Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 98 To Tianmen

Chapter 98 To Tianmen

There are many peaks and ridges, and they are soaring into the clouds, wrapped in thick clouds and mist, and there are pavilions and palaces that can be vaguely seen.

This place is like a fairyland, and people can often be seen shuttling through the clouds and mist.

In this regard, countless disciples showed fascination.

Only the profound energy stored in the Xuanfu within the Xuanfu realm can have enough strength to support a long-term flight.

It is said that Zhitianmen is built on a top-grade ore vein, and there are more than a dozen high-grade ore veins, and countless middle- and low-grade ore veins.

In such an environment, the speed of cultivation will indeed be greatly increased, which is why many princesses and princes of the dynasty would want to come to Zhitianmen, just because there is no such condition in their own dynasty.

In this environment, Lu Feng was very indifferent and not surprised.

Back then, the Tianxing Dynasty was built on a sacred vein with a higher level of blackstone veins.

The tyrannical spiritual power diffused out, and Lu Feng vaguely saw a suspended mountain in the center, surrounded by wind and thunder, wrapped in momentum, and there was an ancient temple on it.

Inside the palace, there was a terrifying aura, as if suppressed by a powerful force.

"Here we are, let's get off the flying boat."

At this moment, Elder Xie said solemnly in the flying boat.

Immediately, more than 200 geniuses got down from the airship in an orderly manner under the guidance of those strong men, and looked around curiously.

There is a huge flat ground at the foot, and a huge rock in front of it, engraved with three chic and elegant characters, full of ancient and vicissitudes of life.

"To the gate of heaven!"

Although Zhitianmen here is only a branch, it has a history of 3000 years.

"It's so rich in the profound energy of heaven and earth, I feel that Fatty can open up the next martial art."

After getting off the flying boat, Du Fan took a deep breath of profound energy. ,
The rich profound energy stimulated his acupoints, and he felt an urge to break through immediately.

"I feel the same way."

Mo Ling also took a deep breath of profound energy.

"Cultivating here can definitely open up martial arteries in a shorter time."

Here, where countless profound veins converge, it is almost one of the best cultivation treasures in Cangzhou, and if the time for gathering profound energy can be saved, it will undoubtedly provide warriors with more time to reach a high level.

"Not good, Black Stone!"

At this moment, Lu Feng was shocked.

The black stone worn on the chest suddenly became hot, and a deep and terrifying vortex suddenly appeared on the smooth stone surface, which was actually guided by this strong profound energy.

For a moment, Lu Feng quickly suppressed the change of Black Stone with mental strength.

There is a great power at the Heavenly Martial Realm next to him, if he is allowed to find out the secret of Black Stone, it will definitely be a disaster.

Fortunately, Lu Feng restored the black stone to its original state in a short while, but Elder Xie didn't notice.

"I have seen Elder Xie!"

At the entrance of the mountain gate, a group of Xuanfu realm warriors in green shirts saluted Elder Xie respectfully.

You must know that Elder Xie is not only a strong man in the Tianwu realm, but also the person in charge of the outer sect. If he can get the appreciation of Elder Xie, his status in the sect will be greatly increased.

Elder Xie nodded lightly, and did not look directly at the group of Profound Palace Realm powerhouses.

The group of Profound Palace Realm powerhouses didn't dare to get angry, they just greeted them with smiles.

They are all very old, and it is extremely difficult to break through the real martial arts in this life, so they can only be reduced to the guards of the outer gate.

In fact, joining Zhitianmen does not necessarily mean breaking through Zhenwu.

Generally speaking, the freshmen recruited every two years are only about [-] people who have the hope of breaking through the real martial arts in the future, and the others can only be reduced to supporting roles.

And once over 50 years old, there are only two fates for disciples who cannot break through to true martial arts.

One is to stay in Zhitianmen as a deacon or guard, and the other is to return directly to their respective forces.

"Now, follow me."

At this time, Elder Xie was walking in front, and a group of geniuses behind him followed Elder Xie into the Tianmen Gate excitedly and expectantly.

Zhitianmen is like a fairyland, with pavilions and palaces everywhere.

Along the way, I often see some old students looking at them with a superior look.

"There are quite a lot of new students this year. When I see them, I think of myself back then."

A man in a purple robe showed a strange smile on his face.

"You're trying to trick their celestial points. This year's freshmen have come from chaos, so it's not easy to deal with."

