Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 95 Interception

Chapter 95 Interception
Now, due to the troubles of these geniuses, this place has become a complete mess, and Lu Feng and others also took advantage of the chaos to leave here.

After leaving the auction house, Lu Feng did not choose to return to Black Moon City, but found a secluded place on the outskirts of the chaotic place.

After all, he killed the noodle man, and if he rashly entered Black Moon City, he was afraid that he would be wanted by the City Lord's Mansion.

Afterwards, Lu Feng heard that the scene was extremely tragic.

At least more than 100 geniuses from the two factions died, and at the same time they also killed hundreds of Tongmai Realm, among them even Xuanfu Realm died in the melee.

With this great war, the entire periphery has continued to fight and become more and more chaotic.

Time passed, and fifteen days passed quietly.

With their strength, the assessment is not a problem for them.

Lin Qian also took advantage of them during this period and agreed to complete the assessment.

Fortunately, Lin Qian did not insist on her princess status, but followed them wisely, otherwise she would have been kicked out of the team long ago.

"It's time to go back."

In the hidden cave, Lu Feng calculated the time and said.

Although there are still about five or six days before the end of the assessment, their tasks have been completed, and it is time to go back.

The others had no objection to Lu Feng's opinion, and followed Lu Feng's footsteps closely.

The journey was not peaceful, and they were robbed by several waves of geniuses.

After several hours, the long and narrow forest suddenly appeared.

Immediately, several people got in.

"Haha, I didn't expect Fatty to actually complete the assessment this time."

Along the way, Du Fan kept laughing and getting carried away.

This assessment is extremely dangerous, according to Lu Feng's estimation, only one fifth of the geniuses can complete the assessment.

And once the assessment is completed, becoming a Zhitianmen disciple is almost a certainty.

Lin Qian at the side remained silent, her eyes glowing with strange brilliance.

Without Lu Feng this time, not to mention completing the assessment, even her fate would be unpredictable, which had a great impact on her pride.

At this time, Lu Feng walked through the dense forest with a serious expression on his face.

After a day and a night in the past, several people experienced several moderate dangers, and finally walked out of this dense forest.

Once you leave the dense forest, you only need to walk for a few more hours to leave the land of chaos.

"Finally out of this dense forest, fat man, I'm starving to death."

Du Fan grinned, feeling a lot more relaxed.

"Let's take a break." Mo Ling said.

Even if they are warriors in the Tongmai Realm, their bodies are very tired after a day and a night of high-intensity travel.

When they were discussing to rest, Lu Feng's expression changed.

His ears moved, and the tyrannical mental power pervaded a range of several hundred meters, and he whispered: "Someone is coming."

"Who's here?"

Du Fan was gnawing on a pork leg, and said vaguely.

"The information is indeed correct, as expected, he will pass by this road."

In the direction not far away, about ten figures rushed towards him rapidly.

Seeing these ten people coming, they became vigilant.

"It's you."

A cold light flickered in Lu Feng's eyes.

The leader was tall and burly, and it was Chen Dong who had had a dispute in the flying boat that day.

And there was a person who was [-]% similar to Shao Han in appearance, and according to Lu Feng's guess, he should be a warrior from the Black Water Country.

As soon as he left the dense forest, a group of people were waiting here to intercept him, which made him wonder who had leaked his whereabouts.

"Today they are dead."

Sure enough, that person was indeed a warrior from the Black Water Country, named Shao Chen.

"Hand over your heads."

Chen Dong took a step forward, exhaled hot breath from his nostrils, exuding disdain, and looked down at Lu Feng and the others.

In their team, only Chen Dong and Shao Chen had completed the task, and the rest of them simply couldn't make up the number of assessments.

The group of people who followed also smiled coldly, with fiery eyes in their eyes.

These five people left the chaotic land a few days earlier, all of which indicated that they had completed the assessment, as long as they were killed, they would have the opportunity to join the Tianmen.

"Just because of you guys, you want to rob us."

Du Fan raised a middle finger and said contemptuously.

Fatty's character is like this, he is not afraid of anything.

"Who told you to kill me?"

At this moment, Lu Feng said suddenly.

"The dead don't need to know that much."

Chen Dong was startled, and then sneered.

The information about Lu Feng's appearance was indeed told to them by a mysterious Zhitianmen disciple.

"I know who it is."

For a moment, Lu Feng suddenly said.

There is only one person who has such a killing intent towards him and can know his whereabouts, and that is Lu Han.

It was inconvenient for him to make a move, so he asked others to attack him.

Lu Feng guessed right, it was indeed Lu Han who instigated it.

He has a special spiritual pet that remembers Lu Feng's aura when he was in Lu's house, so he can preliminarily deduce Lu Feng's whereabouts.

"Shao Chen, it's your turn."

Chen Dong snorted coldly, there is no need to talk nonsense with a dead person.

As long as you kill Lu Feng, you can get the appreciation of an inner disciple, which will be of great benefit in the future.

"Lu Feng, you killed the two geniuses of my Black Water Country, go to hell!"

Shao Chen's voice was low and cold, and he smiled cruelly.

"If you have any ability, just use it."

Lu Feng sneered, it was impossible to kill him with these few people.


A strange breath bloomed from Shao Chen's body, it was black and cold, carrying a wave of spiritual power.

He patted a bag on the left, and suddenly there was a snake hissing.


Hundreds of colorful poisonous snakes flew out of his bag and entangled under his feet.

The densely packed venomous snakes wriggling together looked extremely intrusive.

Mo Ling and Lin Qian frowned when they saw it. These poisonous snakes were extremely disgusting.

Shao Chen stared at Lu Feng fiercely, and said, "Being bitten by these poisonous snakes will kill you at once with the strength of the Meridian Realm."

"Venomous snakes are good. I think it will be even more delicious if it is made into grilled snake meat."

Lu Feng took his time and mocked.

"Haha, that's a good suggestion."

Du Fan laughed loudly.


With a flick of the fingers, the hundreds of poisonous snakes retracted and flew out like springs.

Hundreds of colorful poisonous snakes are flying in the void, which is extremely shocking.

Lu Feng pulled out the black black sword, and the sword lights shone one after another, cutting the poisonous snakes in half.

"go with!"

Mo Ling ejected an invisible spiritual power, covering Shao Chen.

However, Shao Chen's body only trembled, and there was nothing serious about it.

"Spiritual attacks are ineffective against me."

Shao Chen ignored his mental strength and laughed out loud.

"Stop playing with them, let go of your hole cards." Chen Dong urged.

Shao Chen nodded, and patted the other bag, and suddenly there was a foul smell, and all the bugs flying out of that bag.

There is not just one type of these bugs, but more than a dozen types.

"Hmph, these are the beetles I specially bred, and it's your honor to die in their mouths."

Shao Chen's arm squirmed, and more than a dozen poisonous insect kings emerged from the flesh, looking extremely terrifying.

"I didn't expect you to be a bug cultivator. I underestimated you."

Lu Feng seemed a little surprised.

Insect cultivators are a partial branch of beast masters, few practice it, but their methods are extremely strange.

The Shao Chen in front of him is using his own flesh and blood to raise the insect king, so as to command the group of insects.

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(End of this chapter)

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