Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 956 Make another breakthrough

Chapter 956 Make another breakthrough
Lu Feng's celestial power rotated rapidly, and the suction force formed pulled all the colorful auroras around, forming beams of light flying around.

His celestial power is extremely overbearing, and the suppression formed by the nine suns makes it impossible for these colorful auroras to penetrate it, so he can only let him knead it obediently.

Li Jianqing and the others were also stunned. If their celestial power appeared, they might be directly pierced by these colorful auroras and shattered.

What Lu Feng did was not difficult, he wanted to compress these dissipated colorful auroras together, just like a tiger compressing purple gold flames.

And although the seven-color aurora is domineering, it is not as good as the purple-gold flame, so Lu Feng can do it too.

In shock.

As the suction force became more and more vast, those colorful auroras shrank rapidly.

The power rose, and crystal-like spiritual power penetrated into it, controlling that violent power.

At the same time, the inscription pattern attainments of the sixth-rank great masters formed a formation.

When the limit was reached, a dull sound filled the air, and eighteen finger-sized beads covered with colorful patterns appeared in Lu Feng's palm.

These beads may seem small, but they are full of extremely domineering power.

Looking at the rolling beads in his palm, Lu Feng took some leaves from the Aurora Ancient Tree and wrapped them up, before he heaved a sigh of relief.

As for the condensing just now, Lu Feng's mental power was under high consumption, keeping the power inside in a state of balance was extremely exhausting.

And according to Lu Feng's estimate, even a quasi-sage [-]-level powerhouse would be extremely embarrassed if they exploded. If all [-] were thrown out, even a quasi-sage [-]-level powerhouse would end up in a miserable state if they accidentally ended up. .

It's a pity that the colorful aurora has been exhausted, so he can only give up.

Otherwise, with a hundred or so, there would be no flesh and blood left to kill Mu Zongqing and others.

"That thing worked?"

Li Jianqing could feel the danger coming from the bead.

Lu Feng nodded with a smile, thinking in his mind when he would take people from the Three Great Sword Sects to try the power of this bead.

If Mu Zongqing knew about Lu Feng's thoughts, he would definitely spit out a mouthful of blood in anger.

After that, they didn't stop any longer, and if they wasted some time here, they had to use their speed to make up for it.

Fortunately, with the leadership of the people from the Holy Land, their speed is not too slow, and they have not encountered such troubles as the ancient aurora tree.

Just three days later, they finally arrived at the passageway to the fourth domain.

The third domain is the place where wild beasts live. Although there are opportunities, it is far inferior to the fourth domain left by Qinglian Sword Ancestor.

But at this time, there was a plain glowing with blue light in front of it, and fierce sword intents shuttled through the space, as if there was a sword master dancing his sword.

Today, there are already hundreds of figures waiting on this plain, and there are sparse crowds of people gathering all the time.

There are basically no weak people who can come to the third domain channel, and most of them are the strength after the seven transformations of Zunwu.

Because there is a blue space barrier stretching for hundreds of miles in front of them, emitting an incomparably violent breath, these talents stayed here honestly.

"I thought our speed was fast enough, but I didn't expect so many people to arrive."

Lu Feng's gaze swept across this area, and he even felt a few quasi-sage auras in the figures, which directly distorted the space.

"Some people will come to a closer place when passing through the third domain." Li Jianqing explained.

The arrival of this large group of people immediately attracted the attention of countless people, but they turned their attention away when they saw such a strong lineup.

Lu Feng and the others found a vacant place, and from time to time strong people from the Holy Land or Tianyahai Pavilion gathered here.

"This time the barrier has gone berserk a lot. For some reason, the passage is filled with countless sword shadows. There are many strong men of the quasi-sage three realms who want to attack, but they are all blocked back. There is even a quasi-sage three realm They all died in it."

A person with a holy land told the whole situation.

Hearing this, Lu Feng and the others looked heavy and felt the pressure.

What kind of person in the quasi-sage three realms, who claim to be the strongest person closest to the saint, even in the holy land, only a few people came here this time.

And the so-called sword shadow in the passage has such strength, it is really amazing.

"Now everyone is waiting for the gathering of a large number of strong people, ready to force a breakthrough."

The Holy Land said again.

At this time, Lu Feng also looked over.

Inside the passage, sword energy permeates, and there are dense blue-light sword shadows, among which there are even sword shadows of quasi-sage three realms, which can be called an insurmountable natural moat.

"Then just wait."

Since everyone was stopped here, Lu Feng was not in a hurry.

In the following time, Lu Feng found a quiet place and prepared to attack the bottleneck of mental power, adding a bit of strength to the upcoming battle.

Seeing this, Lu Guizhen and Xia Nianci led troops to protect Lu Feng.

His spiritual power itself is not far from a breakthrough, he swallowed the lotus seeds he got into his body, and then used the Xuanshenzong's cultivation method to start his cultivation.

Sitting cross-legged, a storm of mental power roared in, and the crystal-like light was extremely dreamy.

"It's such a powerful spiritual force, it should reach the sixtieth level."

Lu Guizhen's eyes flickered, this kind of spiritual power, even some saints may not be able to achieve it.

After all, a large part of the cultivation of spiritual power depends on talent.

Xia Nianci lightly tapped his head, and said: "When I reached the quasi-sage third realm, I was stuck at the 59th step, and it was difficult to cross it."

Xia Nianci was full of curiosity about Lu Feng.

Back in Shanghua Island, only seven transformations were enough to create such a terrifying sensation.

Without him, it is absolutely impossible to kill Zhao Lin smoothly.

And with their protection, two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by the roar of a soul storm, Lu Feng used up three purple gold lotus seeds and other treasures to break through to level 66.

Feeling the nearly surging spiritual power in the Divine Tower Palace, Lu Feng showed a satisfied smile.

Although mental power is more difficult to cultivate than martial arts, but with his current mental power, almost no one in the Martial Martial Realm can bear it if he fully mobilizes it.

At this time, Lu Feng's eyes slowly swept around.

Due to the passage of two days, there are almost several times more strong people here than before. If it weren't for the terrifying sword shadow, some people would have been unable to hold back.

"The people from the Tian Cang Sect over there are also here, and the strongest one should be Xiao Kun, the eldest disciple of the Cang Sword Saint that day, who is a three-level quasi-sage."

Seeing Lu Feng's breakthrough, Li Jianqing walked over, pointed at dozens of figures with ancient swords on their backs and said.

Hearing this, Lu Feng also became interested. He is no stranger to the Sword Master Tian Cang, and his mansion was once lived by the Sword Master.

According to Li Jianqing's introduction, although this Tiancangmen is low-key, but because the Dzogchen Sword Master is in charge, it can rank fifth among all the sword halls.

Lu Feng nodded, and then his eyes moved, and he sneered suddenly, and said, "Over there, our acquaintances are also here."

(End of this chapter)

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