A short and fat man beside him sneered.

"No matter how powerful the new students are, can they be as powerful as our old students?"

The man in purple robe didn't take it seriously, the light in his eyes seemed to regard them as prey.

At this time, under the leadership of Elder Xie at the Heaven Martial Realm, they came to a large flat ground.

There are seven layers of black mountains ahead, each layer is taller than the last layer, and each layer is more majestic than the first layer.

"What are the seven mountains for?"

Du Fan was full of doubts.

"These mountains are not simple, each mountain is engraved with inscription patterns."

Lu Feng swept his eyes and understood in an instant.

Elder Xie at the side heard Lu Feng's voice, and his face showed surprise. He didn't expect a new student to initially see the mystery of Tianshan.

At this time, he cleared his throat, and his majestic eyes swept over the more than 200 new students.

"These seven major mountains are the Zhitian Mountains of Zhitianmen. The first mountain in front of you corresponds to the Tongmai state. Every time you pass a level, you can get different Zhitian points."

Elder Xie smiled and said, the quality of this year's freshmen is very good, and he is willing to answer questions.

"Excuse me, elder, what is the effect of this celestial point?"

A freshman asked weakly.

"The zenith point has a great effect"

After spending some time, Elder Xie briefly explained the function of the solstice point.

With the celestial point, you can exchange many treasures such as martial arts and techniques in the sect. In some specific training places, you can only practice with the celestial point.

It can be said that the zenith point is much more effective than the black stone in the sect, and it is also a means of motivating disciples to practice hard.

At this moment, the Tianshan assessment has already begun, and Elder Xie announced the list of the first batch of ten people who entered Tianshan.

There are ten levels in the first mountain, which means that you need to pass through ten levels to conquer the first mountain.

According to Elder Xie, the freshmen with higher rankings will get an extra reward.

After knowing the function of the celestial point, the light in the eyes of every new student is extremely hot.

Now, the first batch of ten people have entered the Tianshan Mountains along ten mountain roads.

The inside of Tianshan Mountain is hollowed out, and their breakthrough cannot be seen by others. They can only see their progress through the light from the hole.

The speed of the first five levels was extremely fast, and it took only half a stick of incense for ten people to reach the fifth level.

"Look, someone has broken into the sixth floor."

Someone noticed that there were three caverns on the sixth floor that shone with light.

Immediately after a few minutes, all ten people entered the sixth floor.


At this moment, a person walked out from Zhitian Mountain in a panic.

The expression on that person's face was full of unwillingness, and he said angrily: "I was negligent. It was not difficult to pass the sixth floor with my strength."

Not only him, but three more people stopped on the sixth floor and retreated.

From the performance of several people, some freshmen understand that the difficulty of the first five floors and the last five floors is a watershed.

The difficulty of the sixth level is probably ten times higher than that of the first five levels.

Originally they wanted to ask for some advice, but Elder Xie's cold snort interrupted them.

Half an hour later, the first batch of freshmen who entered the Tianmen Gate retreated one after another.

Among them, only one freshman with the seventh level of meridians broke through to the eighth level, three of them broke through to the seventh level, and the rest stopped at the sixth level.

With no time to breathe, the second batch of ten people entered the Tianshan Mountains.

"He's in the second batch."

Lu Feng saw the tiger-eyed man of the royal family, that is, the third prince, enter the Zhitian Pagoda.

Lu Feng was also slightly curious about breaking through. This should be a means for Zhitianmen to test their strength.

I saw the cave where the tiger-eyed man entered, the light lit up at a very fast speed, and in just a few dozen breaths, he had already rushed to the sixth floor, throwing the rest of the genius far away.

The tiger-eyed man on the sixth floor also only took half a stick of incense to break through to the seventh floor.

But his speed also slowed down.

Not long after, the light on the eighth floor lit up.

Soon after, the tiger-eyed man broke into the ninth floor.

After staying on the ninth floor for half an hour, they broke into the tenth floor.

"That's right, it's pretty good to be able to enter the tenth floor when you break into the Sky Tower for the first time."

A sly smile appeared on Elder Xie's face, knowing that the tenth floor was terrifying.

"It's so powerful that I was able to break through to the tenth floor, but I don't know if I can conquer the first mountain."

Everyone talked and looked forward to it.

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(End of this chapter)

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