu Shui's narrowed eyes flashed with a gloomy coldness.

If it is said that the mermaid crystal is very tempting to the sixth transformation or the seventh transformation, then this mermaid heart is a treasure that even the eight transformations would envy.

"Don't let me see that evil hand old man in the future, otherwise I'll give you a layer of skin."

After cursing bitterly, Xu Shui closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Now that the news has been exposed, in order to avoid more powerful people coming, the only way is to go there in advance to win the heart of the mermaid.

At this time, Lu Feng came to Yanhua Island three days later, temporarily staying in a spontaneously gathered gathering place.

"There are quite a few people here. It seems that the temptation of the mermaid crystal has indeed attracted some strong people to come here."

Lu Feng showed his aura of six transformations, causing those with fierce eyes to back away.

According to his observation, although there are no eight-variant warriors, there are several seven-variant warriors.

Xiaohu smiled, and said, "I don't know how ugly that Xu Shui's face will be when he knows that you have walked the mermaid crystal."

"It must be very exciting." Lu Feng smiled lightly.

It's just that there is a touch of coldness in that smile.

"The mermaid crystal is indeed a good thing. A long time ago, the master had a tangle with the queen of the mermaid tribe. Later, he found a trace of the threshold of the ancient holy land with the help of a treasure called the mermaid heart."

You Ruo's voice rang in his ears.

Lu Feng was startled for a moment, and then smiled. He didn't expect that the dark devil who made countless people fear would have such a flirtatious affair.

(End of this chapter)

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